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Anti war = Anti national?

We can go on and on about this. The fact remains that Pakistan doesn't foresee betterment of relations until the Kashmir issue is resolved. That's been the tagline for the last few years.

Why is your nation willing to sacrifice trade and Peaceful people to people relation for that?

I see you know our foreign policy very well. Thanks for appreciating it.


Pakistan will never choose 'economics' over Kashmiris.

We will continue to be poor and sacrifice countless souls but we will never compromise brotherhood over petty wealth and resource.

I will let you in on a secret. Had you guys given Kashmir to Pakistan during the 50s and Pakistani dictator who had the 'brilliant' idea of mutual defense pact been successful, we would be discussing how to improve Taj Mahal's decaying tile works and how beautiful the returning Asiatic Lions look. The Akhand Bharat would have been a reality.

Fate has other things planned for both the nations.
That's how Indian Media in encourage war and hatred between the both nations.
They even bash their own countrymen if they try to spread a message of peace and eliminate hatred.

No one wants a war. It will have an impact on entire Asia's economy. But that doesn't mean one sits idle. That's what the media says. There are many that discourage wars as well.. to the extreme levels of pacifism.
No one wants a war. It will have an impact on entire Asia's economy. But that doesn't mean one sits idle. That's what the media says. There are many that discourage wars as well.. to the extreme levels of pacifism.
How are you brother. Do you remember me?
I see you know our foreign policy very well. Thanks for appreciating it.


Pakistan will never choose 'economics' over Kashmiris.

We will continue to be poor and sacrifice countless souls but we will never compromise brotherhood over petty wealth and resource.

I will let you in on a secret. Had you guys given Kashmir to Pakistan during the 50s and Pakistani dictator who had the 'brilliant' idea of mutual defense pact been successful, we would be discussing how to improve Taj Mahal's decaying tile works and how beautiful the returning Asiatic Lions look. The Akhand Bharat would have been a reality.

Fate has other things planned for both the nations.
Well then nothing much can be done about the problem then what already is being done. If you prefer your 'brotherhood' over your own well being then we are also happy with the status quo.

Nobody wants akhand bharat here in India. It was always the dominion of India and Pakistan after the British left. Only that we gained independence fighting the Brits and then fighting among ourselves and that should have been the last fight we ever had together but that's not the case with you people. You want to continue the fight for a peace of land.
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Nobody buys into the development and acche din bakwaas anymore.

Not the secular Indians.

And definitely not the sanghis chortling with glee.

Please open your eyes.

Cheers, Doc
Seculars never bought into it, so why, pretend that it is important to you now?

70 years, seculars never bothered about providing bank accounts to all families.
70 years, seculars never bothered to ensure toilets for all families.
70 years, seculars never bothered about providing electricity to all villages.
70 years.....I can go on but seculars talking about development is seriously messed up.

We Sanghis don't pretend. We want development but we also want Modi to smash the seculars to pulp.
As per us, he is doing both, so, we are happy.
there is nothing wrong with freedom of expression

Then I really wonder why NOT ONE SECULAR LIBERAL came to the aid of 16 year old boy in West Bengal who is still languishing in jail for a Face Book post!

Even now he is charged and in jail.
Not a peep from the JNU champions of freedom. Must be hard to show ones face when a 16 year old boy is jail for FB book and these clowns claim to be champions of Freedom of Expression!
Then I really wonder why NOT ONE SECULAR LIBERAL came to the aid of 16 year old boy in West Bengal who is still languishing in jail for a Face Book post!

Even now he is charged and in jail.
Not a peep from the JNU champions of freedom. Must be hard to show ones face when a 16 year old boy is jail for FB book and these clowns claim to be champions of Freedom of Expression!

I am not in charge of West bengal. I would not mind delivering a thrashing of a lifetime to those protestors
I am not in charge of West bengal. I would not mind delivering a thrashing of a lifetime to those protestors

Sorry, it was not a post against you.
A general observation I have made regarding the so called Indian seculars & Liberals & Champions of Freedom of Expression..

These people suddenly have urgent things to do when FOE of certain kind is uttered and the concerned person lands in jail. Even if it's a minor they pretend they are not aware of it and don't even address it.

Case in point the Secular liberal FOE champions of JNU - Not one word for the 16 year old boy.
The Kanhayyas, Kavitha Krishnan, Shehla Rashid, Khalid, Pappu, Kejri, yechuri, suddenly have found urgent work than comment on this.

Little hard to take preaching's from the same group after their blatant double standards.
Well then nothing much can be done about the problem then what already is being done. If you prefer your 'brotherhood' over your own well being then we are also happy with the status quo.

Nobody wants akhand bharat here in India. It was always the dominion of India and Pakistan after the British left. Only that we gained independence fighting the Brits and then fighting among ourselves and that should have been the last fight we ever had together but that's not the case with you people. You want to continue the fight for a peace of land.


We want to continue the fight for peace and the people.

The land comes with the people by itself
there is difference B/w free speech and hate speech and you should learn that difference

criticism of Islam is not hate speech
grow up !!!

I will let you in on a secret. Had you guys given Kashmir to Pakistan during the 50s and Pakistani dictator who had the 'brilliant' idea of mutual defense pact been successful, we would be discussing how to improve Taj Mahal's decaying tile works and how beautiful the returning Asiatic Lions look. The Akhand Bharat would have been a reality.

Fate has other things planned for both the nations.

what is the point of 1947 ??
criticism of Islam is not hate speech
grow up !!!
You need to Grow up Son this thread has nothing to do with Islam>
Oh wait have you even watched the Video in OP??
I guess no!! so stop bitching here and first learn what we are discussing here
You need to Grow up Son this thread has nothing to do with Islam>
Oh wait have you even watched the Video in OP??
I guess no!! so stop bitching here and first learn what we are discussing here

What are you going to do if I call the prophet of Islam some choice words ??
riot in the streets ...
Then I really wonder why NOT ONE SECULAR LIBERAL came to the aid of 16 year old boy in West Bengal who is still languishing in jail for a Face Book post!

Even now he is charged and in jail.
Not a peep from the JNU champions of freedom. Must be hard to show ones face when a 16 year old boy is jail for FB book and these clowns claim to be champions of Freedom of Expression!
People in India have a very natural tendency to mix together totally different issues having no connection whatsoever. JNU case was a perfect example of Media trail based upon second hand information that was in front of us. There is a reason why the court acquitted them free of charges.
Insulting religious deities that hurts the sentiments of a particular community is a punishable offense. I am not particularly aware of the incident and what were the comments made that got him into jail.
If he was merely stating facts which some Muslims finds provocative then it's a breach of the freedom of expression. All this depends on who is the ruling party in the said state. You can expect minority appeasement from the likes of Mamta, Mulayam and Lalu.


We want to continue the fight for peace and the people.

The land comes with the people by itself
Peace and war do not comes together in a package. Europeans learned it the hard way with millions of death and you want us to repeat the same mistake.
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