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Any questions Regarding India


Aug 28, 2012
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Seeing how good the the thread on china has gone thanks to djsjs,chauism and other members from china..........i hope this thread will be able to answer all Qs [taboos incl if moderator allows] on INDIA

All TROLL : guys lets keep it to a minimum.....being a thread on india...i expect our Pak and BD friends to be extra enthusiastic.......All indians ,lets keep it clean and not encourage digressions and trolls..........
Does India see itself as part of the muslim world? Due to shared history and geographic proximity?
As well as a large population of muslims.
Does India see itself as part of the muslim world? Due to shared history and geographic proximity?
As well as a large population of muslims.

India has the largest muslim population in the subcontinent..more than pakistan or bangladesh....hence India have tried many time to represent them in OIC .....therefore it is right to say....India prefers to keep her dual identity...that of a secular nation and at the same time represent indian muslims in the Islamic world................so far this has failed due to Pak intervention andi inbility of the Islamic nation to accept Her duality
Does India see itself as part of the muslim world? Due to shared history and geographic proximity?
As well as a large population of muslims.

Allow me to answer that.We see India as a land for the Indians to live.Religion is not the criteria here.We have people believing in different religion,Hindus,Muslims,Christians,Buddhists,Jains,Zoroastrians,Jews etc etc. living in India.And Everybody is welcome here to practice their own beliefs.A country with such a diverse diversity in terms of religion,not to mention language,culture and topography simply cannot be singularly identified as a part of a specific religious community.

So, in a way, we a part of almost all the major religious communities in the World and not just any one religion in specific.
Will India ever acknowledge that Pakistan is better than them in every way?
A simple "Yes" "No" or "Maybe" to this question will suffice.;)

lets be honest ...the rivalry is too strong between both nations for open acceptance of any kind !!.....but that does not mean there has been no tacit acceptance ......therefore both nations will have to suffice with that ........

Keep trolling to minimum.......just the Answers to to Qs will suffice guys.............
Will India ever acknowledge that Pakistan is better than them in every way?
A simple "Yes" "No" or "Maybe" to this question will suffice.;)

Are you here to show how intelligent you in particular,or an average Pakistani in general are?Well,I must say you are not doing a good job with it..
Are most Indians Islamophobes or just the majority on this forum?? :coffee:

Majority Indians tend to be secular...atleast tries to be................but in the last decade there has been a steady rise in islamophobes in India.....little paranoia and mostly due to appeasement policy of congress or experience of islamic fanatism which thereby leads to less secualr intent.....but still this islamophobes are fringe element like how jihadis exist in india.......
Are most Indians Islamophobes or just the majority on this forum?? :coffee:

Indians are not Islamophobes. Difficult to be, when large numbers of Indians ARE Muslims.

If Indians in general had been Islamophobes, then the Islamophobic party, the BJP, would have won a lot of seats in elections. They don't.

Yes, Indians on this forum are disproportionately Islamophobic. For instance, see #14.
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