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Another wave of Anti-Pakistani campaign in Turkey brewing. This time, Ataturk and Nuclear Technology is being discussed.

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Hey man, are you okay? Really sounds like you need help. There was just so much font game going on I just didn’t bother reading. But I thought I should reply because help is never out of reach.

As a friendly reminder, most people lose any interest in giving you a serious reply if you start with comical insults. Some just get defensive. If there was any substance in your post, I kind of missed it.

Anyway. Me? I feel your pain. It’s hard being a racist when everyone else is racist towards you. It’s not fun without a community. Solution is to chip away at it. One day at a time :)

#StayStrong #LiveStrong #SelfLove

Your cuck reply was expected.
I'm also ok, you clearly are not. Like I stated before it's cool to look the way you do, be proud, don't call others racist for pointing out obvious things.
You were insulted in a humorous way as you called me a racist, which means the gloves come off. Carry on calling me that, as stated in my earlier start at home, you guys really need it.
No one is racist to me in person as the result would be a spinning jaw, hence why you are doing it behind your PC.....
I have a community, you know the one you know f*ck all about.

I don't even remember that, it was 2-3 months ago.


Here more Pakistani perverts.
Abdulah Khokhar

Nafees Khokhar

Of course you don't remember that, as the shock of their massive reaction literally scared you off. As you realised the Iranians don't play, and used the worst insults for you. Now you're on here causing trouble, and our patience is running thin.

Yes they are Pakistani and by the looks of it from the same family.
The others are not, so stop posting videos on here and labelling them all Pakistani when they clearly are not.
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Since the day i joined here Pakistanis accused me of being Indian.

You are both perverts and slanderers. I do wonder if you know anything about honor or because of your culture your nation has no meaning for it?


Yes you are a Turk, others said the same.

Now if you make one more comment like that again we will get rid of you, and you can go chill elsewhere, which to be honest you don't have much of a choice for. We all know how the western forums treat Turks.
You only say the things you say here because you know we won't go hard on you until you step out of line. Mind you, you already received an 'awakening' from the Iranian section.
I understand - I grew up in England but interact regularly with BD - I have a younger brother who has not even spent a month in BD in his whole life.

From my experience of the 3rd world I am quite cynical about people but I'm very optimistic about life in general.

My brother takes equality, human rights, etc as a given. He is one of them who think the world is full of welcome (I also believe that tbh - but understand that welcomes shouldn't be overstayed). I think for him and for an entire generation, there is a reality check necessary.

I wish you good luck in Turkey, I'm sure it won't be too bad - and this time will pass - but you should understand your Turk countrymens feelings at this time.

I fully support the Turks punishing criminals and those who break the law. I support law authorities all over the world as long as justice is being served. What I don't support is hatred and politics from right-wing elements.

What the right-wing Turks are actually doing here is not hating Pakistan, but playing politics with Erdogan by painting his party as a Pakistan appeaser. They disagree with his religious beliefs and politics. They are secular and Erdogan is a firm believer of Islam. That is the actual clash here. Erdogan seeks good relations with Pakistan and that is no secret to anyone. The right-wing Turks are seizing this moment to play politics with Erdogan now that a bunch of Pakistani village idiots are caught in their immoral act. They know that Erdogan won't take drastic measures to hurt relations with Pakistan, but the right-wing Turks are turning this into a Turkey versus Pakistan clash to get to Erdogan. Erdogan already temporarily banned entry of Pakistani citizens in Turkey. It wasn't enough for right-wing fanatics. They seek a permanent ban and they know that Erdogan or any political leader for that matter won't deliver on that. That would essentially mean an end to Pakistan Turkish relations. The right-wingers are trying to corner Erdogan by using the Pakistan card. It is domestic politics turned ugly.
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Yes you are a Turk, others said the same.

