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Any questions Regarding India

Thanks, you have found a stable way to transfer government power, in China, the party found one also.
There will be always uneven there, in USA, east and west part are more advanced, the states in the middle US is a bit behind. In China also like this, but the central government takes 70% of government income while the local government get 30%, the central government is investing more money in poor province.

How about the first industry-Agriculture ? In 2000, the Chinese government claims there is no hunger in China, there are still some but in general, China produces enough food. How the agriculture is running in India ? Due to the high population, I understand the problems of hungers.
In China, all the land is owned by the Govt and many lands are ensured to do farm, if I am a farmer, I can get some refund from the Govt.

India still remains a primarily agricultural country with this single sector employing about 50% of the contry's total workforce,although contributing about 17% to National GDP.This share has reduced over the years although the net yield has increased over the years,showing the shift of country's dependency from agriculture to industries.
India is by and large a country with vast tracts of fertile land,with about 60% of its land area under agriculture,about 35% of which is under irrigation.Many massive irrigation projects are in progress,thanks to the increasing Union budget every year.
India is one of the largest producers of rice,wheat,cotton,tea/coffee and poultry& dairy products in the World.Each state in India has its own story.States like UP(Uttar Pradesh),Maharasthra,Andhra Pradesh excel in sugar-cane production,Punjab-Haryana produce rice and wheat,West Bengal has fertile tracts of land along many river banks ideal for rice production and so on and so forth.The states of Odissa,West-Bengal,Andhra,Kerala etc have good fisheries.

There is this controversy about whether the country produces enough to feed its ever-growing population or not.well studies have shown that the country produces enough to feed its population.The distribution,and storage may be a problem and at times it leads to hunger related problems.

Over the years,India has transformed from primarily a country exporting raw agricultural products into a country that exports processed agricultural products.As for example,although we produce large amounts of cotton and sugarcane in India,the processing capacity has grown much higher.So we import raw cotton and sugarcane from other countries and process them to produce cloth materials and sugar.
The methods for agriculture is still largely traditional owing to the large population of India although intensive form of agriculture have been employed in vast scales in states like punjab,Haryana,Tamilnadu,Andhra Pradesh,Karnataka etc.
Agriculture in India is a vast topic,we can go on and on about it.I hope this gives an outline of agriculture in India.Do ask me,if you need any specific information.
Let me give u an interesting fact my friend.Even today whenever there is a cricket match going on between Pakista/Bangladesh with any other country other than India me and my entire family look forward to the victory of our neighbors against the Phirangi nation's. . . .This is a fact.But sadly it's just the other way round in Pakistan.:unsure:

People support non white in BD too. I will support WI over India the only country outside sub continent. ;-)
what india thinks, what will happen with india after the going of america from this region? :woot: (donot bring the relation of america and pakistan between this):pop:
nothing will happen..coz india has seen the period of usa+Pak+china al through cold war.
Ok next question>

If a war between Pakistan and China took place(god forbid), who would Indians want to win that war?

TRUTHFULLY!....I will support Pakistan..Like I always do( Cricket/Hockey if India is not Playing them)....Afterall we did and do have something in common.
what india thinks, what will happen with india after the going of america from this region? :woot: (donot bring the relation of america and pakistan between this):pop:

Though Indians don't like outside powers in South Asia (as they consider it an Indian area of influence) but US has been a somewhat stabilizing force to the region (i know many won't agree) since US was the one that changed the Talibani regime in Afghanistan & brought some democracy to the region, so i think after US gets out of the region, terrorists can regain some lost grounds in the region & threaten Indian security directly.
Ok next question>

If a war between Pakistan and China took place(god forbid), who would Indians want to win that war?

Indian Ideology is based on Ahinsa i.e Non Violence through which you and we got Independence .

Hence India will try to Stop the war , there in No Win in an War to any side .

And stop asking Hypothetical Question ???
what india thinks, what will happen with india after the going of america from this region? :woot: (donot bring the relation of america and pakistan between this):pop:

Plz be specific r u talking about Afghanistan or South Asia as a whole???

Bt i think in any case US ain't gonna leave this region bcoz of growing threat it has from Iran as well as China
Otherthan that its greed for CAR resources n its habit of mendling in ME affairs for Oil security as well as love for Israel won't let it leave this region in any distant future....:undecided:
I have a question for you, which was related to one of my post in the question on China thread. I have been looking for a answer to respond to Riteon's question of how would China and India solve their territory dispute. Since both China and India would only negotiate on equal footing, so what would each country would compromise in order to reach an agreement?



Dear friend, good to see you active. Before I answer, please see the Questions about China thread, posts #523, 524 and 526.

I am sure it will amuse you.
what india thinks, what will happen with india after the going of america from this region? :woot: (donot bring the relation of america and pakistan between this):pop:

Nothing Much....With all the new toys we have now we get to start using them in practice...other than that it would just be another day.....And hopefully share intelligence with Pakistan as its going to get really hot out there once USA leave the area.
what india thinks, what will happen with india after the going of america from this region? :woot: (donot bring the relation of america and pakistan between this):pop:

We were here before the Americans came here,we will be here after they leave.Just to let you know,if you are thinking that American presence in this region is mainly after 9/11 then you are wrong.They are here back from the 60s and they used to be much anti-India at that time,upto the extent of putting bans and embargoes on India.
But then we managed in past,an will continue to do so in future.
12th January, birthday of a legend in India. 2013 is a special one.

Are you talking about Swami Vivekananda? How come 2013 is special ? 150 years of his birth ? hmmm.. i think i got it right there....
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