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Are Hindus dangerous?

U do realize thats mythology dude.

Depends on one's perspective. Given the accurate description of Indian land mass and the kingdoms in that tale, I would not consider it mythology. If it is considered mythology, then why hold Ram as an attempted murder? The fire burning was also a part of the myth no?
Typical gutless hindus justifying the slaughter of women and children

where were you mard-e-hinds when Tamerlane slaughterd hindus by the hundreds of thousands, when akbar conquered most of india and aurengzeb destroyed temple after temple

but take an unarmed minority with women and children and watch the hindus jump to action

Pathetic, gutless jahile people

This is why we must pay no heed to the dwindling pagan populations of Pakistan, bangla or Kashmir, bring them to the path of salvation and islam and try to burn the gutless hindu culture out of them

So now you have gone desperate and bringing in the incidents happened centuries ago.Bravo fucktard dog!!Bravo!!

Ok,we were massacred by the barbarian hordes but atleast we didn't convert to save our arses.We were far more resilient than your ancestors who were also Hindus by the way....no,actually they were disgrace in the name of Hindus.Those bastards got fucked and massacred by the turks,afghans and what not and yet they did what they do best!!They simply concerted to muslim!!And now their bastard sons and their offsprings take pride in trying to prove Arabian or Afghan or Turkick ancestry.You shameless people even name your repainted Chinese and NK missiles after those very same Barbarins who invaded your land and raped your ancestors!!And here you show the audacity to lecture a Bengali about the barbarians you dog!!
We Hindus,living east river Beas have always resisted the foreigners no matter how much weak we have been.What have your ancestors from the west of Beas done??First they became the arse lickers of the invading Macedonians and betrayed the others.But the Easterners tried to resist them till there was no one left to fight.At first,it was the fabled 7000 Hindu mercs from Indian hinterland who tried to stop the Macedonians but due to a sad twist of fate,they were finally cut down to the last man yet they didn't surrender,what did your ancestors do??
Then the King Porus almost defeated them.What did your ancestors do ??
Then came the barbarian muslim invaders and what resistance your ancestors offer - zero.Yet again they ended up sucking their cocks.

Then the British came and we Hindus especially the Bengali Hindus shaded their blood and also the Britishers'.We had orchestrated countless rebellions against them and it's only because of us Hindus,India and your wasteland got independence.What did you guys do - yet again you sucked their cocks,this time of your British masters.

Like now you are sucking the cocks of your multiple masters namely the Chinese,the Americans,the KSA and who knows whom else.
In short your Pakistan was created by the traitors for the traitors.It's a historical fact and no body can change that.It's simply in your blood to betray and backstab others....it's in your nature.

And after studying history,I've come to observe a peculiar pattern of how the muslims usually behave.You see,everytime it's the muslims who would start the killings but the moment when the other side starts to retaliate,they will just run away with offering little to no fight.For example,
During the direct action day, after getting out of the initial surprise and trauma when the Hindus fought back,the muslim dogs simply ran away towards the eastern parts.What they started as an organised and coordinated ethnic cleansing ended up them suffering heavier casualties and that too when the Hindu retaliation was predominantly disorganised and uncoordinated frantic fight or perish reaction!!
And then when the coordinated Hindu retribution attacks started in Orisha,Bengal,UP,Bihar etc the muslims didn't offer any worthwhile resistance!!In Bihar alone,it was reported that more than 30k muslims were massacred within a few days.
The same thing happened in Hyderabad and the latest being in Gujarat.So where were your mard-e-momins??Where were your allah??Huh....gutless my arse.

And lastly,good luck burning down Hinduism.Just be careful so that you don't end up as a roasted dog.
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So now you have gone desperate and bringing in the incidents happened centuries ago.Bravo fucktard dog!!Bravo!!

Ok,we were massacred by the barbarian hordes but atleast we didn't convert to save our arses.We were far more resilient than your ancestors who were also Hindus by the way....no,actually they were disgrace in the name of Hindus.Those bastards got fucked and massacred by the turks,afghans and what not and yet they did what they do best!!They simply concerted to muslim!!And now their bastard sons and their offsprings take pride in trying to prove Arabian or Afghan or Turkick ancestry.You shameless people even name your repainted Chinese and NK missiles after those very same Barbarins who invaded your land and raped your ancestors!!And here you show the audacity to lecture a Bengali about the barbarians you dog!!
We Hindus,living east river Beas have always resisted the foreigners no matter how much weak we have been.What have your ancestors from the west of Beas done??First they became the arse lickers of the invading Macedonians and betrayed the others.But the Easterners tried to resist them till there was no one left to fight.At first,it was the fabled 7000 Hindu mercs from Indian hinterland who tried to stop the Macedonians but due to a sad twist of fate,they were finally cut down to the last man yet they didn't surrender,what did your ancestors do??
Then the King Porus almost defeated them.What did your ancestors do ??
Then came the barbarian muslim invaders and what resistance your ancestors offer - zero.Yet again they ended up sucking their cocks.

