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Anyone do martial arts?

My question is, which type of Martial Art enables you to tackle 6-8 untrained attackers? I remember i used to take Tie Kuando (Spellings?) classes when i was i guess 10 years old but than couldn't continue.

Or if your attackers aren't all that determined, aggression might scare most of them into inaction. Traditional martial though will rarely teach people how to go batshit crazy, since they are geared towards suburban kids who are do Karate as an alternative to soccer.

Real Strength lies in Defending. :D

How do you figure?
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when defending, i believe you have no choice of who your enemy will be. :cool:

You do. Even choosing to defend is a choice. If its not feasible, theres always another day, another time.

Thats why they say, choose your fights carefully.
No. Real strength lies in choosing your fight.

Real Strength lies in Defending. :D

Philosophical rubbish. The moral high ground rarely comes in to save one's a55 from a kicking.

There is force and there is force applied judicious and for right reasons, (which is the abstinence of force most of the time), but never mistaken right for might.

That is a myth to give peace of mind to those who feel incapable of physical confrontation.
Philosophical rubbish. The moral high ground rarely comes in to save one's a55 from a kicking.

nope, but when it does come, it changes the entire shape of battle. :cool:
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Philosophical rubbish. The moral high ground rarely comes in to save one's a55 from a kicking.

NO my friend, we aint talking about morals here. Practically speaking, running away, like you said, if you know you cant win, is a win. For you live to fight another day, this time on your terms, to your advantage.
You do. Even choosing to defend is a choice. If its not feasible, theres always another day, another time.

Thats why they say, choose your fights carefully.


when defending, i doubt you will have an option to chose another day, another time.
I am always put off when I see choreographed demonstrations like this. It neither proves or disproves effectiveness.

You do know Krav Maga is developed by the IDF? Unlike, other MA's Krav Maga is combat proven and has been utilized in law enforcement, by intelligence agencies, and special forces around the world. IA's such as CIA, Mossad and others use Krav Maga because it is so effective. It was actually developed out of necessity so IDF soldiers could engage and win in CQC.

Secret services around the world have used Krav Maga to protect their heads of state and government officials, I assure you Krav Maga is legit and effective. Otherwise, it wouldn't be taken so seriously.

The video is just to give you an idea of what Krav Maga looks like for those who've never seen it.
You do know Krav Maga is developed by the IDF? Unlike, other MA's Krav Maga is combat proven and has been utilized in law enforcement, by intelligence agencies, and special forces around the world. IA's such as CIA, Mossad and others use Krav Maga because it is so effective. It was actually developed out of necessity so IDF soldiers could engage and win in CQC.

Secret services around the world have used Krav Maga to protect their heads of state and government officials, I assure you Krav Maga is legit and effective. Otherwise, it wouldn't be taken so seriously.

The video is just to give you an idea of what Krav Maga looks like for those who've never seen it.

And I'm saying that video neither proves or disproves effectiveness. Let's not bring nationalistic chest thumping into this.
True, but you seemed to imply as if Krav Maga's effective was in question. Hence, my reply. If you already know KM is effective then no need for your to raise subliminal doubts about the video...I hope you understand what I mean.

P.S No nationalist chest thumping from me.

Let's just leave it at that. I don't like to argue over pity and small things. I'm sure you agree with me.
What about the spetsnaz training; I have learnt that they practise some sort of hybrid martial arts
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