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Anti-Islam Amendments Urged in Bangladesh

the bill can be passed as the BAL is in power
DHAKA – In a controversial view to many Muslims, Bangladesh's attorney general has called for changing laws to allow equal inheritance rights for women and men and ban polygamy.

"If a family does not have a male child, the female child should be treated as one for succession," Attorney General Mahbubey Alam was quoted by Bangladesh 24 website as saying on Saturday, June 22.
“Even if there is no male child, it has to be assumed there is one," he added during a discussion on suggested amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC).

Under the current law, Muslim girls inherit half of her father’s property if she has no brothers.

The rest goes to her uncles, aunts and grandparents, according to Islamic Shari`ah.

The attorney general opined that the amendment would benefit thousands of families and female children.

Bangladesh is the world's third-largest Muslim majority nation with a population of some 148 million.

The country has a secular legal system but in matters related to inheritance and marriage Muslims follow Sharia`h.

The secular notions of the country were first enshrined in the 1972 constitution drafted under the leadership of the country's founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Islam, as a divine religion, sets down rules that strike a balance between men's responsibilities and women's rights.

Islam gives the girl half of her brother's share in inheritance because Islamic Law doesn't oblige her to spend any money on anybody other than herself.

On the other hand, Muslim man, who is usually the bread-winner of the family, is obliged to spend on his wife, his children, his brothers, his sisters, and his mother and father.

No Polygamy

Adding to the controversy, the attorney general suggested amendments to ban Muslim men from getting a second wife.

"Muslim men will have to be denied a second marriage because this is cause for tears for so many women," Alam said.

"During my last four and half years as Attorney General, I have seen so many women ruined as their husbands went for a second marriage."

Islam sees polygamy as a realistic answer to some social woes like adulterous affairs and lamentable living conditions of a widow or a divorced woman.

A Muslim man who seeks a second or a third wife should, however, make sure that he would treat them all on an equal footing, even in terms of compassion.

The Noble Qur'an says that though polygamy is lawful it is very hard for a man to guarantee such fairness.



Changing Muslim inheritance law or stopping polygamy won't do much good to women. Stopping polygamy will increase adultery (look at west adultery is now part of their life ) and if a women doesn't have brother good luck getting full property from male relatives ( Its hard for women even now to get their half share of inheritance). Government should stop meddling with shariah and focus on implementing the laws that we already have.
DHAKA – In a controversial view to many Muslims, Bangladesh's attorney general has called for changing laws to allow equal inheritance rights for women and men and ban polygamy.

"If a family does not have a male child, the female child should be treated as one for succession," Attorney General Mahbubey Alam was quoted by Bangladesh 24 website as saying on Saturday, June 22.
“Even if there is no male child, it has to be assumed there is one," he added during a discussion on suggested amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC).

Under the current law, Muslim girls inherit half of her father’s property if she has no brothers.

The rest goes to her uncles, aunts and grandparents, according to Islamic Shari`ah.

The attorney general opined that the amendment would benefit thousands of families and female children.

Bangladesh is the world's third-largest Muslim majority nation with a population of some 148 million.

The country has a secular legal system but in matters related to inheritance and marriage Muslims follow Sharia`h.

The secular notions of the country were first enshrined in the 1972 constitution drafted under the leadership of the country's founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Islam, as a divine religion, sets down rules that strike a balance between men's responsibilities and women's rights.

Islam gives the girl half of her brother's share in inheritance because Islamic Law doesn't oblige her to spend any money on anybody other than herself.

On the other hand, Muslim man, who is usually the bread-winner of the family, is obliged to spend on his wife, his children, his brothers, his sisters, and his mother and father.

No Polygamy

Adding to the controversy, the attorney general suggested amendments to ban Muslim men from getting a second wife.

"Muslim men will have to be denied a second marriage because this is cause for tears for so many women," Alam said.

"During my last four and half years as Attorney General, I have seen so many women ruined as their husbands went for a second marriage."

Islam sees polygamy as a realistic answer to some social woes like adulterous affairs and lamentable living conditions of a widow or a divorced woman.

A Muslim man who seeks a second or a third wife should, however, make sure that he would treat them all on an equal footing, even in terms of compassion.

The Noble Qur'an says that though polygamy is lawful it is very hard for a man to guarantee such fairness.



