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Arabs in northern Syria announce their willingness to participate against the Turkish operation

No such statement. Another example of PDF propaganda left standing against 500 million + Arabs and 20+ Arab countries.

Basically the turks arrived in Anatolia in 1071 (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Anatolia). This is quite late. Last in first out. The turks will loose the war and finally they will be evacuated from Turkey.

Northern Syria is Arab land and will remain as such. No amount of Kurdish terrorists will change that. They are being dealt with currently and will be dealt with until they will no longer be a problem. In any case it is a question of time before that region will be flooded by Syrian Arabs and the Kurds will be outbreed very easily.

Some imaginary Erdogan dreams of annexing that land will remain as such too. Let the Kurds and Turks fight. Syrian Arabs should take what is theirs.

If not for Syria being in turmoil for almost 10 years, those Kurds would have been dealt with by just a few Arab clans alone. Like always throughout recorded history ever since they migrated to Arab lands.
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