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Are Indians and Iranians belong to the same race?

But there are blue eyed blondes in Pakistan - The Army of Alexander which settled in the current lands of Pakistan.

The Kalash People: The Lost Blonde Hair and Blue Eye Tribe of Alexander the Great in Pakistan
by Moe | Oct 15, 2015 | History of the Brotherhood | 3 Comments

In the back country of Pakistan you will find a unique ancient tribe of people who reside in the Chitral District of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. What makes them unique to most Pakistanis is the fact that many people in the tribe have blonde hair and blue eyes. Let me also add that they claim to descend from Greece in the time of Alexander the Great.

It is no secret that Alexander the Great had conquered these lands over 2,000 year ago and had occupied the mountains of northern Pakistan in which he would sow the seeds of a tribe that lives on to this very day. Many experts, scientists and authors agree that the Kalash Tribes shows all the signs, rites, history and possibly the DNA of the ancient Greeks.

For example, in 2014, the New York Times reported that "The Kalash people of Pakistan were found to have chunks of DNA from an ancient European population. Statistical analysis suggests a mixing event before 210 B.C., possibly from the army of Alexander the Great." Here is a DNA map from the NY Times article showing the possible influx of DNA into the Pakistani region.

A recent study prepared by Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University English Language Department assistant professor Elisavet Mela-Athanasopoulou shows the common elements shared by the language of the Kalash ethnic group in the Himalayas and Ancient Greek. The study proved common elements shared by Kalash language and Ancient Greek.

Who are the Kalash?

The Kalasha (Kalasha: Kaĺaśa, Nuristani: Kasivo) or Kalash, are a Dardic indigenous people residing in the Chitral District of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. They speak the Kalasha language, from the Dardic family of the Indo-Iranian branch, and are considered a unique tribe among the Indo-Iranian peoples of Pakistan.

There are an estimated 3,000 Kalasha left in this beautiful tribe, and they have maintained their ancient culture and tribal rites for well over 2,000 years. Part of these rites include the making of distilled spirits and smoking marijuana. Rites that would be a death sentence in the religion of Islam. These rites are protected by a fierce tribal leader who enforces strict policies and keeps a watchful eye over his tribe. For example, a leader of the Kalash, Saifulla Jan, has recently stated, "If any Kalash converts to Islam, they cannot live among us anymore. We keep our identity strong."

A Kalashi tribal man, Kazi Khushnawaz was recently quoted saying;

"Long, long ago, before the days of Islam, Sikander e Aazem came to India. The Two Horned one whom you British people call Alexander the Great. He conquered the world, and was a very great man, brave and dauntless and generous to his followers. When he left to go back to Greece, some of his men did not wish to go back with him but preferred to stay here. Their leader was a general called Shalakash (i.e.: Seleucus). With some of his officers and men, he came to these valleys and they settled here and took local women, and here they stayed.

We, the Kalash, the Black Kafir of the Hindu Kush, are the descendants of their children. Still some of our words are the same as theirs, our music and our dances, too; we worship the same gods. This is why we believe the Greeks are our first ancestors."

The Kalash Tribe Connection With the Religion of the Ancient Jews (Phoenicians/HebrewsGreeks)

The tribe dresses in what can be called traditional old orthodox Jewish-style. Kalasha women usually wear long black robes,

often embroidered with cowrieshells. The children wear their hair in orthodox Jewish-style ringlets and sport bright coloured topi hats. The women sometimes have tattooed faces, wear long black robes with colored embroidery.

The Kalash have no telephone, cars or modern amenities. They make their own bread, clothing, and live from agriculture. They celebrate a week-long Chamos festival with lots of singing, dancing, ritual, feasting and even the sacrifice of a goat.

During this time, the God Balomain (Baal) passes through the valley collecting prayers. Giant bonfire are lit on hills and torches carried by tribal members in honor of this God. They then dance in circles as they sing and chant around the fire just like can be found with the lost tribes of the American Phoenician Hebrew Indians and with the Irish Phoenician Hebrew in Ireland.

The Guardian reported in 2005that they were a lost tribe who struggles for survival. Here is a quote from the article;

"Turquoise streams rush through leafy glades of giant walnut trees and swaying crops. Clusters of simple houses cling to steep forested slopes. Compared with many compatriots beyond their valleys, the Kalasha are charmingly liberal: drinking wine, holding dancing festivals and worshipping a variety of gods. Women wear intricately beaded headdresses, not burkas, and may choose their husband."

