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Are Indians genetically inferior?

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Oct 12, 2014
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Bangladesh now 14th in global Covid recovery
The country was 26th in last month’s recovery index


Beating other South Asian countries yet again, Bangladesh has moved twelve notches up, ranking 14th globally, in the latest Nikkei Covid-19 Recovery Index released on Friday.

Bangladesh was 26th in last month's recovery index.

At the end of each month, the index assesses Covid recovery of 121 countries based on infection management, vaccine rollouts, and social mobility, posting a score between 0 and 90.

Bangladesh scored 65.5, the highest among six South Asian countries assessed in the index.

India and Pakistan jointly secured second place in the region and 22nd globally, with a score of 62.5 since their Covid situation has been improving.

Meanwhile, with a score of 54, Nepal and Sri Lanka both came in third in the region, ranking 53rd globally. The region's worst performer, Afghanistan, slipped to 103.

In this indexing, "A higher ranking indicates that a country or region is closer to recovery with its low numbers of confirmed Covid-19 cases, better vaccination rates, and less stringent social distancing measures."

Bangladesh has been experiencing a daily positivity rate below 5% since 21 September and the rate has been below 2% since 16 October.

Even in the first half of August, the daily death tally was above 200 for 20 days in a row, but in stark contrast, the country reported only three deaths and 196 new cases this Friday.

However, Bangladesh also has the lowest vaccination rate in South Asia except for Afghanistan, with just 18.05% of its population fully inoculated till Thursday, according to Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) data.

With the highest score of 74, the United Arab Emirates topped the recovery index, followed by Malta, Chile, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.

Laos ranked last with a score of just 24, followed by Haiti, Latvia, Barbados, and Venezuela.

This index came after Bloomberg's Covid Resilience Ranking report released on 27 October, in which too, Bangladesh advanced four rungs to rank 35th among the world's 53 most populous countries, as the country's resilience to the deadly virus has strengthened further.


India's COVID vaccination rate is 24.5% (fully vaccinated) while that of Bangladesh is only 18.3%, yet Bangladesh ranks much higher than India on COVID recovery index.

India even, with a much higher per capita healthcare spending, has a much shorter life expectancy than Bangladesh. The only explanation to the puzzle is India's inferior genetic make-up. This of course depends on their castes but upper caste Indians are a small minority so must be considered as outliers.
Let me be the first to say "Phake Newj!!" :p:

How can you say this about Sanghee Land....
Let me be the first to say "Phake Newj!!" :p:

How can you say this about Sanghee Land....

I wonder if they now start questioning Nikkei as well.

Solution depends on first realizing the problem. Indians must divert funds to some serious genetic research instead of wishful military spending. Another option is importing sperms from genetically superior countries.
Please fix the title, it stinks. How a particular group responds to a particular virus does not establish genetic superiority or inferiority.

The comment is not based only on India's response to the virus.
good one. I chuckled.

Feel free to give any worthy explanation that I might have missed.

India's deaths due to environmental hazards is also disproportionally higher than Bangladesh despite the latter's vulnerability to climate change.
Feel free to give any worthy explanation that I might have missed.
good healthcare policies of the Awami League? I haven't looked into this, but genetic determinism is quite ridiculous. you know Bengalis are Indians too right? but leave that, don't make a mockery of this forum.
good healthcare policies of the Awami League? I haven't looked into this, but genetic determinism is quite ridiculous. you know Bengalis are Indians too right? but leave that, don't make a mockery of this forum.

How can you execute good healthcare policies with lesser spending?

There are Bengalis in India as well but there are certain differences in the geography which is also determinant of the genes.

Most of Bangladesh is made up of alluvial soil through the siltation carried by Ganges and Brahmaputra in the last 100,000 years or so. Which means most of Bangladesh is not part of the "original" India plate that split from the ancient Gondwana supercontinent, thus creating major differences in the soils of Bangladesh and the rest of the subcontinent. Difference in the soils means difference in the minerals contained by them which is consumed by the agricultural productions in these lands.
How can you execute good healthcare policies with lesser spending?
you can look into China's barefoot doctors campaign, that was a great success. there are many ways.
Difference in the soils means difference in the minerals contained by them which is consumed by the agricultural productions in these lands.
so that would be a diet difference, not a genetic difference.
There are Bengalis in India as well but there are certain differences in the geography which is also determinant of the genes.
sure. but the division of Bengal was on religious basis, not on geographical or ethnic basis.
you can look into China's barefoot doctors campaign, that was a great success. there are many ways.

