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Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

The people of Pakistan today are indigenous to the land of modern day Pakistan and it's territories, just because the political state of Pakistan didn't exist at the time of the IVC doesn't negate the Pakistani people of today of their heritage and ancient history of the IVC.

lolll you need to learn history badly....:wave:
You are right, Dim, all Muslims are not ethnic Arabs. But you are wrong when you think that Dravidians are an ethnic group. There is no ethnic group called Dravidian. Dravidianis the name of a language group.

Nobody claims that the Dravidians took over the native population of India. It is believed by scholars that the Dravidian languages may have been prevalent before Indo-Aryan languages replaced them. How do you connect this to the IVC?

First respond my other post... Or do you have no response for it grandma? :azn:

lolll you need to learn history badly....:wave:

Then teach us about history, Historian, and how Pakistanis are not indegenous to the lands they lived in?
I found a plate in my room that was at least 10 years old
Is my room an Ancient civilization? :D

That's nothing yesterday in my back yard after doing something yardwork I found a 4,500 year old mummy. I am now a member of an ancient civilization lol... There was also pottery and tools I am proud of my new ancient heritage.
You are right, Dim, all Muslims are not ethnic Arabs. But you are wrong when you think that Dravidians are an ethnic group. There is no ethnic group called Dravidian. Dravidianis the name of a language group.

Nobody claims that the Dravidians took over the native population of India. It is believed by scholars that the Dravidian languages may have been prevalent before Indo-Aryan languages replaced them. How do you connect this to the IVC?

The evidence points to IVC speaking a Dravidian language as there is a pocket in Pakistan that still speaks a Dravidian language.

lolll you need to learn history badly....:wave:

Enlighten Us
another IVC thread :coffee:

Like it or not, at the end of the day it is in Pakistan and we have sole prerogative over it in present times.
So lets leave it that and maybe in the near future Indians can come and visit it.... for a price of course :)

It, as it happens, is not in Pakistan; only the two signature sites of Mohenjodaro and Harappa are. One Bihari has already come and been shown around the ruins. Prepare for the deluge.

How's your Bhojpuri, BTW?
That's nothing yesterday in my back yard after doing something yardwork I found a 4,500 year old mummy. I am now a member of an ancient civilization lol... There was also pottery and tools I am proud of my new ancient heritage.

you may or may not belong to that civilization ..it requires Dna testing and other confirmation but also similarily,you don't become owner and tekhedar of that civilization ...:P
It, as it happens, is not in Pakistan; only the two signature sites of Mohenjodaro and Harappa are. One Bihari has already come and been shown around the ruins. Prepare for the deluge.

How's your Bhojpuri, BTW?

The real question is, are your sites as spectacular as ours?
No one is going to travel all that way to see a few broken pots

They will to see this
hahaha pakistani are getting frustrated and are not willing to accept they have indian genetic make up.....Epic:devil:

are you reading the same thread as the rest of us?
Maybe you should get your eyes checked..... or learn to read properly
First respond my other post... Or do you have no response for it grandma? :azn:

Then teach us about history, Historian, and how Pakistanis are not indegenous to the lands they lived in?

Ask you parents and grandparents about there roots & history of migration..they will tell you:wave:
you may or may not belong to that civilization ..it requires Dna testing and other confirmation but also similarily,you don't become owner and tekhedar of that civilization ...:P

We are under the impression that MOST of Pakistan are descendants of the IVC. Likewise there may be Indian citizens who are not of a Indic race. Do you get it now kiddo?
Well if Harrapa people are not Rajputs or Jutts, then the chances are they are probably not related to me . I would like to know the ethnicity of a person who claims to be related to the Harrapa people biologically.

So, are you related to Harrapa people biologically? What is your ethnicity then, in present terms?

I personally think that the non-Rajput, non-Jat population of Sind, Multan and Rajasthan represent the ethnic descendants of the IVC inhabitants. Certain numbers may have slowly moved east, not into the Aravalli range but north-east into the Yamuna basin, thence to the Ganges, but the bulk of the descendants ought to be in these areas. So today they would be populated by those original inhabitants + descendants of the Scythians and Parthians + descendants of the Kushana + descendants of the Huns + trace elements of Persian and Pashtu.
Ask you parents and grandparents about there roots & history of migration..they will tell you:wave:

Most of Pakistanis are of a Indic race... If you think a bunch of Arabs came where present day Pakistan is and started reproducing like rabbits to reach the population of 200 million, then you are truly a moron.
Fine then. Fap all you want over the existence of the Saraswati River and its civilizations... Just dont mix up broken pots and pans that are found in Rajasthan to be of IVC and claim your Saraswati and Ganges not Indus... Okay ?

These are rather more substantial than broken pots and pans. You really should look at the evidence before putting your name to a post. Isn't it humiliating, sometimes?

The Indus today happens to be in a different nation-state, but why should that have any archaeological, cultural or civilisational bearing?
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