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Anti war = Anti national?

You got to understand media perspective doesn't decides foreign policies of a country. Like what you have mentioned above about your media the same is the case with us. There are only about 20-30% of Indian media that preaches war or no relations with Pakistan, rest all of them are nationalists(not pseudo nationalist) and wants the terrorism to stop before we can proceed towards peace talks and betterment of relationship.

30 percent of a billion people are a huge chunk to be honest. Couple that with the actual turnout percentage in any election in India and you have yourself a government representing those people who have a very narrow minded approach towards how the foreign policy should be handled.

I understand what you are trying to convey but you have to realize the problem goes deeper than just rhetoric. In a world fueled by populist governments that is a dangerous game of risk and chance.

The media is a tool not a mirror. If you do not agree to this i can agree to disagree.
30 percent of a billion people are a huge chunk to be honest. Couple that with the actual turnout percentage in any election in India and you have yourself a government representing those people who have a very narrow minded approach towards how the foreign policy should be handled.

I understand what you are trying to convey but you have to realize the problem goes deeper than just rhetoric. In a world fueled by populist governments that is a dangerous game of risk and chance.

The media is a tool not a mirror. If you do not agree to this i can agree to disagree.
I am sorry I should have been more clear. 20-30% of Hindi-English media is the same as Pakistan's, we have multiple news channels of local/vernacular language having quite a influence on the local diaspora as well and they mainly focus on the local issues. We are a billion people with immense diversity that's why not all of us think alike. Govt of India is made up of an alliance of multiple local parties+national parties who contested elections on their own different set of agendas.
People with narrow minded approach on everything actually doesn't comes out and vote as they consider it a waste of time. It is only those who understand the power vested in them under the constitution to decide the faith of their country for the next five years actually comes out to vote for their representatives.
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I am sorry I should have been more clear. 20-30% of Hindi-English media is the same as Pakistan's, we have multiple news channels of local/vernacular language having quite a influence on the local diaspora as well and they mainly focus on the local issues. We are a billion people with immense diversity that's why not all of us think alike. Govt of India is made up of an alliance of multiple local parties+national parties who contested elections on their own different set of agendas.
People with narrow minded approach on everything actually doesn't comes out and vote as they consider it a waste of time. It is only those who understand the power vested in them under the constitution to decide the faith of their country for the next five years actually comes out vote for their representatives.

I really really want to believe you when you say this. But your governments policies of aggression suggests otherwise and the chances are BJP will win clean sweep the next election.
My best wishes for the people of India but as somebody sitting outside of India will tell you that you are flirting with fascism which is not ideally suited to the Indian society given its diversity.
Modi wants to export his jingoism from Delhi to all other Indian states.
Just as he wants to force mandatory practice of yoga in the schools and other such shik.
I really really want to believe you when you say this. But your governments policies of aggression suggests otherwise and the chances are BJP will win clean sweep the next election.
My best wishes for the people of India but as somebody sitting outside of India will tell you that you are flirting with fascism which is not ideally suited to the Indian society given its diversity.
BJP are mostly likely to win the elections next time and Modi will get a second term but not because people wants a fascist as our PM. He promises development of India and people believes in his promises, that's why he was voted PM in the first place.
Aggression is not the policy of our govt. It is replying Pakistan or Pak army in the same tune. That's pretty much it.
I am sorry to say but Pak army has always been this aggressive to us since forever. We are only now replying in the same tune and you people are calling as aggressive posturing.
BJP are mostly likely to win the elections next time and Modi will get a second term but not because people wants a fascist as our PM. He promises development of India and people believes in his promises, that's why he was voted PM in the first place.
Aggression is not the policy of our govt. It is replying Pakistan or Pak army in the same tune. That's pretty much it.
I am sorry to say but Pak army has always been this aggressive to us since forever. We are only now replying in the same tune and you people are calling as aggressive posturing.

Nobody buys into the development and acche din bakwaas anymore.

Not the secular Indians.

And definitely not the sanghis chortling with glee.

Please open your eyes.

Cheers, Doc
Nobody buys into the development and acche din bakwaas anymore.

Not the secular Indians.

And definitely not the sanghis chortling with glee.

Please open your eyes.

Cheers, Doc
You expected him to move mountains in 3.5 years doc? We are a complex democracy, you know it better then most of us.
Every govt comes with its pros and cons what you are saying is the ugly reality of a Hindu nationalists govt.
You expected him to move mountains in 3.5 years doc? We are a complex democracy, you know it better then most of us.
Every govt comes with its pros and cons what you are saying is the ugly reality of a Hindu nationalists govt.

The Hindu bit is DNA. Never going the change. Subtle or malignantly overt are the spectrum we get there.

But this government is corrupt (the Congress are amateurs in comparison) and incompetent.

Cheers, Doc
BJP are mostly likely to win the elections next time and Modi will get a second term but not because people wants a fascist as our PM. He promises development of India and people believes in his promises, that's why he was voted PM in the first place.
Aggression is not the policy of our govt. It is replying Pakistan or Pak army in the same tune. That's pretty much it.
I am sorry to say but Pak army has always been this aggressive to us since forever. We are only now replying in the same tune and you people are calling as aggressive posturing.

Pakistan has not showed any hostility towards India bar a few avoidable episodes. Kashmir issue is key in solving the puzzle and we were all too happy with the bilateral nature of it. But sadly your government has back tracked on that quite cunningly.

