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Arab civilization has collapsed

Why did Arab civilization fall?? That's why
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Hey kid go read your history then come and comment.

there is no Arab civilization its the Islam civilization and that Islamic civilization built buy many Islamic nations for centuries then the Arab came and make it collapse!!! take the Andalusia as example.
Hey kid go read your history then come and comment.

there is no Arab civilization its the Islam civilization and that Islamic civilization built buy many Islamic nations for centuries then the Arab came and make it collapse!!! take the Andalusia as example.

Maybe you need to learn how to spell first before asking people to read, just my two cents.
Maybe you need to learn how to spell first before asking people to read, just my two cents.

Why do you get me wrong why don't you think about what I write dude we all in the same boat and these regimes either yours or mine before the 2003 all of them works against our right to feel even proud about our countries and nations.

don't you think these regimes are same copies of what we had in the middle ages while we live in the 21 century. It's the same kind who lost Andalusia. And they still keep loosing.
Why do you get me wrong why don't you think about what I write dude we all in the same boat and these regimes either yours or mine before the 2003 all of them works against our right to feel even proud about our countries and nations.

don't you think these regimes are same copies of what we had in the middle ages while we live in the 21 century. It's the same kind who lost Andalusia. And they still keep loosing.

No its not the same, not at all. A lot of people try to over simplify the Saudi realpolitik, not their faults as one of the key rules of propaganda is it being simple and easy and thus more believable, the same kind of propaganda that has been pounded inside of your head since you were born. Which is very clear from your postings.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying that Saudi Arabia is an angel and is a beacon of hope and freedom to the world, and I would never say that, because that would be a damn lie and I am not a liar. We have problems, A lot of problems, some acute and some chronic. Many things need to change in my country and I will be the first to agree to that.

However I will also call out liars, I will call out people who throw accusations with no proof, and I will try my damnedest to defend my country against the sickening platent and mindless propaganda that is pretty much the world's media obligation. Fueling the dehumanization of myself and my countrymen, to the sickening point of reading and listening to posts everywhere that just say "kill him" and "I wish they would all die to rid the world from them" etc.

At the same time from my inherent belief that the first part of fixing a problem is by admitting to yourself and to everyone, I will be the first one to call out my own country on its mistakes, misadventures and wrong policies. But to simply state mindless baseless lies you be damn sure I will call you out.
Who is encouraging terrorism and extremism in the world? Who is funding the fundamentalists? No prizes for guessing.[/quote]
US almost made SA the most favorite nation, and you call the
The Arabs are nothing but for their oil, without which they would have been worse than Sub Saharan Africa.

Who is encouraging terrorism and extremism in the world? Who is funding the fundamentalists? No prizes for guessing.

why you oppose the facts, and try to ignore it by hatred, why you show such hatred for SA when USA almost made SA the most favorite nation.

read Danial pipes reports on internet. about mideast
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Who is encouraging terrorism and extremism in the world? Who is funding the fundamentalists? No prizes for guessing.
US almost made SA the most favorite nation, and you call the

why you oppose the facts, and try to ignore it by hatred, why you show such hatred for SA when USA almost made SA the most favorite nation.[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about?
Hey kid go read your history then come and comment.

there is no Arab civilization its the Islam civilization and that Islamic civilization built buy many Islamic nations for centuries then the Arab came and make it collapse!!! take the Andalusia as example.

...From Baldwin's researches we learn that Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy, as well as the Hebrew writers speak of the great cities of Arabia, that no longer exist. So fax back does this ancient civilization extend that from the great length of time its literature has disappeared. The monuments of these Himyarites were inscribed with an obsolete and mysterious alphabet...

Lenormant in his painstaking researches found that Cushites were the first inhabitants of Arabia and were known in the national traditions as Adites. These descended from Ad, a grandson of Ham. His sons were Shedid and Shedad. To them was attributed the Shepherd invasion of Egypt. It was recorded in the traditions that one of them built a palace of superb columns surrounded by a magnificent garden. He tried to imitate the celestial paradise and God took him away. The Adites, were depicted as men of gigantic stature. Fanciful tales like the Arabian Nights exist in Arabian legends, springing from the same source as those of the Egyptian manuscripts. Lenormant says, "We may perceive in all this the remembrance of a powerful empire founded by Cushites in very early ages. We find traces of a wealthy nation, constructors of great buildings, with an advanced civilization like that of Chaldea. This must be true as everywhere we find traces of Cushites in Arabian literature and their brothers the Canaanites." (Ancient History of the East, Lenormant, Vol. III, Arabians, p. 296 )

Alexander the Great said that Arabia was inferior to no country of the earth. He referred to the once famous town of Oman, which had been a harbor of the ancient commerce. It was in the day of Alexander a wilderness. His estimate of these Cushites was, "Taking them all in all, they are the richest nation of the world." Alexander lived in the declining days of Ethiopian power. Himyar was the son of Seba, the son of Cush. These were the people of Yemen and the Sabaeans of the Greeks. Lenormant called them related to the Accadians of Shinar and the Ghez of Abyssinia. Himyar became the head of the dynasty of Himyarites. These Cushite Arabians were a fine race of remarkable stature, and dark complexion. The Semitic Arabians are brown, thin, small, well formed and of opposite traits from the Cushite Arabian. The Omanee kingdom attained a latter great splendor at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. The conquering Mohammedan tribes of the north in idol-destroying mood have effaced all the pagan temples that once covered Arabia. Several enormous stone circles like those of some parts of Europe, built as a form of primitive religion, still remain...

