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Another wave of Anti-Pakistani campaign in Turkey brewing. This time, Ataturk and Nuclear Technology is being discussed.

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Is there a source for this?

They are still at it. It's not going anywhere. Turkish Twitter users have "No Pakistanis/Afghan/Syrians" as part of their display information. Also, they associate all bad things by labelling them as one of those three refugees in particular.

I guess this topic will keep the right-wing Turks busy for a while. Whilst the anger towards the culrpits is justified. I don't think the Turks have done themselves any justice by scolding Pakistanis in general.
Yeah. For example, pro-Pakistani Turkish users are bashed so hard that they are forced to apologize and even remove Pakistani flags in their display.

This user is one example who had to tolerate and do such a thing.

Are the right-wing Turks also going to demand an end to Pakistani Turkish diplomatic relations? I suppose all defence related ventures are also coming to an end? If you don't want people to people relations I suppose you also want to boycott all other forms of relations.
Are the right-wing Turks also going to demand an end to Pakistani Turkish diplomatic relations? I suppose all defence related ventures are also coming to an end? If you don't want people to people relations I suppose you also want to boycott all other forms of relations.
That would actually be a serious blow to the Turkish Industry. Considering we have a helicopter deal, Milgem, Corevettes, UAVs, Other Forms of EW stuff.
So when you feel offended at someone using a racist caricature to insult your people — your response is to cherry pick a picture from minority groups in Pakistan to try and prove the caricature isn’t “light skinned” enough?!

Almost 90% of your population isn’t represented in your “random shot” 😂

This is what happens when self hating closet racists try and respond to other racists being racists towards them. It’s incredibly comical and I can almost picture your mind exploding with indignation. But try to do some self reflection every now and then. There’s a reason people say it’s important to have principles in life.

These guys are attacking ALL of your people. Your reaction shouldn’t be to try and defend that argument by showing there are “some” tiny parts of Pakistan that conform better to the preferences of racists attacking you. That’s just really sad and not much else.

t’s not insulting to be dark-skinned. it’s insulting to be stereotyped. Especially, to be stereotyped based on false assumptions stemming from ignorance.I hope you can understand this. It is the fact that the person who makes the assumption is SO ignorant that they come to conclusions based on these racist tropes and stereotypes, then expresses them openly without any shame, or even cognizance of their own ignorance
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I was wondering. How many actual Pakistanis currently live in Turkey? Do we have any numbers? I suppose this number is very small and insignificant.
a lot of these "pakistanis" this guy was sharing did not look Pakistani
some looked afghans (while they can be Pak Pashtun but from my experience, they don't do a lot of illegal migration- its strictly Afghan, Pakjabi from villages or semi-rural areas phenomenon)
many had arabid phenotypes, I would say only 20-30% of these Pakistanis seemed like genuine Pakistanis - which is a mix of Iranic and nord indid phenotypes- based on regions it changes
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That would actually be a serious blow to the Turkish Industry. Considering we have a helicopter deal, Milgem, Corevettes, UAVs, Other Forms of EW stuff.

If I were these Turkish Twitter warriors I would besiege the Pakistani embassy in Turkey and chant anti-Pakistan slogans. The Turkish anti-Pakistan warriors should come out in huge numbers. At least a few hundred thousand to begin with. Now that will make an impression. Jeez, I am having to think and plan on behalf of Turkish Twitter warriors.

Thus far I am disappointed by the meek Twitter tirade. These keyboard warriors have only shown their keyboard skills.
no no. he has other duties, and in any case has a very narrow vision with only the concern for a few. Khalifa stuff requires a global vision, the vision to lead an Ummah with determination. Only Khan has that. from his Indus Empire he will take care of everything from Palestine to France.
Shahbaz sharif has better vision
a lot of these "pakistanis" this guy was sharing did not look Pakistani
some looked afghans (while they can be Pak Pashtun but from my experience, they don't do a lot of illegal migration- its strictly Afghan, Pakjabi from villages or semi-rural areas phenomenon)
many had arabid phenotypes, I would say only 20-30% of these Pakistanis seemed like genuine Pakistanis - which is a mix of Iranic and nord indid phenotypes- based on regions it changes

Anyone still interested in being bhai bhai with Afghans? What about some more Pakistani ID cards for our Afghan brethren? NADRA is ready to sell the ID cards even when you bargain.

Shahbaz sharif has better vision

Much better. Thankfully we are already seeing how the economy is skyrocketing. When dollar was reaching high against PKR during PTI's tenure it was all Imran Khan's fault. Now Showbaz government is in place and the dollar is wreaking havoc, but it is due to interest rate in the USA LOL

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Anyone still interested in being bhai bhai with Afghans? What about some more Pakistani ID cards for our Afghan brethren? NADRA is ready to sell the ID cards even when you bargain.

Much better. Thankfully we are already seeing how the economy is skyrocketing. When dollar was reaching high during PTI's tenure it was all Imran Khan's fault. Now Showbaz government is in place and the dollar is wreaking havoc, but it is due to interest rate LOL

Don't tell me you're a PMLN supporter... -_-
No he is not, he is an idiot sure that I feel like replying harshly but he ain't a false flagger
Look at his writing style. If you have discussed with turks in past of PDF you can instantly recognise the style. I am pretty sure he is from India/Pakistan.
Turkish govt. receives billions of dollars in aid money from EU and US for Syrians and recently aghans.
At the Turkey-EU Summit held on November 29, 2015, it promised to create a fund of 3 billion Euros for Syrian refugees in Turkey. And then at the second summit held on March 18, 2016, it announced that it would provide an additional 3 billion Euros, in case of if first fund package runs out.

