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Arab League Report about Syrian Situation Leaked!

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Arab League Report: Slaughter in Syria is work of ‘foreign-backed subversives’​


A report by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) based on a one month inquiry by 160 monitors failed, as Pepe Escobar reports in the Asia Times, to conclude that:

… the “evil” Bashar al-Assad government is indiscriminately, and unilaterally, killing its own people, and so regime change is in order.

So the report was either ignored (by Western corporate media) or mercilessly destroyed – by Arab media, virtually all of it financed by either the House of Saud or Qatar. It was not even discussed – because it was prevented by the GCC from being translated from Arabic into English and published in the Arab League’s website. Until it was leaked! Here it is, in full.

The report is adamant. There was no organized, lethal repression by the Syrian government against peaceful protesters. Instead, the report points to shady armed gangs as responsible for hundreds of deaths among Syrian civilians, and over one thousand among the Syrian army, using lethal tactics such as bombing of civilian buses, bombing of trains carrying diesel oil, bombing of police buses and bombing of bridges and pipelines. … So the current “Arab-led drive to secure a peaceful end to the 10-month crackdown” in Syria at the UN is no less than a crude regime change drive. Usual suspects Washington, London and Paris have been forced to fall over themselves to assure the real international community this is not another mandate for NATO bombing – a la Libya. USZ Zionist Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described it as “a path for a political transition that would preserve Syria’s unity and institutions”.

And guess what? the media is totally ignoring that report.
Last week's AlDabi press conference is Sudan, said everything they saw, he said the Syrian Army is defensive and there are terrorists.
Al-Dabi: We are Committed to AL Observers' Report

Head of Arab League monitoring mission in Syria Lt. Gen. Mohammad Mustafa al-Dabi reiterated on Thursday his commitment to the Arab League monitoring mission's report and the statements he made about it, stressing that some sides are interpreting the report in a way different from its content.

In a press conference held in the capital city of Sudan, Khartoum, al-Dabi pointed out that suspending the AL mission has worsened the situation on the ground.

Al-Dabi denounced the media campaign launched by some sides against the mission even before it started work , stressing that foreign media, not the Syrian media, fabricated a lot of news about the work of the mission.

Al-Dabi said that while the mission teams were touring in some provinces, some people threw stones at security members who were guarding the teams, but the security members did not react.

He added that at first the mission was welcomed by both the government and the opposition which resulted in positive developments, including the decrease of violence.

Al-Dabi affirmed that he verified the release of 5000 detainees, who were involved in the current events in Syria, due to the latest general amnesty.

The reality on the ground is that gunmen and the so-called "the Free Army" exist, adding that he saw a very large number of gunmen but he could not verify the identities of some of them.

He stressed that Anwar Malik did not participate in any tour in Syria but once, describing what Malik did as "immoral and impolite", adding that officials in Algeria said that Malik escaped from Algeria to France 15 years ago.

Al-Dabi concluded by saying that all Syrians inside Syria want to find a solution and live in peace, stressing that he has things to say after he accomplishes his mission as head of the AL observer mission.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
What the Fck....

It's a shame, be aware. but it still hold true that Arab League is not the Arab League it was. West penetration into the core administration of the League...
Why are Pro-Assads here don't read it whole heartily? This report clearly also shows that the army has terrorized people and has cut off food and has tortured people. It also shows acts of "Indiscriminate firing" by government forces.

And to those of you who don't know which "Armed gangs" are killing people. Google "Shabeeha" those guys are the local gangs of Bashar who he use for the following:
1-Suppress the people through murder and intimidation.
2-To free the Syrian Government from blame and to even legitimize his his own's army's murdering of innocent people (when it takes place).

Read these lines:
31. The reports and briefings of groups leaders state that citizens belonging to the opposition surround the
Mission on its arrival and use the gathering as a barrier from the security services. However, such incidents
have gradually decreased.
32. The Mission has received requests from opposition supporters in Homs and Deraa that it should stay
on-site and not leave, something that may be attributable to fear of attack after the Mission’s departure.

So yeah killing is being carried out by Armed gangs. Armed gangs used by Bashar himself and is led by his cousin.
Why are Pro-Assads here don't read it whole heartily? This report clearly also shows that the army has terrorized people and has cut off food and has tortured people. It also shows acts of "Indiscriminate firing" by government forces.

And to those of you who don't know which "Armed gangs" are killing people. Google "Shabeeha" those guys are the local gangs of Bashar who he use for the following:
1-Suppress the people through murder and intimidation.
2-To free the Syrian Government from blame and to even legitimize his his own's army's murdering of innocent people (when it takes place).

So yeah killing is being carried out by Armed gangs. Armed gangs used by Bashar himself and is led by his cousin.

Who are you? Looks like you forgot Bahrain and East Saudi Arabia.
Who are you? Looks like you forgot Bahrain and East Saudi Arabia.

Bashar will go down. Murderers will face justice regardless of where they are from. I am sure you are very afraid of Syrian people and what they will do to you in response to decades of oppression. After all the only one who has benefited from Bashar are your lot.
Most Syrians can not afford the luxury of fleeing to the United States like you or even owning a computer to write here. And if they do they will be too afraid of what your government will do to them.

يمديك ترسم هنا صوره ورديه قد ما تحب لكن انا و انت نعرف الحقيقه و ما يمديك تضحك عليه.
BBC Propaganda here on tele is so hilarious especially putin documentary saying he is a hidden communist dictator :lol:
Bashar will go down. Murderers will face justice regardless of where they are from. I am sure you are very afraid of Syrian people and what they will do to you in response to decades of oppression. After all the only one who has benefited from Bashar are your lot.
Most Syrians can not afford the luxury of fleeing to the United States like you or even owning a computer to write here. And if they do they will be too afraid of what your government will do to them.

يمديك ترسم هنا صوره ورديه قد ما تحب لكن انا و انت نعرف الحقيقه و ما يمديك تضحك عليه.

You dont know Syria, when Bashar Alasad came to power, every Syrian school had computer labs, and every family had a computer, i had a computer back in Syria. REMEMBER SYRIA IS AHEAD OF ALL THE M.E COUNTRIES, because Syria is an open minded country. Now you changed the subject, but i will ask you again, do people in East Saudi Arabia have computers??

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