"For me, the Kalasha are heroes, because they have reached the 21st century still living like their fathers," said Athanasius Lerounis, a 50-year-old schoolteacher from Athens supervising construction of the centre, which is due to open next month. "We want to help them preserve that."

In my many other articles on the Lost Tribes such as the Lost Tribe of Judah Found: The Scattered Children of Bab-El, Lost Tribe of Judah Found: The Bedas, and The American Indians and Phoenician Hebrews: 10 Commandments Found in Arizona I detail that many of these same traits such as the dress, food customs, religious rites and tattoos that is common in almost every single tribe that I have researched.

These tribes can be found all over the world from Egypt to India and all the way to Ireland and England in places such as Kent that was once known as the Old Kingdom of Jute which was originally Juteland or the land of the Jutes. Jutland, is regarded as Judah’s land. An adjective for Jute is “Jutish,” pronounced jootish. Kent is an early medieval kingdom said to be founded in the 5th century, in what is now South East England. Julius Caesar invaded the area in 55 and 54 BC, and he referred to the kings here as kings of Cantium.

How did the Kalash maintain their tribal rites and religious customs for over 2,000 years?

Even though the Kalash have kept their culture and maintained their tribal rites, many tribal members have been forcibly converted to Islam by the sword under penalty of death. The remaining tribal members are only the result of being isolated in the Pakistan mountains where they could escape and hide from Islamic crusaders. Professor of Islamic studies, U. Mass Dartmouth; and author, Brian Glyn Williams had recently written and article in the Huffington Post titled, The Lost Children of Alexander the Great: A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan. In it he writes;

"High in the snow-capped Hindu Kush on the Afghan-Pakistani border lived an ancient people who claimed to be the direct descendants of Alexander the Great's troops. While the neighboring Pakistanis were dark-skinned Muslims, this isolated mountain people had light skin and blue eyes. Although the Pakistanis proper converted to Islam over the centuries, the Kalash people retained their pagan traditions and worshiped their ancient gods in outdoor temples. Most importantly, they produced wine much like the Greeks of antiquity did. This in a Muslim country that forbade alcohol.

Tragically, in the 19th century the Kalash were brutally conquered by the Muslim Afghans. Their ancient temples and wooden idols were destroyed, their women were forced to burn their beautiful folk costumes and wear the burqa or veil, and the entire people were converted at swordpoint to Islam. Only a small pocket of this vanishing pagan race survived in three isolated valleys in the mountains of what would later become Pakistan."

A 2009 article in the Telegraph explains how this tribe was also recently the targets of the conservative Islamic militant group known as the Taliban. The Telegraph had written:

"The group, believed to be descendants of Alexander the Great's invading army, were shielded from conservative Islam by the steep slopes of their remote valleys.

While Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians were slowly driven out of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province by Muslim militants, the Kalash were free to drink their own distilled spirits and smoke cannabis.

But the militant maulanas of the Taliban have finally caught up with them and declared war on their culture and heritage by kidnapping their most devoted supporter.

Taliban commanders have taken Professor Athanasion Larounis, a Greek aid worker who has generated £2.5 million in donations to build schools, clinics, clean water projects and a museum.

They are now demanding £1.25 million and the release of three militant leaders in exchange for his safe return.

According to local police, it was Professor Larounis's dedication to preserving Kalasha culture that Taliban commanders in Nuristan, on the Afghan side of the border that made him a target.

Confirmation of the Taliban's role in his kidnapping came as their leader Mullah Omar urged American and Nato leaders to learn from the history of Alexander the Great's invasion of Afghanistan and his defeat by Pushtun tribesmen in the 4BC."

More research and videos of the Kalash

Kalasha: Happiest people in Pakistan? | CNN Travel - CNN

Mar 28, 2011 - The Kalasha are an animist tribe living near the Pakistan-Afghan border. Said to be descended from Alexander the Great's armies, they have been given government protection. Gul Sayed, 25, sports a grin a mile wide as she hugs me, a lone foreigner in her home.
Kalash Religion -
Harvard University
by M Witzel
Kalash Religion. (Extract from: The Ṛgvedic Religious System and its Central Asian and. Hindukush Antecedents. A. Griffiths & J.E.M. Houben (eds.). The Vedas:.

Pakistan's polytheistic Kalash tribe threatened with death by Taliban
The Guardian
Feb 13, 2014 - Video released by Taliban calls on Sunnis to join fight against Kalashpeople and moderate Ismaili Muslims in Chitral valley.