Agriculture among these indefatigable people was brought to the highest degree of perfection. They constructed immense dikes, forming permanent reservoirs, which irrigated the lowlands in dry weather. The Semitic Arabian abhors agriculture. It is by these differences in traits that we can unerringly detect race. When the Israelites first appear in the light of Bible history, they were keepers of flocks. Pastorals do not originate culture. The nature of their life renders it impossible. Nomadic people. have been the invincible opponents of culture...
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire: Chapter IX. The Marvelous Arabian Civilization
How hard it is for Pakistanis to understand that their forefathers were Hindus. Almost all Pakistanis I have met think that their history starts with Bin Qasim. They periodically claim that they ruled India for 1000 years.

Fools dont realize that they were not the rulers. We the people of South Asia were attacked and ruled by outsiders.

Now that they converted n become Muslims does not make them rulers of Hindus!!

I mean, how hard it is to understand??

Oh, then wise one prove it! Remember it ain't a 'trick question' oh wise one! Just show us the proof!
On the same lines, please prove the folks that 'profess' to be the chosen ones, i.e. the 'brahmins'!
Where as by looks, I truly doubt it.....LoL!

If indeed they were, the chosen 'brahmins' then how & why so many folks openly 'defecting' in the open?!
Also, why so much of 'rampant rapes' & a total decay of moral values....

Oh wise one please do 'PROVE'!

US almost made SA the most favorite nation, and you call the

why you oppose the facts, and try to ignore it by hatred, why you show such hatred for SA when USA almost made SA the most favorite nation.

What the hell are you talking about?[/quote]
yes it was proposed by us Secretary few months back but than it was put on back burner, research and you will find..

do read Danial Pipes report on Mideast on internet.
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Hey kid go read your history then come and comment.

there is no Arab civilization its the Islam civilization and that Islamic civilization built buy many Islamic nations for centuries then the Arab came and make it collapse!!! take the Andalusia as example.
the middle east was home to many civilizations before islam including Egypt the first state in the world
Who is encouraging terrorism and extremism in the world? Who is funding the fundamentalists? No prizes for guessing.
US almost made SA the most favorite nation, and you call the

why you oppose the facts, and try to ignore it by hatred, why you show such hatred for SA when USA almost made SA the most favorite nation.
We were discussing Arabs here not the US of A which needless to say, has screwed up the world.

...From Baldwin's researches we learn that Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy, as well as the Hebrew writers speak of the great cities of Arabia, that no longer exist. So fax back does this ancient civilization extend that from the great length of time its literature has disappeared. The monuments of these Himyarites were inscribed with an obsolete and mysterious alphabet...

Lenormant in his painstaking researches found that Cushites were the first inhabitants of Arabia and were known in the national traditions as Adites. These descended from Ad, a grandson of Ham. His sons were Shedid and Shedad. To them was attributed the Shepherd invasion of Egypt. It was recorded in the traditions that one of them built a palace of superb columns surrounded by a magnificent garden. He tried to imitate the celestial paradise and God took him away. The Adites, were depicted as men of gigantic stature. Fanciful tales like the Arabian Nights exist in Arabian legends, springing from the same source as those of the Egyptian manuscripts. Lenormant says, "We may perceive in all this the remembrance of a powerful empire founded by Cushites in very early ages. We find traces of a wealthy nation, constructors of great buildings, with an advanced civilization like that of Chaldea. This must be true as everywhere we find traces of Cushites in Arabian literature and their brothers the Canaanites." (Ancient History of the East, Lenormant, Vol. III, Arabians, p. 296 )

Alexander the Great said that Arabia was inferior to no country of the earth. He referred to the once famous town of Oman, which had been a harbor of the ancient commerce. It was in the day of Alexander a wilderness. His estimate of these Cushites was, "Taking them all in all, they are the richest nation of the world." Alexander lived in the declining days of Ethiopian power. Himyar was the son of Seba, the son of Cush. These were the people of Yemen and the Sabaeans of the Greeks. Lenormant called them related to the Accadians of Shinar and the Ghez of Abyssinia. Himyar became the head of the dynasty of Himyarites. These Cushite Arabians were a fine race of remarkable stature, and dark complexion. The Semitic Arabians are brown, thin, small, well formed and of opposite traits from the Cushite Arabian. The Omanee kingdom attained a latter great splendor at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. The conquering Mohammedan tribes of the north in idol-destroying mood have effaced all the pagan temples that once covered Arabia. Several enormous stone circles like those of some parts of Europe, built as a form of primitive religion, still remain...

Agriculture among these indefatigable people was brought to the highest degree of perfection. They constructed immense dikes, forming permanent reservoirs, which irrigated the lowlands in dry weather. The Semitic Arabian abhors agriculture. It is by these differences in traits that we can unerringly detect race. When the Israelites first appear in the light of Bible history, they were keepers of flocks. Pastorals do not originate culture. The nature of their life renders it impossible. Nomadic people. have been the invincible opponents of culture...
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire: Chapter IX. The Marvelous Arabian Civilization
Well there still no evidence about many of what you mentioned. what we are sure about is that the Quran mentioned all of that.
We were discussing Arabs here not the US of A which needless to say, has screwed up the world.
Yiou talk about USA but forget Indian has screwed up continent by it Hindu mentality, Qaid was first oppose to partition, but your leaders at the time left him no choice, now you are screwing up in Kashmir, you rather kill thousands on one hand and than claim to be the biggest Democracy on the other hand, what a way to go, so you should be the last ONE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT USA SCREWING UP THE WORLD, AGAIN ON ONE HAND YOU LIKE TO SIT IN USA LAP AND THAN ON THE OTHER HAND YOU CALL IT SCREWING UP, YOU PROVED ONCE AGAIN THAT INDIANS ARE SPIN MASTERS.
Well according to archeologist Syria and Iraq has the oldest civilization in middle east region. Syria is more important, because a land call , the land of prophets....
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