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Anti war = Anti national?

We are very clear in our mind that India is on the RIGHTEOUS side
against Pakistan

All our tensions are because of Pakistan

If a war has to happen ; so be it


You deserve a positive rating for this.

Love it

When have you ever been in a position to finish a war?

Tall talk. Nothing else.

Cheers, Doc

We would see.
Inshallah Pakistan is destined to win the next war.
Demonetisation was 70 years of black money going white. Across party lines.

It was India's Brahmins pulling the nation-wide wool over 1.3 billion lesser men.

A lot of it (most) before the Mitron speech.

You are actually insinuating that I lost money which is why I'm taking a dump on the BJP?

That the outrage on the communal crap and the economy tanking is just a red herring?

Cheers, Doc
Demonetisation was bringing 70 years of black/parallel economy into the main economy.
If that was the case why did the likes of mulayam and mayawati complained about the lack of time and no headstart allowed. Even BJP members got caught with tons of illegal money without any source.
Moat importantly it hit the local level babus or netas who had hoards of black money with them.
Whoa! Doc that not what I meant. That was just a joke that I made
Demonetisation was bringing 70 years of black/parallel economy into the main economy.
If that was the case why did the likes of mulayam and mayawati complained about the lack of time and no headstart allowed. Even BJP members got caught with tons of illegal money without any source.
Moat importantly it hit the local level babus or netas who had hoards of black money with them.
Whoa! Doc that not what I meant. That was just a joke that I made

Good. Because I did lose about 40k in pehramni money. Missed in envelopes put away in drawers and cupboards.

Money I could have bought myself a nice 27 speed MTB with, hydraulic disc brakes and fork with hydraulic lockout.

Honest people have honest anger at losing hard earned money.

Cheers, Doc
Pakistanis only concern is Kashmir and after Kashmir a stable India.
Past efforts from your side are not exactly supportive of your claims.
But this time you would start the war and we would finish it. I can promise you that.
This is where your proficiency of having a rational chat ends? Fake war posturing has never helped your country, never will.

Good. Because I did lose about 40k in pehramni money. Missed in envelopes put away in drawers and cupboards.

Money I could have bought myself a nice 27 speed MTB with, hydraulic disc brakes and fork with hydraulic lockout.

Honest people have honest anger at losing hard earned money.

Cheers, Doc
You should have been more careful with your stacked cash.:lol:
That's all I can say.
You should have been more careful with your stacked cash.:lol:
That's all I can say.

Story of my life man.

And this was money given by parents, elder relatives. Birthday. Anniversary. From their pensions and savings ...

Cheers, Doc
Past efforts from your side are not exactly supportive of your claims.

This is where your proficiency of having a rational chat ends? Fake war posturing has never helped your country, never will.

I am not advocating war. But i am only suggesting any war between the two countries would mean mass destruction of sub continent. Nobody will win only humanity will lose.

Past efforts are always looked at in hindsight which makes the discussion irrelevant. What is done is done.

Now we have a Kashmir where India and Pakistan are just going to be one of the many parties in the mix. That does not suit neither you nor us.
Story of my life man.

And this was money given by parents, elder relatives. Birthday. Anniversary. From their pensions and savings ...

Cheers, Doc
I'm sorry for your loss. 40000 is a big sum to lose, multiply it by ten if it was given to you by your parents.

I am not advocating war. But i am only suggesting any war between the two countries would mean mass destruction of sub continent. Nobody will win only humanity will lose.

Past efforts are always looked at in hindsight which makes the discussion irrelevant. What is done is done.

Now we have a Kashmir where India and Pakistan are just going to be one of the many parties in the mix. That does not suit neither you nor us.
Exactly, to nuke each other for a piece of land that doesn't wanted to be with either of us in the first place is as stupid as it gets. Pakistan needs to understand that.

Well then Pakistan should stop Chinese access to Kashmir because US will come trailing after China, then Russia followed by NATO. Neither of us wants that in Kashmir?
The days of war and valor have almost ended ......... what we have in context of Pakistan india future war is destruction at a scale that would engulf rest of the world in its blazing flames.

