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Should Pakistan join Muslim NATO?

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If you make any military alliance of Muslim nations and USA is not included then you will have cia assassinating the leader who made that alliance
No he is not :::::::: If Muslim countries are not able to defend their leaders (such level incompetent) then we or Muslim countries does not need (deserve) any NATO...…..
First we have to resolve internal disputes , the we have to work towards industrialization of Muslim countries , then Internal Trade ,,,, Without these things our NATO will fail...….. And any NATO lead by USA or any non-Muslim country will be disaster
No he is not :::::::: If Muslim countries are not able to defend their leaders (such level incompetent) then we or Muslim countries does not need (deserve) any NATO...…..
First we have to resolve internal disputes , the we have to work towards industrialization of Muslim countries , then Internal Trade ,,,, Without these things our NATO will fail...….. And any NATO lead by USA or any non-Muslim country will be disaster

My friend I gave you a perfect example of an attempt by Muslim nation to form an alliance with out USA and what was the fate of those leaders? Only way to make a military alliance among Muslim nations without USA is to first contain USA and it's proxies in the region.
Muslim NATO or pro zionist Army for American-Israeli interests in the region ?
and dont forget AL QAEDA , ISIS , HTS ,, They are Wahhabi terrorist organizations which were created by the US and S.Arabia

The US-Israel sucked in Syria because of Turkish Army blocked American-Israeli backed terror coridor in N.Syria and smart the US-Israel wants to use stupid pathetic slaves S.Arabia,Uae,Bahreyn,Egypt in Syria against Turkey

also traitor puppets S.Arabia,Uae,Bahreyn,Egypt who gives Jerusalem to Israel

But Trump's America is not Wahabi. My dream team [Muslim NATO] to protect the holy sites in Saudia from Iran -

  • USA
  • Pakistan
  • Saudia Arabia
  • UAE
  • Egypt

Iran is nothing ...never can attack holy sites
and the US ( OBAMA ) supported Iran against S.Arabia and Iran took Iraq and Syria
also Iran started to support Houthis in Yemen .... the US allowed Iran to do it

and now the US-Israel are trying to start a sectarian war in the region
stupid MBS is the new SADDAM

the biggest enemies to ISLAM are the US and Israel ..... are you joke or what ?
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Shame on these goofy arabs....they would never come out of luxury.
Radical ideas are refreshing to initiate and ignite fresh ideas in PDF...good 2 see Indus is doing kind of sattire posts
Radical ideas are refreshing to initiate and ignite fresh ideas in PDF...good 2 see Indus is doing kind of sattire posts

There is no sattire here.

Pakistan fits very well in the Muslim NATO and would feel at home.
fu**ck in hell ……. who said you Sunni Muslims or Shia Muslims have to counter or destroy Iran?????? Iran is very important member of Muslim community and we all whish her best of luck ,.... Surely people can have disagreements with Iran's current regime because of many reasons (for me main reason is how these mollhas abusing Islam with bunch of other reasons) , But this does not mean we have to Nuke Iran.
lol how hard you and lobbies of western countries trying for Sunni - Shia full scale open war...…

Then invite Iran to join this Muslim NATO. :enjoy:

Seriously, this is just delusional thinking. Stop blaming the West for a division that is old as Islam itself. Every since the 1979 revolution in Iran, the Sunni states -- led by Saudi Arabia -- have been trying contain Iran. This is just another attempt.
Pakistan fits very well in the Muslim NATO and would feel at home.

so-called Muslim NATO also against India to protect Pakistan ? neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
or to use Pakistan as mercenary for Wahabi-zionist interests in the Middle East against Turkey ? 100%

the US-Israel so hates ISLAM and only morons or traitors can believe that the US cares about ISLAM and holy sites

without American support Iran is nothing ..... OBAMA supported Iran , and daydreamer Iran created chaos in the region
now TRUMP is trying to use stupid MBS to start a war in the Middle East ..... stupid Muslims will fight eachothers

and smart the US-Israel will win and will laugh on backward brainless muslims
Ridiculous.Pakistan is no longer "hired gun!" of the United States or any other country.We are sick and tired of fighting other's war.We have lost millions of lives and I am so shocked to see how naive some people are who are still eager to fulfill someone else's agenda.We have problems like poverty, broken infrastructure, corruption and other.In addition to that we already have hostile Indians and unstable Afghans.We have Kashmir issue which is burning to the core.
We are neither Arab slaves nor we are shackeled by British.Our policies are related to Islam that means justice and equality.
We would absolutely support American-Afghan peace talks and our sound for the sake of suppressed regions such as Kashmir, Palestine and others will be echoed in the global arena.We will be assuring that Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries give each other fair chance and we will be always there to help if any Muslim country is in need, especially "Arabia" and that too because of holy sites such as kaaba for the sake of Allah(SWT) and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).However , do not take us for granted.
Pakistan cannot afford to ruin her ties with Iran unless Iran is willing to change her route.We have majority of Shia population and their opinions and rights are due upon us as Muslim country.However, we will not give support to Iran against any plot for middle east.
So, the crux of my entire post is that we want to establish peace amongst all the countries regardless of faith, region or even past relationships.

As long as they keep giving us billions of dollars every year along with America restart supply of their weapons to Pakistan than I am up for this , if not than it's useless .

Enough of being foot soilders of the Gulf Sheikhs and Iran is not our enemy
Nah Indus is trying to bait those pro Wahhabi Oil Sheikh dudes this guy is the biggest baiter of those folks in PDF and Yeah the Pakistanis are still foot soilders for Yankee sadly however that will change soon and no Yankee troll here will admit that
Down the road Israel could be invited as a 'guest'?

Muslim NATO will be a treaty organization. Read section c, subsection 2 please and section d, subsection [iii] -

c [ii] the mutual defence treaty shall specifically not apply if a member country comes under attack from India, Israel or other ally of USA.

d [iii] the mtual defency treaty can only be invoked if Iran or another party allied with Iran attacks Saudia Arabia or another Arab member.
Lol okay, I think im getting the sarcasm.

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