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Are Indians genetically inferior?

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I can't believe you're going to tell me that a Pole, Greek and Irish person are exactly the same just so you can pretend that the genetic differences in South Asia are negligible.
I mean.... I wouldn't be the first if I did tell you that. pan-European race realists will tell you that. culturally, there's a lot of difference. but in America everyone is a "white", and you can differentiate a German descendant from a Polish one. that's just how it works. all Indians are Indians in USA, no one cares. you could appreciate all this if you didn't spend all your time looking over haplotypes. listen to cool songs and appreciate cultures :)
So why are certain races of people like indians so phenomenally more ugly than the other races? A lot if indians are even more ugly than the most ugliest chimpanzee or gorilla.
They may be ugly to you but I don't think they are ugly to each other. That kind of beauty is not objective beauty. It is subjective beauty that is cultural. Why do white people like tan skin, blonde hair and blue eyes? because its rare in their land.
They may be ugly to you but I don't think they are ugly to each other. That kind of beauty is not objective beauty. It is subjective beauty that is cultural. Why do white people like tan skin, blonde hair and blue eyes? because its rare in their land.

indians are the MOST UGLIEST creatures in earth EVERYHERE. Inside and outside of india. If a gorilla or a chimpanzee does not find another gorilla or chimpanzee ugly, doesn't mean they are good looking.
but in America everyone is a "white", and you can differentiate a German descendant from a Polish one.

Yes you can, you have no idea what you're talking about. There are a lot of ethnic White neighborhoods in the US. Hell, we have them in Canada and you can tell if someone is Anglo or Italian or Portuguese. I'm feeling embarrassed for you, becoming a pan-White European race realist just so you can argue brown man 1 is literally the same as brown man 2. Apparently we're the ignorant racists for embracing diversity and scientific fact.
I guess you just gave them right to jump over the fence. Indians just being in India. Right?

Actually there are far more Sanghi remitters working in Bangladesh. No more please! We have enough Sanghi illegals as it is. Mafee mangta hoon !!


These Sanghi illegals working in Bangladesh transfer at least US$10-15 Billion every year back to Sanghi-Land via Hundi.

Bangladesh is around 3rd or 4th largest remittance source for India. As this is unofficial - it never shows up on any statistics documents.

We are tired of running broke Sanghi economy for Sanghis.
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agree with this part 150%!!

I see discussions on YT and Instagram all the time among supposedly "educated" IT coolies and Bhartiya Hindu Sanghi "intellectuals" that they have to plans to reduce Muslims population by force (forced sterilization, vasectomy etc.) so Muslims don't one day become problems for Hindus in India. This is already evident in plenty of RSS literature.

We can't be naïve and hide our heads in the sand forever.
Apparently we're the ignorant racists for embracing diversity and scientific fact.
there's nothing scientific about arbitrary cultural division of contiguous populations. now again, people don't care. this is anyway irrelevant to the point of the thread, which was the ridiculous assertion of genetic basis of life expectancy in subcontinental population. even a divisionary race realist like you probably recognize the stupidity of that.
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