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Anti-Islam Amendments Urged in Bangladesh

UNICEF: 97% of Egyptian women aged 15-49 had female genital mutilation. War on women's V?
I'm shocked, its too many.

And who told you that?
Bengali Culture and Language is a Subset of Hindu Culture.

You should only worship, speak and Write Arabic in the devotion of the Most Merciful and Benevolent Allah.

Don't mistaken bharoti bangali culture for bangldeshi culture. All the muslim Bangalis in Bangladesh came here because they wanted to live in a Muslim culture

Lastly, speaking another language while restricting any language except Arabic makes the whole rant, invalid
LOL that's pretty lame. Try harder. :D

A pixelated smiley is all you can attack right?
Here's one, Indian civilization had a head start of thousands of years but Arabic calligraphy is world famous and considered best in the word (amongst Chinese and Japanese), what have you got besides a few statues of people ***-*******?
A pixelated smiley is all you can attack right?

No, it's all you get given the lameness of your shot. I tried not to point out the obvious fact that I'm typing in English.

Here's one, Indian civilization had a head start of thousands of years but Arabic calligraphy is world famous and considered best in the word (amongst Chinese and Japanese), what have you got besides a few statues of people ***-*******?

I honestly don't care. I don't like how it looks and sounds, and that's my personal opinion, so I don't get why you think you're touching nerves here with your typical, badly constructed statue jokes.
No, it's all you get given the lameness of your shot. I tried not to point out the obvious fact that I'm typing in English.

I honestly don't care. I don't like how it looks and sounds, and that's my personal opinion, so I don't get why you think you're touching nerves here with your typical, badly constructed statue jokes.

Let me try to not point out where these obscene statues are in India, you should know your 'historical' places. And yes, please shower me with more of your swagger dem feelz hurt bro :'[
A pixelated smiley is all you can attack right?
Here's one, Indian civilization had a head start of thousands of years but Arabic calligraphy is world famous and considered best in the word (amongst Chinese and Japanese), what have you got besides a few statues of people ***-*******?

Well at least you agree it was Indian civilisation :)

World famous? Where? In Pakistan? Plus who said Indian calligraphy is not 'World famous'? In fact we had calligraphy when Semites didn't even have a language?

Plus civilistaion is compared on bases of its' calligraphy. Right :) Who cares about the advancements they made in Science, Maths. Plus Philosophies that evolved out of that civilisation? True?

Plus why do you care about Arab civilisation? Arab wannabe in an identity crisis? :D you guys are my bread and butter! :)
Let me try to not point out where these obscene statues are in India, you should know your 'historical' places. And yes, please shower me with more of your swagger dem feelz hurt bro :'[

LOL comprehension problem much? Go right ahead and do what you feel like you must....you'd be giving yourself and a few others an education in the process if anything. Oh the after effect Ebonics don't help your cause very much. Haha
Well at least you agree it was Indian civilisation :)

World famous? Where? In Pakistan? Plus who said Indian calligraphy is not 'World famous'? In fact we had calligraphy when Semites didn't even have a language?

Plus civilistaion is compared on bases of its' calligraphy. Right :) Who cares about the advancements they made in Science, Maths. Plus Philosophies that evolved out of that civilisation? True?

Plus why do you care about Arab civilisation? Arab wannabe in an identity crisis? :D you guys are my bread and butter! :)

We have the same script, and arab calligraphy which was already pretty good on it's own was further developed by artisans in Persia, Turkey and Pakistan.

LOL comprehension problem much? Go right ahead and do what you feel like you must....you'd be giving yourself and a few others an education in the process if anything. Oh the after effect Ebonics don't help your cause very much. Haha

They will once you get the ebony **** out of your anus and start talking sense rather than shyte.

LOL comprehension problem much? Go right ahead and do what you feel like you must....you'd be giving yourself and a few others an education in the process if anything. Oh the after effect Ebonics don't help your cause very much. Haha

They will once you get the ebony **** out of your anus and start talking sense rather than shyte.
Why is it anyone's problem if a group of adults willfully consent to a polygamous relationship? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to enact laws that prohibit forced marriage?

It is not a group of adults, it is always the men who are in a polygamous marital relationship, and it is always the women who would have to willfully(?) give consent to that arrangement. @Mattrixx said that "Now women has say in the societies. And their voices counts."......good if this is true for every segment of your society, but I doubt if polygamous marriages happen with truly willful consent. I wonder how anyone can willfully agree to share one's spouse with another person without pain & heartburn!!! That's unthinkable!! :undecided:
I am seeing this issue from a humane point of view, not from a religious point of view......and I don't intend to hurt religious sentiments.

Can you list a few of the notable advances, if any, made by the ancient Indian civilization?

Not so long ago you were part of that ancient Indian civilization, yours & ours ancient history is one & same....so you should know. All notable advances, glories, achievements, pride, humiliation & shame of ancient Indian civilization are both yours & ours to share.

Not Anti-Islam but rather sane, humane and logical amendments urged in Bangladesh. It is going on the right path of throwing religion out of state.

That's a surprisingly liberal & pragmatic comment from a Pakistani living in Saudi Arab!! I am not generalizing, but such comments are rare, and I must thank you for that. I just hope that you are not being sarcastic. :undecided:
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Not so long ago you were part of that ancient Indian civilization, yours & ours ancient history is one & same....so you should know. All notable advances, glories, achievements, pride, humiliation & shame of ancient Indian civilization are both yours & ours to share.

I am really glad you said that. Some of your compatriots(read West Bengalis) have called us "Yemeni migrants/leftover from Arabic Invasion/Arab refugees" etc. etc.. We have heard it so many times here, we have actually started to believe it now and we consider old middle eastern civilizations like Mesopotemia, Ancient Egypt, Anatolia etc. to be our ancient history rather than the Indian civilization. ;)
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