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Anything else to tour in India?

Elephanta Caves, Mumbai
World Heritage Site








Airavatesvara Temple is a Hindu temple of Dravidian architecture located in the town of Darasuram, Tamil Nadu
World Heritage Site





Mahabodhi Temple (महाबोधि मंदिर) (Literally: "Great Awakening Temple") is a Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya, the location where Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment
World Heritage Site








these r just few of the many world heritage sites of india
then there r literally millions of other temples n tourist spots:toast_sign:

believe me i don't think anyone ever has been able to cover all the prominent temples of india
there r many forts n places also i'll post their images later:smitten:
Leave all these things aside, Go to my native place Allahabad in Jan-Mar for world's oldest and largest fair in the world "Maha Kumbha" which comes after 12 years. Last time it was recorded 2.5 crore people take a dip in Holy Sangam on same day. Plenty of famous hollywood actor/sctress also were there but people could not recognize them :). One of them was that time very famous Kate Winslet.
Same here actually.

I wonder if the Indians know what Shandong and Heilongjiang are?

Why are the Indians getting burned? What is wrong that your most well known landmark is of Muslim origin?

Actually those "muslims" destroyed LOT of great Hindu temples and it's still not stopped, the great Buddhist Statues in Afghanistan destroyed by Talibans, Islamists recently destroyed ancient Tombs in Mali and now in Egypt they are thinking of destroying Pyramids.

Same here actually.

I wonder if the Indians know what Shandong and Heilongjiang are?

Why are the Indians getting burned? What is wrong that your most well known landmark is of Muslim origin?

I have not heard of Maharasta, but have you heard of Jiangsu? I'm guessing not?

After being on this forum for several years, I can probably name half of the Indian states off the top of my head.

Whereas I bet that 99% of the Indians here can't even name the richest province in China (Jiangsu). :P

Mr Chinese Dragon, instead of burning in jealousy, open a thread about things to see in China. I am sure lot of people(incuding Indians) would check it out and learn more about China.

Do something constructive fire blowing dragon.This thread is about Ancient Indian Architecure(non-Islamic) and places to see and not "Know my China and it's ridiculous Chinglish" :lol:
^^^ No, read the first post. :lol:

This thread is about Hindu architecture that is "well-known" outside of India.

We still haven't found any.
I didn't know what Maharashtra is until I came here

Average Pakistanis only know about very few states of India.. They only know about Kashmir and Punjab, and perhaps Rajasthan and Gujarat... If you ask an average Pakistani where Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Mahashatra is, they wont be able to answer... The do know about Bombay (the city) though, but many don't know it is in the state of Mahashatra.

^^^ No, read the first post. :lol:

This thread is about Hindu architecture that is "well-known" outside of India.

We still haven't found any.

That is true.. majority of ppl associate Taj Mahal with India... I only learnt about Ajanta Caves, Monuments at Kanchipuram etc when I took a class in Indian and South Asian art.. majority of people don't know much Hindu Architecture
Average Pakistanis only know about very few states of India.. They only know about Kashmir and Punjab, and perhaps Rajasthan and Gujarat... If you ask an average Pakistani where Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Mahashatra is, they wont be able to answer... The do know about Bombay (the city) though, but many don't know it is in the state of Mahashatra.

That is true.. majority of ppl associated Taj Mahal with India... I only learnt about Ajanta Caves, Monuments at Kanchipuram etc when I took a class in Indian and South Asian art.. majority of people don't know much Hindu Architecture

Average Pakistanis only know about very few states of India.. They only know about Kashmir and Punjab, and perhaps Rajasthan and Gujarat... If you ask an average Pakistani where Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Mahashatra is, they wont be able to answer... The do know about Bombay (the city) though, but many don't know it is in the state of Mahashatra.
Depends on their interests, An average Pakistani is more subjective and only care about their fields, Those who are interested in india obviously knows more about india, but most of Pakistanis have just selective interests. So you can't blame anyone on not knowing about india , Majority of them know more about U.S, Canada, European nations, China , japan and middle east as compare to india.
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