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Arabs in northern Syria announce their willingness to participate against the Turkish operation

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Arab tribes in Kurdistan announce their willingness to participate with 50,000 fighters against the Turkish operation


The elders of Arab tribes in Kurdistan Syria, announced general mobilization declared by the self-administration to face the Turkish operation and the willingness to provide 50,000 fighters for this purpose.

"We, the tribes and tribal leaders in the region, declare that we stand united behind our sons in the SDF, the only force that fought and liberated every inch of their lives from the abomination and brutality of terrorism with their pure blood," said a statement issued by Arab tribal elders and tribal elders.

"Today, SDF stands facing the barbaric Ottoman occupation, which we have suffered through the ages and mercenaries who looted , robbed and attacked properties of the Syrian people, and these mercenaries played a role with all previous terrorist factions, as agendas linked to the Turkish occupation under several names."

"We, as sheikhs and elders of Arab tribes north and east of Syria, are ready to provide nearly 50,000 fighters from tribes and Arab tribes north and east Syria to join under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces to confront the barbaric Ottoman occupier and its mercenaries."

"As we now have two million displaced people who have embraced us from all the people of Syria and live in safety and peace in our areas, we welcome with all the generosity our people, in which Erdogan says that they are 3 million people who are all of the sons of Syria, the Ottoman occupation tries this flimsy argument. We don't need anyone to teach us customs and traditions.”

The statement demanded "the general command of the Syrian Democratic Forces to liberate every inch of the homeland from the Ottoman occupier from Jarablus to Afrin and the Iskenderun Brigade.”

The statement called on "the United Nations, the UN Security Council in general and the League of Arab States in particular to play their moral and humanitarian role in deterring this barbaric aggression against our land and people."

What's your interest ? and are there non Arabs in Syria?
It reads Kurdistan, Mola khosh rkhy

Kurds are already armed and supported by US for terrorist activities in Turkey, the very basic reason for Turkey getting involved. Immigrants is secondary issue.
This entire text seems like a propaganda.Not a single of the "elder leaders" was named nor the tribes they represent.Also if they had 50 000 armed men they would probably control that area themselves instead of "join under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces to confront the barbaric Ottoman occupier and its mercenaries."

I really understand the importance of information warfare but whoever wrote this should really improve his game,because this is just embarrassing.
After reviewing the article and source and since no other news outlet has reported this news in the past hours, I have decided to delete this thread in 5 minutes.
Turkey should annex the entire country
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