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Anti-Army/ISI/MI slogans raised in Megacity Lahore | Change of Command calls in a month| In 75 yrs Never seen such Questions on Army/ISI internal role

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Bro the current leadership is to military what zardari was to PPP.

They alienated their core support base and are continuing to do so. And for who? PMLN and PPP?
It’s just unfortunate.

Bhai baat simple hai

People are making heroes out of bhutto, nawaz sharif and akbar bugti on this thread

They are not heroes in anyways

In my criticism of army I won't make these guys heroes

Army did two things wrong and those two are the core reasons behind all the ills that are happening in Pakistan today

1. Giving NRO 2 to Sharifs and Zardaris
2. Removing popular PM

These are two core reasons. Rectify it and things would hopefully improve

There is no other way
@Signalian sb,

Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.

You are quite a sensible and balanced poster, so it is quite intriguing to read this. I have a couple of questions for you.

#1 It is unquestionable that given the unfortunate state of relationship between the two nations, the Establishment of both countries will be at loggerheads with each other. It is quite natural that India will want a rift between the Pak Establishment (traditionally army dominated) and the Pak Awaam- and that it will try to do so given half an opportunity. But does it mean that the current rift between the two has actually been engineered by Indians. And if so, how?

#2. Large sections of the Pak awaam resent the military for (allegedly) interfering in the civilian affairs of Pak and for consuming a disproportionate share of the resources of the nation. Assuming that these allegations are correct, how is the Indian State responsible for the Pak Fauj interfering in these matters? If incorrect, how has the Indian State convinced the pak Awaam that Pak fauj is interfering in these matters.

Or you can go back in 1857 and start from there. Maybe go back ho back even further. In any case, the point remains, there is a Hybrid war against Pakistan and Pak military.

You weaken the military, you weaken the nuclear threshold, you weaken the missile command and you force the system to collapse.

The weakened nuclear security is then a bait, an excuse to dis arm Pakistan piece by piece.

Bratty teenagers threaten their parents with these kinds of antics . You do this or iam gonna eat a lot more candies in school
Bhai baat simple hai

People are making heroes out of bhutto, nawaz sharif and akbar bugti on this thread

They are not heroes in anyways

In my criticism of army I won't make these guys heroes

Army did two things wrong and those two are the core reasons behind all the ills that are happening in Pakistan today

1. Giving NRO 2 to Sharifs and Zardaris
2. Removing popular PM

These are two core reasons. Rectify it and things would hopefully improve

There is no other way
Absolutely. We tend to go on extreme ends that is not right. We should isolate the issues.
I received this in WhatsApp message today make of it what you will .

Why do u think a certain Center was inaugurated recently. Look at circumstances of country and military from 2017 to 2022. Dissect it year by year, up till now.

You will get your answer.
you are right, and Fatimah Jinnah was an Indian Agent when she questioned illegal power of Self proclaimed a runaway officer of Burma campaign Filed Marhsal Ayub Khan.
Starting the wars they knew they couldnt finish only to satisfy their mammoth ego, WOomaniser and whoroizer Yahya, examples are many and list is as long as the History of Pak army itself

Why do u think a certain Center was inaugurated recently
releasing Bethulla Mehsud from Armys captivity silently, its a direct slap on those kids and their parents
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.

Seriously stop using this decades old pathetic and dumb excuses. You guys cant even open ur mouth against india and keep begging india for peace. Stop hiding behind india and shaheeds, this is really low for a so called professional army.
If all this is indian design then military leaders should kill themselves for being so stupid and playing right into their hands. Everyone cannot be fooled all the time, Allah have awaken the ppl and these brown agents of freemasons are now exposed.
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.
No, the establishment's pseudo-dictatorial designs are failing*

There's a problem in-house and it should be fixed rather than blaming the next man
No one heard of hybrid war or 5th gen war in1960s.
Bro calm down you are out of touch. I heard Mars as well but we are not living on the Mars. To get to Mars nations do work and then they start the journey.
India, US nexus planned the regime change and our own army generals and greedy politicians sold their souls that's are the facts. Pakistan have been brought to the state by our own army generals to implode Pakistan without India or US firing a single shot. These generals screwed up our country and they are the ones who house trained the weak politicians so they can do what ever wanted with our country. Our own army generals think Pakistan is their property and civilians are just nothing more then sheep they can control to benefit themselves.
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