The entire fund (6 billion euros), planned as 3+3 billion euros, has been tied to projects, and apr 4.5 billion euros will be paid until 2024.

The fund, called the Financial Assistance Program for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT), has a total budget of 6 billion Euros, which is divided into two equal parts of 3 billion Euros each.

The Turkish state does not have the authority to use and operate this money. This money, committed by the European Union, is sent to Turkey in exchange for a project, not directly. There is a special committee established for this financial support program.

The committee meets periodically and discusses projects, examines new projects and conducts audits on existing projects. The promised amount is paid as the projects are approved. These financial aids affect approximately 1.8 million Syrians.

In other words, there is no direct funding provided by the EU to Turkey regarding Afghans, or any other migrant group exclude Syrians.

Regarding the Syrians, the resources allocated by the Turkish state to Syrian refugees and war victims at our country and abroad is approximately 10 times more than the entire EU fund.
I lived among the turks and I've realized that they have the tendency to get racist pretty quick. And to paint everyone with the same brush.
One more thing which causes this problem is the mindset they have.They think themselves as the most liberal ,open minded and progressive Europeans who are superior to other Muslims. But in reality I found them so close to wanna be Pakistani goras. Same habits, same gossips etc.
Geographically only part of turkey is in the Europe, the rest lies in the middle east. Only big cities give the European vibes , the rest is still conservative.Even in bigger cities no public kissing, no bold revealing clothes like Europe .

You have lived in Russia as you have survived the Winters there, You have lived in Turkey as well but you dont know zilch about these countries. You are as real as @Hakikat ve Hikmet as Turk. Why is he running away from this thread and stay on all Pakistani threads because he know he will be exposed here.
So when you feel offended at someone using a racist caricature to insult your people — your response is to cherry pick a picture from minority groups in Pakistan to try and prove the caricature isn’t “light skinned” enough?!

Almost 90% of your population isn’t represented in your “random shot” 😂

This is what happens when self hating closet racists try and respond to other racists being racists towards them. It’s incredibly comical and I can almost picture your mind exploding with indignation. But try to do some self reflection every now and then. There’s a reason people say it’s important to have principles in life.

These guys are attacking ALL of your people. Your reaction shouldn’t be to try and defend that argument by showing there are “some” tiny parts of Pakistan that conform better to the preferences of racists attacking you. That’s just really sad and not much else.

Oh man here comes the king cuck himself.

LakeChicken have some shame, why are you such a pu$$y hanging on the coattailes of another race to take a dig at me, and Pakistanis in general? I know it seems to be a genomic trait in you cowardly trolls lot but this just hilarious.


No one 'cherry picked' anything that picture is from my ancestral land, no not Pakistan in general as you stupidly claimed, but the region I hail from. I was merely showing him that is not what people look like here and where the hell do you pull "90% of your population" out from? By the looks of it your a$$. Are you telling me Pashtuns (in KPK and out) , Baluch, Gilgiti, Balti, Azad Kashmiris look like that? That's 40% of our population, and if we include ethnicities settled in Punjab who are ethnically Pashtun the number is even higher;

Let's just take your BS that this was "cherry picking", what about the video posted? Not many if any folks looking like that cartoon. I suppose now you're going to come out that's it an ISI saazish plot who Karl Rock is also involved in hahahaha.
Reading your dumb posts in that Khalistan thread I wouldn’t be surprised.

Sure we have plenty of darker people and we are proud of them and love them.


That being said how about you try to explain your beloved film industry Bollywood which is run by Punjabis has a massive disproportionate number of Punjabi men and women working in it, who literally do not look like the vast majority of Indians. I guess you wouldn't want to shatter the dreams and illusions of many poor folks who are spat on due to their colour and caste who emulate to be like their fine chiselled, fair heroes and heroines.

This is a great read;

Preference for boys;

"In the 1950s and 60s, 74% of babies born in films were boys - in the 2000s, that number had come down to 54%. It was a huge jump, but the gender ratio was still skewed," Mr KhudaBukhsh said.

Love for fair skin;

The study found that some of the biases remained unchanged - such as India's age-old affinity for lighter skin.
Mr Khadilkar told the BBC that when the researchers used a fill-in-the blank exercise to ask: "A beautiful woman should have [BLANK] skin," the predictive text was consistently 'fair'. Hollywood subtitles returned similar results, though the bias was less pronounced.
"The study shows that beauty is a close neighbour of fairness in Bollywood at all times".

Upper caste bias;

The research also revealed a subtle caste bias - an analysis of surnames of doctors showed "a visible upper-caste Hindu bias" - and showed that representation of other religions had increased in recent years but that of Muslims - India's largest minority - remained less than the community's population share.

So i'm a closet racist am I? Let's talk about racism, you come from one of the most bigoted places on the planet;

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries​


Why don't you start your moral crusade in your own land first! You guys were literally lynching Africans 100 v 1, as we all know in a one on one fight an African would hand you lot your asses quick time.

Listen I know you got upset at me dismissing that photo as you obviously look like that. It's fine to be like that, hasn't anyone told you that? It's not your fault for being $hit out of luck in terms of physical presence. Please don't throw your insecurities onto me.

Had I been a cuck I would have come out with "Oh Turkish brother we love you blah blah", he's been met with venom through every post I have made. You just jumped into all this with your manure, behind him, trying to prove your incoherent, hypercritical $hit to us.

Oh and I've already addressed your "showing tiny parts of Pakistan" you probably believe we all run around with topis and big beards as well as shown in your gutter press, as you don't know jack $hit about Pakistan.
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