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Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

Indian logic - If you are Muslim you cant claim IVC... My response : IF you are Hindu that doesnt give you exclusive rights either as IVC was made well before Hinduism started

No you dont get the point. Its not about religion. Its about what land you are living on and why is was formed.

The only reason Pakistan came into existance is that muslims wanted a land of their own. Pakistan during its formation had nothing to do with IVC. Muslims didn't give a damm about the IVC.

I believe that all the north Indian till bangal and madhya pradesh including many Pakistanis and afghanis come from IVC. People spread outwards.

So by your logic only ther people living right next to indus river are successors of IVC. :lol:
Indian logic - If you are Muslim you cant claim IVC... My response : IF you are Hindu that doesnt give you exclusive rights either as IVC was made well before Hinduism started

Dont have to respond to some moron troll

dude...archeologist have found picture of shiva pashupati,swastika which proves that hindusim was the harappan civilization religon...though it would be wrong to claim all the IVC as ours.we
both share this great civilization....:azn::azn:
Its amazing what a billion people connected to the internet can do. Literally, everything started from India. I personally bow my head. My African ancestors were really Indians before they went to Nigeria. After reading so much stuff about India and its civilization, I believe, my forefathers lived around the North Bank of the Indus River in Maharashtra. Then the giant aliens came and took them away from there and dropped them in Africa.....and then they came to the US a hundred and fifty years ago......

Oh wait, does the River Indus run through Maharashtra? I hope that true....otherwise ....my whole story about my ancestors Indian heritage is....false???

Its amazing what a billion people connected to the internet can do.

LOL, what a classic line, I will remember this. In fact I may use it in the future as my signature.
Alot of reports say that Gangans are just Dravidians who migrated North... There is no way the Indus River would have randomnly stopped doing its thing, there is no proof for it...

Just made up of stories like Hindus fighting for Hussein in Karbala and Rajasthan, a isolate desert being epicenter of IVC heheh :rofl: :lol:

And btw IVC was in no way a Hindu civilization, Hinduism BORROWED elements from the IVC.

Dmitri - may I call you Dim, for short? - let's start with the positive bits.

I agree with you that IVC was not a Hindu civilisation, and that iif aanythingg, Hinduism may have borrowed elements from it.

Rajasthan was not then a desert, as numerous studies have shown. You have to understand that climates change. There are more sites on the banks of the Saraswati than on the banks of the Indus. It is just that the first discoveries happened to be at Mohenjodaro and at Harappa.

There is no contradiction between your account of Gangetic Plains people having had Dravidian links, and the other poster's account of a gradual withdrawal to the Ganges. The culture retreated eastward, following the water; far earlier, the Dravidian languages had permeated the north, possibly over centuries. No large volume of Dravidians came north; small numbers may have come, and brought their languages with them.
dude...archeologist have found picture of shiva pashupati,swastika which proves that hindusim was the harappan civilization religon...though it would be wrong to claim all the IVC as ours.we
both share this great civilization....:azn::azn:

Yes friend. IVC was later converted to Hinduism... Hinduism has gained & borrowed lots of elements which are in present day Hindusim from the IVC itself Swastika one of them
Well if Harrapa people are not Rajputs or Jutts, then the chances are they are probably not related to me . I would like to know the ethnicity of a person who claims to be related to the Harrapa people biologically.

So, are you related to Harrapa people biologically? What is your ethnicity then, in present terms?
How about modern day Pakistan. I am sure IVC had less bomb blasts than modern day Pakistan.

There were no bombs back then, so of course you can be sure of that..Smart one. Nothing better you can think of to say? I post facts you just post twisted rubbish.
All we are saying to Indians is to stick with their Ganges Civilization... Do you see any Pakistani always wanting to be assocated wiith Ganges River? No, right, so why do Indians always run over trying to see IVC as theirs? As A1Kaid said, a few broken pots and pans counts for Haryana and Rajasthan as new epicenters of the IVC`? Wth?

That is very silly.. Archaeology is a discipline on its own, and not determined by political needs of the day.
another IVC thread :coffee:

Like it or not, at the end of the day it is in Pakistan and we have sole prerogative over it in present times.
So lets leave it that and maybe in the near future Indians can come and visit it.... for a price of course :)
Dmitri - may I call you Dim, for short? - let's start with the positive bits.

I agree with you that IVC was not a Hindu civilisation, and that iif aanythingg, Hinduism may have borrowed elements from it.

Rajasthan was not then a desert, as numerous studies have shown. You have to understand that climates change. There are more sites on the banks of the Saraswati than on the banks of the Indus. It is just that the first discoveries happened to be at Mohenjodaro and at Harappa.

There is no contradiction between your account of Gangetic Plains people having had Dravidian links, and the other poster's account of a gradual withdrawal to the Ganges. The culture retreated eastward, following the water; far earlier, the Dravidian languages had permeated the north, possibly over centuries. No large volume of Dravidians came north; small numbers may have come, and brought their languages with them.

Fine then. Fap all you want over the existence of the Saraswati River and its civilizations... Just dont mix up broken pots and pans that are found in Rajasthan to be of IVC and claim your Saraswati and Ganges not Indus... Okay ?
They recently discovered a 3000 year old civilization from swat valley Pakistan, does anyone have some info on that??
Isn't Harrapa in Pakistan? and aren't they dead? I am a Rajput and I think my ancestry came to the subcontinent much latter. Mostly to kill the local population and rule over them, which probably wasn't the right thing to do I guess.

People only come to conquer the other regions when they have enough numbers, The central Asian rise and Rajputs coming to India has to do the fact about the increase in the population of central asia.

The theory goes like this, When the world is around 2000 to 1000 BC people of central asia are very low in number and so they migrated in small amounts to India ( densely populated with bigger number of population with fertile land and sufficient rivers). When the population of the globe increased, People of central asian decent have enough numbers to conquer and so the Rajputs came to India and Islamic invasions started.

Prior to that you will find only migrant people who integrated into Indian society. Due to fertile land and Rivers you will find dense regions and bigger population numbers in Gangetic plains today.

There are some calculations related to population increase, based on life expectancy of ancient humans which will help this theory.
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