Kalash People (PTV Documentary 1976) from Rai M Azlan Shahid on Vimeo.


I full agree. Again I was not comparing with other races. I was only identifying other people of the same race and how history made them travel through time into different lands.

Agree. Indians for most part are dark skinned.

Do you know the significance of Cow or Gao in Avestan?


Old Iranian Online
Lesson 1: Old Avestan
Scott L. Harvey, Winfred P. Lehmann, and Jonathan Slocum
The Gathas of Zarathustra are the earliest extant collection of an Old Iranian language. In form and stylistic technique, they are not unlike the larger collections of hymns preserved in the Indian Rigveda, since their author was a sacrificial priest reared in the same traditional methods of Indo-Iranian liturgical composition. Much of their grammar and vocabulary, however, is unique, and their strikingly different mythology gives a great deal more weight to theodicy and moral code than anything in any Indian work contemporary to the period. These differences often render comparison with the Indian texts well-nigh impossible; interpretation is often difficult, given the total absence of other contemporary works in Old Iranian dialects. Fortunately, Zarathustra's composition and ideology are rigorously unified and consistent and can at least be understood, albeit to a limited extent, within the framework of the hymns themselves.

Reading and Textual Analysis
Yasna 29, the Cow's Lament, is one of the most widely discussed Gathas in Zarathustra's opus. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most difficult to comprehend, since the hymn is unique among the Gathas for its dialogic form. Who is the cow? What is her purpose? Which other characters are speaking or described? Though the Rigveda preserves a number of hymns of this type, scholars have yet to determine their rules of composition with satisfactory precision. Thus, answers to these questions must be tentative at best. Yet as with Zarathustra's other compositions, the hymn shares themes and formulae with other Gathas and one can utilize these and the context of the hymn itself to formulate an interpretation.

The cow represents humanity at large, the Wise Lord's great flock of men. Her plight is their plight and the provider she seeks is the virtuous man who can lead them to prosperity. Zarathustra opens the hymn with the cow plaintively asking her Fashioner why He created for her such a sorrowful existence and imploring him to wrest her from its estate. In verse two, the Fashioner asks Truth to respond to the cow. Verse three is not easily attributed, though one may presume it is Truth's reply. Zarathustra makes the verse serve double duty, both as a warning against questioning the intentions of the gods and implying that Truth has sent him -- the poet -- as the 'savior' who is sought by the cow: "he to whom I shall go ... will be the strongest of beings." This introduces a major theme of the hymn. Verses four and five then read as the first direct address to Ahura Mazda, his Wise Lord. The remaining verses will be covered in Lesson 2.

Lesson Text
1 - xšmaibyā gə̄uš urvā gərəždā kahmāi mā θwarōždūm kə̄ mā tašaṯ
ā mā aēšəmō hazas-cā rəmō āhišāyā dərəš-cā təviš-cā
nōiṯ mōi vāstā xšmaṯ anyō aθā mōi sąstā vohū vāstryā

2 - adā tašā gə̄uš pərəsaṯ ašəm kaθā tōi gavōi ratuš
hyaṯ hīm dātā xšayantō hadā vāstrā gaodāyō θwaxšō
kə̄m hōi uštā ahurəm yə̄ drəgvōdəbīš aēšəməm vādāyōiṯ

3 - ahmāi ašā nōiṯ sarəjā advaēšō gavōi paitī-mravaṯ
avaēšąm nōiṯ vīduyē yā šavaitē ādrə̄ng ərəšvåŋhō
hātąm hvō aojištō yahmāi zavə̄ng jimā kərədušā

4 - mazdå saxvārə̄ mairištō yā zī vāvərəzōi pairī-ciθīṯ
daēvāiš-cā mašyāiš-cā yā-cā varəšaitē aipī-ciθīṯ
hvō vīcirō ahurō aθā nə̄ aŋhaṯ yaθā hvō vasaṯ

5 - aṯ vā ustānāiš ahvā zastāiš frīnəmnā ahurāi ā
mə̄ urvā gə̄uš-cā azyå hyaṯ mazdąm dvaidī frasåbyō
nōiṯ ərəžəjyōi frajyāitiš nōiṯ fšuyentē drəgvasū pairī
1 The cow's soul lamented to you, [the gods]: "For whom did you create me?
Who fashioned me?
Cruelty, oppression, bloodlust, rage, and violence have fettered me,
[And] there is no herdsman for me other than you.
Therefore, you must all show me [the way to] good pastures."

