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Anti-Islam Amendments Urged in Bangladesh

Instead of equal share of property for women, Mrs. Snake Hasina should think about equal share of Trade facilities and Water with the Master Orange which will make both the men and women happy.
It is not a group of adults, it is always the men who are in a polygamous marital relationship, and it is always the women who would have to willfully(?) give consent to that arrangement. @Mattrixx said that "Now women has say in the societies. And their voices counts."......good if this is true for every segment of your society, but I doubt if polygamous marriages happen with truly willful consent. I wonder how anyone can willfully agree to share one's spouse with another person without pain & heartburn!!! That's unthinkable!! :undecided:
I am seeing this issue from a humane point of view, not from a religious point of view......and I don't intend to hurt religious sentiments.

Laws are not made based on what an individual thinks and it is not for the state to impose "a particular version of morality" on its people. I understand your point; however you are passing on your opinions such as "always the women..." as absolute truth. Can you confidently say there is not a single happy polygamous marriage without risking your credibility?

I offered a solution in my previous post. The state only needs to ensure coercion and intimidation are not used on an individual to force them into a relationship. No forced marriage, no polygamous relationship without everyone's willful consent and the option for women to opt out of a relationship if their spouses' decisions go against their wishes.

Furthermore, both polygyny and polyandry should be legalized, even though the nature of human evolution makes polygyny more prevalent.

Not so long ago you were part of that ancient Indian civilization, yours & ours ancient history is one & same....so you should know. All notable advances, glories, achievements, pride, humiliation & shame of ancient Indian civilization are both yours & ours to share.

Bangladesh is indeed part of the ancient Indian civilization. But I like to see the reality as it is, without any sugar coating to suit my ego. We have not made any significant scientific advances compared to Europeans and East Asians for thousands of years. Sure we developed the decimal numeric system, but it doesn't take an Einstein or a Turing to do so and the world would have advanced to more or less its current state regardless. Same goes for Arabs/Muslims. Boasting about scientific advances made in the middle ages that have no significance in the modern world.

By the way, I'm 30/40% Arab - so I belong to both civilizations.

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