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Are Indians genetically inferior?

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Have the shonors been mating with Hans? thread title seems straight out of typical Han IQ output

With the largest slum population, it certainly is
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Also given the above conidtions average Chinese is more than 10 times likely to leave hanland than an average Indian
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Not only Indian genetically inferior they are also pathetic liars with no shame. China GDP per capita is 6x India and China has no slums you don't even have a source for your lies lol keep repeating the same crap and we will keep reminding you that you are a laughing stock in olympic games, you have tiny IQ levels, smallest weenor in the world and massive slave mentality towards whites. Also biggest liars as shown by this trolls post.

Analysis of the Reasons for the Absence of Slums in China and the Phenomenon of Quasi Slums—Based on the Comparison with India

You obviously are not aware of the obsessive hate that indians have for Pakistanis and Muslims in general. It is about time we did the same. We need to start dehumanising and exposing them for what they really are. Anything else, us seen as a sign of weakness by the indian race.
This hatred based on a theory will have a very dark imprint on your psyche. Calm down and enjoy life, Indians will continue to live on as a population.
Hindu Indians are weaker than Muslims as they do not eat meat.
For the Sanghi f*ckers here on this forum crying "ENDEYAN TAA-LENT" here are some natija (evidence) of how Sanghis take advantage of cheatery and fraud to get through life (like in other spheres of their life i.e. business).

This is actual way in how Ph.D.s and Graduates are pumped out in India.

Every time a large exam happens, they have to shut down the "ENTERR-NAT" because cheat-notes are passed on via SMS and cheat note armies are coordinated and deployed in the field like NATO troop movements.

One Indian guy decried this as "The national shame destroying a country’s scientific future".

You can only do so much with fast talking, cheatery and dhokeybaaji. At some point the jig is up.

95% of Sanghi IT coolies were minted this way. This explains in copious manner why India is a mismanaged effed up $hithole it is (only a source of low grade backoffice services), and will continue to be that way.


And for the idiot who mentioned IIT's, they are cheating in exams too (Online exams during covid are a free-for-all).

Here is how desperate these people are to pass on cheat notes to exam halls. Sanghis claiming "TAA-LENT" is a friggin' joke.


Copying cheat-notes passed on via window

Here's a quote,

"But they say the government alone cannot stop cheating without help from students and parents.

"What can the government do to stop cheating if parents and relatives are not ready to cooperate? Should the government give orders to shoot them?"

The Times of India quoted Education Minister PK Shahi as saying."

Maybe they should, but bullets also cost money. That is a definite consideration in Kanjoosi Sanghi-land.

:lol: :rofl:
So will chimpanzees and gorillas.

Not to mention lice and pond scum.....
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so that would be a diet difference, not a genetic difference.

The genetic diversity in South Asia is much greater than that in Europe. Even ignoring diet (which is very important - don't think growing up stuffing yourself with spicy veggies and neglecting protein will do good for your pathetic scrawny black bodies), there is a lot of genetic difference.
There are basically 2 types of Endians :
Bollywood lifestyles,
General average population,

Now majority of Universities in U. S., Americans think of them as super inferior due to x, y, z characteristics,
Majority to most Arabs think of them as disgusting with the word "Hindi" as derogatory insult if spoken out loud,
The majority of Europeans think of them below average in dating to anything,
And most importantly Pakistani think of them as inferior if you take Any Indian and compare 1 on 1 in attributes of darker skin, smelly genes, weak body structure and so forth.

And I think of them as inferior.
No human is genetically inferior to another. But some cultures have values that give success and others have values that give failure. Also, the recovery rate could be do to the fact that India has a more remote and large rural population.
Yes Islam teaches us this 100% correct
I guess you just gave them right to jump over the fence. Indians just being in India. Right?
I never minded anyone jumping fences. I would too if I had the opportunity. research shows it's good for the economy. but that's different from genetics. Indians in India, and India being bigger than the Republic.
genetic diversity in South Asia is much greater than that in Europe
that doesn't say a lot. Hitler was the last big racist that maintained any appreciable genetic difference between Europeans. usually it's one European Race vs the the Rest. India could have greater diversity than Africa, the people wouldn't care. not outsiders, not insiders. imageboarders can keep poring over irrelevant wordpress articles over oh how very different everyone is.
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Not even 1% as racist as indians are towards Pakistanis and Muslims. For decades the indians have been dehumanising us. Now it is our turn to do the same to the world's most hideously ugly and physically repulsive race.
agree with this part 150%!!
usually it's one European Race vs the the Rest

No it's not. I can't believe you're going to tell me that a Pole, Greek and Irish person are exactly the same just so you can pretend that the genetic differences in South Asia are negligible. Someone was talking about insecurity, this is what it actually looks like.
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