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Arabic Music (modern, traditional, poems, anasheed, dua etc.)

Truly beautiful. Amazingly spiritual. One never gets tired of listening to it.

People forget that sufism originates in the Arab world and is still hugely popular everywhere in the Arab world.

Syria’s Hazem Sharif crowned Arab Idol 2014

On Friday, the contestants sang one last time at the Beirut studio staging the MBC program, scrambling for votes from audiences across the region. (Al Arabiya)
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Sunday, 14 December 2014

Syria’s Hazem Sharif was crowned on Saturday Arab Idol 2014, the most watched show in the Middle East, beating off his two rivals Palestinian Haitham Khalailah and Majid Al Madani from Saudi Arabia.

Judges Ahlam, from the United Arab Emirates, Lebanese singers Nancy Ajram and Wael Kfouri and Hassan Al Shafe’ei, an Egyptian music production expert, all cheered as Sharif accepted the award, the third to be given since the popular contest came to television screens in 2011.

On Friday, the contestants sang one last time at the Beirut studio staging the MBC program, scrambling for votes from audiences across the region.

The winner of the Arab world’s leading singing competition will be awarded a cash prize of 250,000 Saudi riyals (just over $66,000), as well as a contract with Platinum Records, production of three singles, a video clip.

The winner will also get a trip to the Seychelles courtesy of Emirates airline, a main sponsor of the show this year.

Last Update: Sunday, 14 December 2014 KSA 09:42 - GMT 06:42


Majid Al-Madani;

Haitham Khalaily;

@Syrian Lion @Dr.Thrax

Syria’s Hazem Sharif crowned Arab Idol 2014

On Friday, the contestants sang one last time at the Beirut studio staging the MBC program, scrambling for votes from audiences across the region. (Al Arabiya)
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Sunday, 14 December 2014

Syria’s Hazem Sharif was crowned on Saturday Arab Idol 2014, the most watched show in the Middle East, beating off his two rivals Palestinian Haitham Khalailah and Majid Al Madani from Saudi Arabia.

Judges Ahlam, from the United Arab Emirates, Lebanese singers Nancy Ajram and Wael Kfouri and Hassan Al Shafe’ei, an Egyptian music production expert, all cheered as Sharif accepted the award, the third to be given since the popular contest came to television screens in 2011.

On Friday, the contestants sang one last time at the Beirut studio staging the MBC program, scrambling for votes from audiences across the region.

The winner of the Arab world’s leading singing competition will be awarded a cash prize of 250,000 Saudi riyals (just over $66,000), as well as a contract with Platinum Records, production of three singles, a video clip.

The winner will also get a trip to the Seychelles courtesy of Emirates airline, a main sponsor of the show this year.

Last Update: Sunday, 14 December 2014 KSA 09:42 - GMT 06:42


Majid Al-Madani;

Haitham Khalaily;

@Syrian Lion @Dr.Thrax

Dunno, some say he's a pro-assad. I really don't care. His win is not going to help Syria become a better place.
Anyways, my input, favorite Islamic Front nasheed:
Dunno, some say he's a pro-assad. I really don't care. His win is not going to help Syria become a better place.
Anyways, my input, favorite Islamic Front nasheed:

I don't watch Arab Idol (outside of the finals) so I just shared the news as I know that it is followed by some here. Of course Syria has much, much more important matters to care about. Anyway it is good that a Syrian won in these times.

This is still my favorite nasheed concerning Syria.

By Muhammad Al-Muqit (Saudi Arabian). Very emotional and beautiful.

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Really like the 'Ahl Awwal' song; manages to combine between traditional and contemporary, which is interesting and has some depth.

As for Amr Diab and Balqees, I try to keep away from modern pop out of principle. :p:

By the way, you familiar with Lena Chemamyan? She has incredible vocals and depth, and specialises in traditional Levantine music.

Here's a sample:

Really like the 'Ahl Awwal' song; manages to combine between traditional and contemporary, which is interesting and has some depth.

As for Amr Diab and Balqees, I try to keep away from modern pop out of principle. :p:

By the way, you familiar with Lena Chemamyan? She has incredible vocals and depth, and specialises in traditional Levantine music.

Here's a sample:

That's good and I kind of expected that you would like it. Indeed. That's what I like about it as well.

I respect that fully I just have a weakness for Balqees.:( As I told you before then I do not listen to pop music otherwise and the Arabic "music" I listen to is mostly traditional or of a religious rap.

Still Balqees is miles better than the likes of Nancy Alam, Elisa, Asala, Karam, Al Zoghbi, Sherine, Haifa, Samaha, Angham etc. Know them all. Having 3 sisters can do such horrors to you.

Give me the likes of for instance Fairuz every day. At least just for the voice and most importantly lyrics.

I only know her superficially. I will definitely give her a second look now that you have mentioned her.

Can I ask what your opinion is about Arabic Sufi hymns/poetry? I personally find some extraordinarily spiritual and beautiful.

These posts are from October and I'm just now seeing them?! Lol

Here are some (idk of these have been posted before). Not all of them are Jordanian obviously.

Some of these links aren't working (they keep repeating each other) and it's pissing me off lol. I'll work out this problem later..
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