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Arabs in talks with Washington to form a Security Pact.

Should Pakistan join Muslim NATO?

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Trump's America is Evangelist-Zionist ( the protector of Islam and holy sites such as the third holiest site in Islam Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem ) and My dream team [Muslim NATO] to protect the holy sites in Saudia and Jerusalem

  • USA
  • Israel
  • ISIS
  • HTS
  • Saudia Arabia led by dictatorial regime puppet Saud Family
  • UAE
  • Egypt led by puppet dictator SISI

what a great team to protect Evangelist-Zionist interests ( ohh sorry to protect the holy sites in Saudia and Jerusalem )
Dont forget the communist Ypg/pkk terrorists group who which Saudi is now funding
I would recommend Trump call next OIC meeting.
And chair it :rofl::rofl::rofl::usflag::usflag:

What does

Arabs in talks with Washington to form a Security Pact

Has to do with:

Should Pakistan join Muslim NATO?

This is what is misleading everyone on this thread!!!

And By the way, the US will only assist with intelligence..

" The alliance would include Egypt and be called the Middle East Strategic Alliance, or MESA"

This alliance includes the GCC and Egypt, and most likely Jordan too.. while the US might assist it.. but not lead it.. it was made clear by all members..
MESA is the right acronym for it..MAZA (goat)in Arabic and Sissi will be the goat herder...
@BATMAN And other sectarians? Thoughts.

Lol - telling it as it is I see.


We'd be dumb to join any such org. We share a border with Iran and as of yet we don't major grievances with them.

Why risk that? Nothing to be gained, everything to be lost.

Yes Pakistan should join. Because Muslim NATO means attack on one is attack on all. Iran is not going to attack Saudis so there is no risk of Pakistan fighting Iran on the other hand India offends violate cease fire Muslim NATO should attack India under the supervision of USA and Saudis. Plus when ever a NATO member is attacked USA sanctions that country so USA will sanction India. Perfect opportunity for Pakistan to make USA fight India.

Bhai ji. Muslim Nato means Pakistanis fight the wars of Gulf Arabs, who then pretend you don't exist when it's you facing the fire.

NATO only works because it serves the interests of WASP nations. NATO would be found out the day Russia attacked an Eastern bloc participant. Nobody would risk nuclear war for Latvia.
Down the road Israel could be invited as a 'guest'?

Muslim NATO will be a treaty organization. Read section c, subsection 2 please and section d, subsection [iii] -

c [ii] the mutual defence treaty shall specifically not apply if a member country comes under attack from India, Israel or other ally of USA.

d [iii] the mtual defency treaty can only be invoked if Iran or another party allied with Iran attacks Saudia Arabia or another Arab member.
Israel as a guest ... I admire your sense of humour
Israel as a guest ... I admire your sense of humour
A security apparatus for the Defence of the Middle East taken place in Washington DC...Those Arabs, dead horses from the get go!

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