They are basically inviting civil war in Bangladesh they are making sure public reaches tipping point and explodes and result in Civil war which will only benefit one country that is India
@Hyperion Would you believe this. Off topic- I met an Iranian yesterday..recognized them immediately since they were enthusiastically talking to some college student here about their space program. Entered the convo...anyway..they say that they are already training their nauts for zero-g ops.:D

Oh man I wish there was a thread on this. :rofl:

Nope. Its just that I spend so much time between Zarvi and Secur that the concept of Ummah has really gotten me intrigued and obvio BDf who'd been extolling everyone to act against Burma in the same vein.

So my interest naturally translates to how this concept applies to other majority Muslim nations like BD. Its a sad diorama indeed.

Apparently you require more knowledge about Ummah before criticizing them. Listening to few people doesn't make you an expert. Let me give you a hint, do you know elected by majority is the one who is entitled to lead the Ummah, not the person who grasp the power with military?
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Awami loons at it again. They are following their master's whispers, so no surprise in what kind of ***** comes out of their mouth every now and then. Islamic inheretence law is pretty clear on how wealth should be distributed and is just to the core. Allah (swt) knows what's good and what's bad for his creations , us Humans.

If they were really worried about equal distribution of wealth they would have gone on to stop anti-islamic dowry imposed on the bride. First make sure that women get what is justifiably theirs rather than spouting crap about Islamic family law. All of these is just to open up more controversies and issues to divert people's attention from their dalali while at the same time abiding their master's prescription. Bunch of anti-islamic dalal bigots.

"Muslim men will have to be denied a second marriage because this is cause for tears for so many women," Alam said.

"During my last four and half years as Attorney General, I have seen so many women ruined as their husbands went for a second marriage."

Will that stop rape, acid attacks, human trafikking and sexual violence on women? Suddenly polygamy becomes the main issue in BD society? :blink: :rolleyes: one night stand, extramarital affairs, obscene modeling, taking advantage of women , all allowed but polygamy which is optional and have conditions and limits, not allowed.
Awami loons at it again. They are following their master's whispers, so no surprise in what kind of ***** comes out of their mouth every now and then. Islamic inheretence law is pretty clear on how wealth should be distributed and is just to the core. Allah (swt) knows what's good and what's bad for his creations , us Humans.

If they were really worried about equal distribution of wealth they would have gone on to stop anti-islamic dowry imposed on the bride. First make sure that women get what is justifiably theirs rather than spouting crap about Islamic family law. All of these is just to open up more controversies and issues to divert people's attention from their dalali while at the same time abiding their master's prescription. Bunch of anti-islamic dalal bigots.

Will that stop rape, acid attacks, human trafikking and sexual violence on women? Suddenly polygamy becomes the main issue in BD society? :blink: :rolleyes: one night stand, extramarital affairs, obscene modeling, taking advantage of women , all allowed but polygamy which is optional and have conditions and limits, not allowed.

What is the punishment of this Munafiq?
Bengali is a Hindu Idolatry Shirk Language and Culture.

As a Muslim, you should learn and speak Arabic, the divine language in which Allah revealed Islam.

This is outrageous. You are my brother by faith if you are an Indian muslim and not just a pretender but you crossed all limits here. You have no right to insult my language or culture. If you hate hindu culture so much what are you doing in Hindustan then?
Not Anti-Islam but rather sane, humane and logical amendments urged in Bangladesh. It is going on the right path of throwing religion out of state.

Bengali is a Hindu Idolatry Shirk Language and Culture.

As a Muslim, you should learn and speak Arabic, the divine language in which Allah revealed Islam.

And live under Arab imperialism!
They are basically inviting civil war in Bangladesh they are making sure public reaches tipping point and explodes and result in Civil war which will only benefit one country that is India

There will be no civil war in Bangladesh until some country tries to play the Ummah commander card by arming and funding terrorists!
This is outrageous. You are my brother by faith if you are an Indian muslim and not just a pretender but you crossed all limits here. You have no right to insult my language or culture. If you hate hindu culture so much what are you doing in Hindustan then?

Bengali Culture and Language is a Subset of Hindu Culture.

You should only worship, speak and Write Arabic in the devotion of the Most Merciful and Benevolent Allah.
their would be war and the most bloodiest one

:what: :rofl::omghaha:

:lol: If u MarrY onE womaN shE wilL fighT witH u buT if u marrY more womeN theY wilL fighT foR u ... thinK differenT ,add wife- have lyF.
So it makes sense :P
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