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Are Indians genetically inferior?

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Singapore is part of the lowest rank despite very high vaccination rate
This list does not show that Indians are genetically inferior. But whoever created this list is an idiot that doesn’t make any sense.

Indians like to crap in the open and has a culture that is disrespectful toward women and even endangering women. And they brag too much while being lazy. And any worthwhile Indian had left India. It’s a sh*thole. But this list did prove anything.
No human is genetically inferior to another. But some cultures have values that give success and others have values that give failure. Also, the recovery rate could be do to the fact that India has a more remote and large rural population.
Sir, it doesn't prove genetically inferior because so many other variables are not taken into account. Poverty, population density, lifestyle, access to healthcare, diet and so many other variable dictate the response to contagious diseases.
This list does not show that Indians are genetically inferior. But whoever created this list is an idiot that doesn’t make any sense.

Indians like to crap in the open and has a culture that is disrespectful toward women and even endangering women. And they brag too much while being lazy. And any worthwhile Indian had left India. It’s a sh*thole. But this list did prove anything.
You have summed up it quite accurately. Indians are loud mouth, lazy, stinking, obnoxious streetsh1tters. It is one big Sh1thole PERIOD!
Indian weak muscle mass and small weeners. Also the worst performing olympic country in history because poor physical attributes despite massive population. So the answer is YES!
Indian weak muscle mass and small weeners. Also the worst performing olympic country in history because poor physical attributes despite massive population. So the answer is YES!

I found your comment about weiners hilarious. :lol:

To be fair to Indians, the amount of protein in their diet is rather low, and that too mainly coming from low quality vegetable protein (mainly Daal or lentils).

Lack of exercise and over-emphasis on studies as opposed to extra-curricular sports is also a factor why Indians have weak muscle mass (skinny arms and chicken legs). But obviously this is not universally true across India.

Their education system for higher caste folks encourages and rewards rote memorization and theoretical knowledge. Nerds are kings in India, not jocks.
No human is genetically inferior to another. But some cultures have values that give success and others have values that give failure. Also, the recovery rate could be do to the fact that India has a more remote and large rural population.

So why are certain races of people like indians so phenomenally more ugly than the other races? A lot if indians are even more ugly than the most ugliest chimpanzee or gorilla.
No they are not. This kind of thinking is a slippery slope from trolling to outright hate.
No they are not. This kind of thinking is a slippery slope from trolling to outright hate.

You obviously are not aware of the obsessive hate that indians have for Pakistanis and Muslims in general. It is about time we did the same. We need to start dehumanising and exposing them for what they really are. Anything else, us seen as a sign of weakness by the indian race.
Their education system for higher caste folks encourages and rewards rote memorization and theoretical knowledge. Nerds are kings in India, not jocks.
A Bangladeshi should not comment about our education system especially when a single institute of India produces more scientific output that your whole Country.
Bangladesh now 14th in global Covid recovery
The country was 26th in last month’s recovery index


Beating other South Asian countries yet again, Bangladesh has moved twelve notches up, ranking 14th globally, in the latest Nikkei Covid-19 Recovery Index released on Friday.

Bangladesh was 26th in last month's recovery index.

At the end of each month, the index assesses Covid recovery of 121 countries based on infection management, vaccine rollouts, and social mobility, posting a score between 0 and 90.

Bangladesh scored 65.5, the highest among six South Asian countries assessed in the index.

India and Pakistan jointly secured second place in the region and 22nd globally, with a score of 62.5 since their Covid situation has been improving.

Meanwhile, with a score of 54, Nepal and Sri Lanka both came in third in the region, ranking 53rd globally. The region's worst performer, Afghanistan, slipped to 103.

In this indexing, "A higher ranking indicates that a country or region is closer to recovery with its low numbers of confirmed Covid-19 cases, better vaccination rates, and less stringent social distancing measures."

Bangladesh has been experiencing a daily positivity rate below 5% since 21 September and the rate has been below 2% since 16 October.

Even in the first half of August, the daily death tally was above 200 for 20 days in a row, but in stark contrast, the country reported only three deaths and 196 new cases this Friday.

However, Bangladesh also has the lowest vaccination rate in South Asia except for Afghanistan, with just 18.05% of its population fully inoculated till Thursday, according to Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) data.

With the highest score of 74, the United Arab Emirates topped the recovery index, followed by Malta, Chile, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.

Laos ranked last with a score of just 24, followed by Haiti, Latvia, Barbados, and Venezuela.

This index came after Bloomberg's Covid Resilience Ranking report released on 27 October, in which too, Bangladesh advanced four rungs to rank 35th among the world's 53 most populous countries, as the country's resilience to the deadly virus has strengthened further.


India's COVID vaccination rate is 24.5% (fully vaccinated) while that of Bangladesh is only 18.3%, yet Bangladesh ranks much higher than India on COVID recovery index.

India even, with a much higher per capita healthcare spending, has a much shorter life expectancy than Bangladesh. The only explanation to the puzzle is India's inferior genetic make-up. This of course depends on their castes but upper caste Indians are a small minority so must be considered as outliers.
Yes they are mentally weaker and insecure people lol
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