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Anti-Army/ISI/MI slogans raised in Megacity Lahore | Change of Command calls in a month| In 75 yrs Never seen such Questions on Army/ISI internal role

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Lol. Not quite. But all I can say is watch and see ... Within a year everyone will be saying what I am saying today.b

Pakistan's own Military has become the enforcement arm of the American Imperial colonization.... The paid for Pakistani Mainstream Media is the social arm of cultural imperialism and West has cleverly devised a system where they do not have to physically occupy the nation. The Pakistani people are the truely enslaved nation.

Ask yourself... Where are all the ex-COAS living right now... And their descendents... You shall find your answer.b

Until you realize who your oppressor is... You will never be free.
Kab tak India ko kostay raho gay?
He is paid to deflect criticism of Army, Pait pe laath tu maare ga nahi... I work for (Internet Company) and sometime even I am like what a trashy service, but still when Customer calls I say our service is best, and sometimes we even put blame on rival companies to damage our equipment in the area. I was raised on the belief that Allah aur Rasool ke illawa har ek ko criticize kiya jaa sakta hai, no one is above law and criticism except the Prophet and Allah, didn't realize that Army is Part of Allah (Nauzubillah) or part of Prophethood(Astaghfirullah).
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This turned out to be more fun than I thought 😂 I stirred quite a few nerves here 😁

Ps: Just one sober member here, will reply him later.



Aww shit nigga. @Signalian wishes I was in Pakistan so he could send the vigo, get me tortured and have me jailed for 7 years...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.
Indian designs? You gotta throw in Israeli designs as well to spice it up.
PS. IK complaining of US designs, where as you are now complaining of Indian designs.
Do you have any proofs to show that Pakistani media is being used against PA via an ‘Indian’ design?

Anyway the latest trend in Pakistan vs its armed forces is extremely disturbing and hurtful.
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Indian designs? You gotta throw in Israeli designs as well to spice it up.
PS. IK complaining of US designs, where as you are now complaining of Indian designs.
Do you have any proofs to show that Pakistani media is being used against PA via an ‘Indian design?

Leave him. He will repeat the “Indian designs” mantra until your ears fall off. It's become a sick joke at this point.

What else do they have?
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.
Indian designs are succeeding.
I guess india was the one who let ttp back into swat? Or it is india that sends black vigos to pick people up? Or it is india which got a democratically elected pm removed in Pakistan? Or it was india which invited Sikh British army soldiers to where they massacred Muslim Pashtun Pakistani tribals? Or it was india arresting all the patriotic Pakistanis and throwing them in jails? Or it was Indians that made us make enemies out of people who have their lives for us? Or it was Indians that are giving pressers on rupee going up and calling the youth uninformed? Or it was Indians take took away the balls from generals who couldn’t do shit against india after it illegally annexed Kashmir, sent its submarine into our waters multiple times and fired a live cruise missile at us?
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.

Maa Sadkay.

Just today there are news of passing a bill that will put anyone behind bars for 7 years if he tweets against Army. Is India also behind this? Will this promote love for army in masses? Do you have any part of your brain still functioning?
Indian designs are succeeding. Media has been used negatively against Pakistan Army.

Wrong Indians are just watching how good we are at destroying ourselves. Media houses in Pakistan are more like whorehouses. The so called "journalist" like Hamid Mir, Saleem Safi, Imran Riaz Khan Sabir Shakir etc. etc. are just pawns in a very big game, these clowns sometimes dont even realize this.
total area lost in east Pakistan by Pakistan army Generals 148,460 km²
total area lost in Siachen by Pakistan army Generals 700 km²
total area lost in kargil by Pakistan army Generals 1,394 km²
civil war inside our country since general musharraf took over that has killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed the economy.
not a single inch gained since independence.
yep indian design are succeeding.
kindly dont post stupid "facts"

post how much total area DHA has gained since 47 thats the only fact that matters!!
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