Then the British came and we Hindus especially the Bengali Hindus shaded their blood and also the Britishers'.We had orchestrated countless rebellions against them and it's only because of us Hindus,India and your wasteland got independence.What did you guys do - yet again you sucked their cocks,this time of your British masters.

Like now you are sucking the cocks of your multiple masters namely the Chinese,the Americans,the KSA and who knows whom else.
In short your Pakistan was created by the traitors for the traitors.It's a historical fact and no body can change that.It's simply in your blood to betray and backstab others....it's in your nature.
And after studying history,I've come to know a pattern.You see,everytime it's the muslims who would start the killings but the moment when the other side starts to retaliate,they will just run away with offering little to no fight.For example,
During the direct action day, after getting out of the initial surprise and trauma when the Hindus fought back,the muslim dogs simply ran away towards the eastern parts.What they started as an organised and coordinated ethnic cleansing ended up them suffering heavier casualties and that too when the Hindu retaliation was predominantly disorganised and uncoordinated frantic fight or perish reaction!!
And then when the coordinated Hindu retribution attacks started in Orisha,Bengal,UP,Bihar etc the muslims didn't offer any worthwhile resistance!!In Bihar alone,it was reported that more than 30k muslims were massacred within a few days.
The same thing happened in Hyderabad and the latest being in Gujarat.So where were your mard-e-momins??Where were your allah??

And lastly,good luck burning down Hinduism.Just be careful so that you end up as a roasted dog.
It was muslims who let british enter the subcontinent in the first place.
Truly the hindu is dangerous for them because despite being ruled for 1000 years by islamic forces the subcontinent is still majority hindu,and the kaffir baniya still holds majority of the subcontinent.Yup,the hindu is dangerous.:yay:
Sometimes internet Hindus are needed to counter cyber jihadis.

Look around Europe - French cyber-jihadist jailed for glorifying terrorism - France 24


One should acknowledge your effort for digging up this link to prove your worth however care to elaborate how the internet Hindus are countering the other and for that matter how many so called Cyber Jihadis have you encountered, on the contrary forget the Indian forums, even here on a Pakistani platform, the menace of Internet Hindus is all too obvious and one encounters them daily as they don't have the sanity or calibre for 1 Vs 1 debate thus to salvage some brownies they hunt in packs.....As for your gesture, just suck on it. :D

dangerous .. very dangerous saaar! we will eat u alive !
@Windjammer Talking about calibre?? If pakistanis have so much claibre then why dont they come to Indian forums?? Or they are afraid of us ;)
@jarves 100% some Indian must have totally f#c#ed Windjammer is UK, probably from back. Thats why ranting 24 by 7 about Indians.
@Windjammer Talking about calibre?? If pakistanis have so much claibre then why dont they come to Indian forums?? Or they are afraid of us ;)

@jarves, Ok, why don't you get me a member ship for BR, as for rest, can you really call them open public forum, it's just a case of blind leading blind who are oblivious to the term being civil and their only objective is mouthing of against Pakistan.

And read above post, another internet warrior with fake ID.
@jarves, Ok, why don't you get me a member ship for BR, as for rest, can you really call them open public forum, it's just a case of blind leading blind who are oblivious to the term being civil and their only objective is mouthing of against Pakistan.

And read above post, another internet warrior with fake ID.

Why BR??Even many Indians call them ratshakers anyway.
Why can't you join the D F I instead??It's a smaller forum but members in there are quite unbiased and saner.
Ee internet age ali mohamad bage suchane bekadashtu idde. This is the truth.

True that.

Given the sample of RSS workers we see here, I think RSS has been functioning as a dumbing down factory.

I am pretty sure the person claiming to be RSS worker earlier is Not one. Everything he said indicated he lied . :P

I was just humoring him using his own lies.

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