I am sure no body sitting in Calcutta or Chennai or even for that matter Sikkhim see Pakistan as a threat in India. You need someone to blame and that is why Pakistan is important to you.

The forward policy of your government in Balochistan and Gilgit Baltisitan is no hidden secret yet to the very last Pakistanis would say 'We should have never given them the chance' or 'terrorism is our own making' or 'political instability breeds oppression'.

Pakistanis were quite happy watching bollywood and how the trade relation is growing and how things were moving forward. But now they are pointing fingers at you guys and trust me its not a position of comfort because you will face the same problems we faced and somehow managed yet your secular ways will find uniting India under one banner quite impossible.
But this government is corrupt (the Congress are amateurs in comparison) and incompetent.

Cheers, Doc
How come they are corrupt? I agree there are a few retards but the same was the case with congress.
State govts has always been corrupt. That's the same in every state.
How come they are corrupt? I agree there are a few retards but the same was the case with congress.
State govts has always been corrupt. That's the same in every state.

What do you think Demonetisation was all about?

The biggest heist in the history of modern India.

And sanghis going wah wah ....

Cheers, Doc
Pakistan has not showed any hostility towards India bar a few avoidable episodes. Kashmir issue is key in solving the puzzle and we were all too happy with the bilateral nature of it. But sadly your government has back tracked on that quite cunningly.

I am sure no body sitting in Calcutta or Chennai or even for that matter Sikkhim see Pakistan as a threat in India. You need someone to blame and that is why Pakistan is important to you.

The forward policy of your government in Balochistan and Gilgit Baltisitan is no hidden secret yet to the very last Pakistanis would say 'We should have never given them the chance' or 'terrorism is our own making' or 'political instability breeds oppression'.

Pakistanis were quite happy watching bollywood and how the trade relation is growing and how things were moving forward. But now they are pointing fingers at you guys and trust me its not a position of comfort because you will face the same problems we faced and somehow managed yet your secular ways will find uniting India under one banner quite impossible.
Come on man except for us supporting mukti bahini in 1971(that was a lost case after all) you guys have fought four wars with us, 3 of them for Kashmir. Every time you have been the aggressor.
Kashmir problem can be solved peacefully but there needs to be a common consensus and political will in both the countries to do that. Last time when Musharff ruled Pakistan your country actually has a stable leadership and we came quite close to solve the kashmir problem but he backed out due to the internal opposition. You can check it for yourself.
Sikkim or Kolkata. When it comes to a threat to India's national interests we all stand together against the oppressors. That's the beauty of it. We don't need Pakistan to blame for every fault of ours. Right now the trend is nationalism or anti national and not pro Pakistan or anti Pakistan.
Secularism is in the sole of Indian constitution even though it was added very late into it by an amendment under emergency.:lol: That's why the state has no religion.
Different govt with different ideologies come and go every five years and they have to adhere to the constitution or they will be termed illegal. Heck even the atheists have their fair say in this highly religious country.

What do you think Demonetisation was all about?

The biggest heist in the history of modern India.

And sanghis going wah wah ....

Cheers, Doc
Demonetisation was a good move implemented badly or not perfectly. But it did it's job fairly well.
Seems like you lost your stack of cash with demonetisation.(pun intended)
Demonetisation was a good move implemented badly or not perfectly. But it did it's job fairly well.
Seems like you lost your stack of cash with demonetisation.(pun intended)

Demonetisation was 70 years of black money going white. Across party lines.

It was India's Brahmins pulling the nation-wide wool over 1.3 billion lesser men.

A lot of it (most) before the Mitron speech.

You are actually insinuating that I lost money which is why I'm taking a dump on the BJP?

That the outrage on the communal crap and the economy tanking is just a red herring?

Cheers, Doc
Come on man except for us supporting mukti bahini in 1971(that was a lost case after all) you guys have fought four wars with us, 3 of them for Kashmir. Every time you have been the aggressor.
Kashmir problem can be solved peacefully but there needs to be a common consensus and political will in both the countries to do that. Last time when Musharff ruled Pakistan your country actually has a stable leadership and we came quite close to solve the kashmir problem but he backed out due to the internal opposition. You can check it for yourself.
Sikkim or Kolkata. When it comes to a threat to India's national interests we all stand together against the oppressors. That's the beauty of it. We don't need Pakistan to blame for every fault of ours. Right now the trend is nationalism or anti national and not pro Pakistan or anti Pakistan.
Secularism is in the sole of Indian constitution even though it was added very late into it by an amendment under emergency.:lol: That's why the state has no religion.
Different govt with different ideologies come and go every five years and they have to adhere to the constitution or they will be termed illegal. Heck even the atheists have their fair say in this highly religious country.

I think the secular nature of your constitution is actually oppressing the Hindu citizens of India and it is a matter of time only that India will become the first Hindu Democracy than a Secular Democracy in 7 years time or so. But that is none of my concern. Pakistanis only concern is Kashmir and after Kashmir a stable India.

Musharraf never had a political plan for Kashmir. He was too blunt on Kargil and even discussed the nuclear option to end the Kashmiri's misery but hmm lets say some Muslim Brotherly nation advised against it. This is witnessed history by myself.

Pakistan still seeks political solution to Kashmir and thus why has reiterated that internationally as well. I guess we are moving towards either a plebiscite or war. But this time you would start the war and we would finish it. I can promise you that.
We are very clear in our mind that India is on the RIGHTEOUS side
against Pakistan

All our tensions are because of Pakistan

If a war has to happen ; so be it
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