2 Then the cow's Fashioner asked Truth: "What [was] your allotment for the cow
when, ruling [the earth], you all gave her cow-tending nourishment
together with pasturage?
Whom do all of you desire as the Lord who would destroy the cruelty [wielded] by the
Possessor of the Lie?"

3 [The one who is] not a slayer of the alliance with Truth
[and is] free from hatred for the cow would reply to him:
"[One] is not to know of those [things] by which He drives the lowly to lofty [heights].
[But] he to whom I shall go, on account of [his] having sent out requests [for aid?],
[will be] the strongest of beings.

4 [Zarathustra:] "The Wise One [is he] remembering best the pacts
that, indeed, he has made with daevas and men sometime before [now]
And [those also] that he will make sometime later.
He is the discerning Lord; it will be for us just as he would wish."

5 [Zarathustra: And] so, then, do we two -- my soul and the fertile cow's --
devote ourselves with zeal, with hands stretched out to the Lord,
So [that] we may dispose the Wise One to [answer our] inquiries.
Is there no prospect for the cattle-breeder living justly among the Possessors of the Lie?"

Good point. But the above that doesn't make or prove that Iranians and indians are the same race. They don't even look the same. Perhaps 0.00000001% of indians may do. But the VAST VAST majority clearly don't.
You'd think in 2018 we'd be launching rockets to other solar systems but here we are on PDF thumping our chests and screaming WE WUZ ARYANS AND SHIET.
Everyday we inch closer to hopelessness.
. .
Why do you Indians do this?....why?
use some common sense and save all people here from unintentionally making fun of different colored people..im sure if a black man accidentally crosses this pdf thread he will never come back to the site...please take this as a humble request, put all such questions of yours on quora.
Why do you Indians do this?....why?
use some common sense and save all people here from unintentionally making fun of different colored people..im sure if a black man accidentally crosses this pdf thread he will never come back to the site...please take this as a humble request, put all such questions of yours on quora.

I was only responding. please check the OP.
Don't know about India, but i am sure that Pakistanis are a bit different from Indians and more similar to Iranians in case of race, i mean, Paks are more white and more beautiful folks like Iranians. ;)

My God, Such a cheap racist comment. Kindly look are the top scientists of India and decide whether being beautiful can not get you anything other than another beautiful WHITE Gay to sleep with.

Such a waste thread, Indians are definitely not same race as Iranians, We have a mix of race and culture!
My God, Such a cheap racist comment. Kindly look are the top scientists of India and decide whether being beautiful can not get you anything other than another beautiful WHITE Gay to sleep with.

Such a waste thread, Indians are definitely not same race as Iranians, We have a mix of race and culture!
Did i say Indians are ugly?

Maybe, me as an Azeri, am in favor of more white folks but it doesn't necessarily means that non-white or lesser white folks were/are ugly.
Did i say Indians are ugly?

Maybe, me as an Azeri, am in favor of more white folks but it doesn't necessarily means that non-white or lesser white folks were/are ugly.

First Sir, please know that no human can be white . If you think you are white go and learn about melanin in our body. One being beautiful or ugly to some one's eyes does not make any difference.
Don't know about India, but i am sure that Pakistanis are a bit different from Indians and more similar to Iranians in case of race, i mean, Paks are more white and more beautiful folks like Iranians. ;)

Indians are always eager to call Pakistanis from their own race. But anyone who have seen both Indians and Pakistanis can easily make the difference. Indians are darker with skin, mostly belonging from Southern races of Asia. While Pakistanis are moderate in Color with fair complexion, in fact there are many Persian casts present in Pakistan. Our culture is all relevant to Persia, almost half of the Urdu language has Persian vocabulary. All of the Pakistani National Anthem is Persian. It's funny when Indians relate themselves with Persia.
. . .
Superiority complexes and inferiority complexes are equally dangerous.
Wonder who has inferiority complexes? The thread is very disturbing, I believe in science and science has proven that there is no "Master" race. :)
This is what happens when you smell too much cow dung!!!

. .
Don't know about India, but i am sure that Pakistanis are a bit different from Indians and more similar to Iranians in case of race, i mean, Paks are more white and more beautiful folks like Iranians. ;)
Probably because over half the population is “Iranic”...

Other half os indo european..

And than we have tibetan/daric people in north..

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