The real question is which people are ready to die holding hands of their near and dear ones, in their homes, offices, streets, colleges, universities ............ does this mental media anchor know this?
Exactly, to nuke each other for a piece of land that doesn't wanted to be with either of us in the first place is as stupid as it gets. Pakistan needs to understand that.

Well then Pakistan should stop Chinese access to Kashmir because US will come trailing after China, then Russia followed by NATO. Neither of us wants that in Kashmir?

Tell that to your government who keeps calling all terrorists by making it a target and a destination for terrorists.

What Chinese access to Kashmir? Pakistan has no border issues with China.

It is your government who asked the US to put someone on a global terrorist list which in turn invited Al Qaeda to bring out its Kashmir chapter.

ISIS will now come up with Gajwa Hind doctrine after Khorasan chapter.

and you are complaining about Pakistan and Chinese border which is settled through an international agreement.

Best shot for peace still is a plebiscite under UN supervision.

Pakistan still treats Kashmir as a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.
Tell that to your government who keeps calling all terrorists by making it a target and a destination for terrorists.

What Chinese access to Kashmir? Pakistan has no border issues with China.

It is your government who asked the US to put someone on a global terrorist list which in turn invited Al Qaeda to bring out its Kashmir chapter.

ISIS will now come up with Gajwa Hind doctrine after Khorasan chapter.

and you are complaining about Pakistan and Chinese border which is settled through an international agreement.

Best shot for peace still is a plebiscite under UN supervision.

Pakistan still treats Kashmir as a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.
How about you telling the Pak the army to stop intrusions in our part of Kashmir. Stop sending jihadis. That will make things a bit easier for both sides.

Remember Shakasgam valley? Also remember the Chinese warning last month to act on behalf of Pakistan in Kashmir? That's your gift to China and Kashmir.

Putting a terrorist on a global terrorist list of the US is not wrong. That will stop every US citizen and US territory to be used in dealing with Salahuddin and his efforts to fund or ignite voilence in kashmir. Salahuddin is living in Pakistan, generating and using funds to support armed violence against the normal people of kashmir.

Plebiscite was to happen in 1947-48 not in 2017, what stopped you guys from doing it then. Things have changed, demography of Kashmir has changed. Plebiscite is no more the best solution.

Pakistan has long been asking for a US intervention, UN intervention and most recently the Chinese intervention in Kashmir even after signing a treaty with India to solve it as a bilateral issue.
How about you telling the Pak the army to stop intrusions in our part of Kashmir. Stop sending jihadis. That will make things a bit easier for both sides.

Remember Shakasgam valley? Also remember the Chinese warning last month to act on behalf of Pakistan in Kashmir? That's your gift to China and Kashmir.

Putting a terrorist on a global terrorist list of the US is not wrong. That will stop every US citizen and US territory to be used in dealing with Salahuddin and his efforts to fund or ignite voilence in kashmir. Salahuddin is living in Pakistan, generating and using funds to support armed violence against the normal people of kashmir.

Plebiscite was to happen in 1947-48 not in 2017, what stopped you guys from doing it then. Things have changed, demography of Kashmir has changed. Plebiscite is no more the best solution.

Pakistan has long been asking for a US intervention, UN intervention and most recently the Chinese intervention in Kashmir even after signing a treaty with India to solve it as a bilateral issue.

If you have proof that Pakistani state institution is helping the Kashmiri struggle you can take this to any international court.

Plebiscite is the only option for Kashmir for a peaceful solution. There is no other way around this.

Pakistan has no leverage on UN or the US. It was a and is still a golden opportunity for India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir under UN supervision. Even after 70 years you guys are still not confident about it? Why this irrational fear?
If you have proof that Pakistani state institution is helping the Kashmiri struggle you can take this to any international court.

Plebiscite is the only option for Kashmir for a peaceful solution. There is no other way around this.

Pakistan has no leverage on UN or the US. It was a and is still a golden opportunity for India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir under UN supervision. Even after 70 years you guys are still not confident about it? Why this irrational fear?
We can go on and on about this. The fact remains that Pakistan doesn't foresee betterment of relations until the Kashmir issue is resolved. That's been the tagline for the last few years.

Why is your nation willing to sacrifice trade and Peaceful people to people relation for that?
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