China's success through socialist policies cannot be compared with Bangladesh IMO. The process of policy implementations is totally different.
so that would be a diet difference, not a genetic difference.

Both are correlated. Differences in minerals consumed could influence your intelligence which increases your chances of proper selection of partners to produce better off-springs.
China's success through socialist policies cannot be compared with Bangladesh IMO. The process of policy implementations is totally different.
why not? Bangladesh does have a lot of socialist influence. the family planning measures, women's education, and so on. they've done a lot of good work.
Both are correlated. Differences in minerals consumed could influence your intelligence which increases your chances of proper selection of partners to produce better off-springs.
that's.... bit of a stretch. but irrelevant. Pakistan has lower life expectancy than both Bangladesh, despite having just slightly higher per capita expenditure. I doubt that has anything to do with genetics. the difference between life expectancy in Indian and Pakistani Punjab is also stark.
Next bollywood movie an Indian super hero will pull out Corona virus from every single Indian and eat it, getting rid of this menace once and for all from Mother India.
is that a trick question? :what:
why not? Bangladesh does have a lot of socialist influence. the family planning measures, women's education, and so on. they've done a lot of good work.

that's.... bit of a stretch. but irrelevant. Pakistan has lower life expectancy than both Bangladesh, despite having just slightly higher per capita expenditure. I doubt that has anything to do with genetics. the difference between life expectancy in Indian and Pakistani Punjab is also stark.

Dada, I understand you are from Tripura, right?

There is little if any genetic difference between you and us, some would say, the genes are the same.

Don't make the mistake of lumping yourself together with Cow belt Indians or West Bengal Dadas. Those folks' genes and yours are NOT the same. even if you are co-religionists.

Night and day difference.

In Mughal times India was the world's strongest economy for one reason, Bengal Subah with Dhaka as its industrial capital. Agriculturally and industrially - East Bengal (not Kolkata/Sutanuti or West Bengal which was nowhere) kept India at the top of the globe. Kolkata rose up with Hindu WB Baboo's grabbing power only when the British dismantled the economy of Bengal Subah based in Dhaka and later, Murshidabad (where the formal administration was).

"Moghul India may have had 25 percent of the world's GDP, prior to British colonisation, however over 50 percent of this was based on the State of Bengal (the wealthiest and most industrial state of Moghul India), with Dhaka as the economic centre. Therefore, the argument can be made that modern India only had a relatively small portion of world GDP, and Bangladesh approximately 12 percent of world GDP in the 1700s".

I have been to Kolkata many times and the attitude and mentalities between most lazy over-educated Indian Hindu baboos and Bangladeshi bhadraloks with can-do spirit (whether Hindu or Muslim) have stark differences (Ghotis and Bangals some would say). differences between Bangladeshis and UP and Bihar Hindus even more so. This is owed to the fact that Bangladesh (meaning East Bengal or Bengal Subah) always had strong traditions of hard work, innovation and a tradition of fighting with nature in terms of agricultural struggles owing to flooding and disasters. I have seen this myself since my own personal background is in the bhati (Southern) areas of Bangladesh where natural calamities are routine and people take those as matter-of-fact events.

A majority of Hindu Bangals (roots in East Bengal) used to be and still comprise the majority of intelligentsia in Kolkata. Amartya Sen (Roots in Dhaka's Bikrampur) is one of the primary examples. There are many more. Bikrampur was once the famed seat of Pal and Sen kingdoms. A few centuries later, Bengal Subah was established with Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah with the capital at Sonargaon, not far from Dhaka.

Religion has little to do with this, ethnic/genetic differences in mental positivity and educational attitudes are major indicators.
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