Now if you make one more comment like that again we will get rid of you, and you can go chill elsewhere, which to be honest you don't have much of a choice for. We all know how the western forums treat Turks.
You only say the things you say here because you know we won't go hard on you until you step out of line. Mind you, you already received an 'awakening' from the Iranian section.
Exactly.. I think in recent years, thousands of Afghans end up in Turkey on Pak passports. Otherwise, I never heard any Pakistani wanted to settle in Turkey. I know a few of my friends in US, they work remotely and sometimes live in Turkey. They spend money in Turkey. Maybe few Pakistani may have business there.
But we should keep in mind, that Turkey is going through massive economic and political turmoil. At this point, they hate anything which is foreign. Their country is heavily occupied by Arab refugees. Inflation is extremely high, they receive too much heat from Ukraine, which is one of the biggest wheat and gas producers.
Maybe you like it or not, but Turkey's major trade partner is NATO countries and NATO contracts.
Turkey's turmoil started the day it jump in the Syria conflict or others pushed him and those who pushed him disappeared, now sings Arab nationalism slogan and stand behind Asad.

Turkey’s Nativist Turn against Syrian Refugees and Other Arabs​

Jul 23, 2019 Mustafa Gurbuz

Until just a few years ago, Turkey’s political leaders were proud to call Istanbul the new “Arab capital” because it became the most favored destination of residence for many disappointed citizens of the Arab world. Recent reports on harassment of Palestinians in Istanbul indicate that rising resentment against Syrian refugees in the country is now transforming into a general hatred of all Arabs, a phenomenon buttressed by an anti-Arab nativist discourse from the early era of the modern Turkish Republic. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent call to make a series of policy changes regarding Syrian refugees—such as deportation of those who are involved in crimes and an end of free health care services for them—reveals a changing dynamic in Turkey.
In all honesty, it doesn't matter what Turks and other non-Pakistanis think of us. What matters is what we as people do to make ourselves and our nation better. For a start that means neutralizing the not-so-sharif and bhutto/zardari clans. Also, trying to improve our economy and reverse corruption. That should be our focus. Nothing else.
I see it now. Secular Turks (or Kemalists, if you'd like) have an ingrained mindset. Meaning, they see someone doing something bad from a religion or race and they label them all the same without having the experience. That's why they are the way they are about religion to begin with.

It's similar to Indians who have this notion against Islam.

Also, no. Watch the video. Those women speak about Pakistani men with great respect.

A female harrassment social experiment in the USA vs. Pakistan.

This is not secular vs religious thing. All of them can be arrogant pricks. The kind of people who like to get under your skin.
I have met a jamati kind of turk who I found to be the most arrogant molvi I have known.

Look at how they cry racism when their own undesirables get deported:
This is not secular vs religious thing. All of them can be arrogant pricks. The kind of people who like to get under your skin.
I have met a jamati kind of turk who I found to be the most arrogant molvi I have known.

Look at how they cry racism when their own undesirables get deported:
Nationalism is the biggest enemy of the state when it is poisoned with arrogance and linked with some previous historic achievements ...
The way my fellow Pakistanis have put so much effort in to this meaningless thread, had they done the same into making Pakistan a better place, we probably would have been more developed than Turkey by now........... :disagree:

Nationalism is the biggest enemy of the state when it is poisoned with arrogance and linked with some previous historic achievements ...

Conversely, no nationalism and no patriotism will give you a Pakistan like situation.
The way my fellow Pakistanis have put so much effort in to this meaningless thread, had they done the same into making Pakistan a better place, we probably would have been more developed than Turkey by now........... :disagree:

Conversely, no nationalism and no patriotism will give you a Pakistan like situation.

I think so too. few twists from nationalists won't change the Turkish national perception of Pakistani. Besides all this discussion, a friend of mine marry a Turkish woman .......very possessive and controlling ..... lol ..but extremely hardworking ..
I think so too. few twists from nationalists won't change the Turkish national perception of Pakistani. Besides all this discussion, a friend of mine marry a Turkish woman .......very possessive and controlling ..... lol ..but extremely hardworking ..

Your friend is possessive and controlling or his wife is?
Since the day i joined here Pakistanis accused me of being Indian.

You are both perverts and slanderers. I do wonder if you know anything about honor or because of your culture your nation has no meaning for it?


Get the **** off our forum if you don’t like Pakistanis. It’s really that simple.
Since the day i joined here Pakistanis accused me of being Indian.

You are both perverts and slanderers. I do wonder if you know anything about honor or because of your culture your nation has no meaning for it?


That's fine but we couldn't care less what you and your people think of us. If you feel that way, just leave PDF and never come back.
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