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Another PAF air strikes kill 38 terrorists in northwest Pakistan


Oct 30, 2012
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Pakistan air strikes on militant hideouts kill at least 38

PESHAWAR: Pakistani fighter jets on Sunday launched air strikes on militant hideouts in the northwest, killing at least 38 people, according to officials, in the latest retaliation for attacks by the insurgents that have derailed peace talks.

The early morning strikes made on militant hideouts in the Tirah valley of the Khyber tribal district were the third in the series of raids by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) since February 20.

"There are confirmed reports that 38 terrorists including some important commanders were killed," a statement by the military said, adding that "six hideouts were completely destroyed".

Earlier, a senior security official in Islamabad said IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) making factories and explosive material were destroyed.

Local administration officials refused to comment.

@Azlan Haider @Alpha1 @Hyperion @Leader @DESERT FIGHTER
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Seems like PAF is softening Talibans by destroying their requisite infras to wage war against PA before finally embarking on Ground offensive.
Its good to pound taliban regularly so there is a chance that they may still cease-fire publicly. But thats difficult and world knows that this region is famous for not surrendering the arms, once taken up against anyone. The Taliban were once on the right path but now, they have become a huge problem for our own country. If they would have ceased-fire when the government did first, the dialogue process could easily continue, but it seems that they are not interested in talks anymore and they want to taste Raad missiles of PAF.
I see that the PAF is softening up the Taliban by destroying their ability to wage war, it is a good strategic judgment if the army is ultimately going to wage an all out onslaught.....:pakistan:
Yaar PAF se kaha karo video shideo bhi bana liya kare , mey toh popcorns banane jaa raha tha :cheers:
Its good to pound taliban regularly so there is a chance that they may still cease-fire publicly. But thats difficult and world knows that this region is famous for not surrendering the arms, once taken up against anyone. The Taliban were once on the right path but now, they have become a huge problem for our own country. If they would have ceased-fire when the government did first, the dialogue process could easily continue, but it seems that they are not interested in talks anymore and they want to taste Raad missiles of PAF.

its easy, monitor Jamat Islami activities to cut Terrorists fundings, make them starve, keep them on the run, they dont need to put down the weapons as long as they dont have time and money to fire those weapons
Well as far as I remember Tirah Valley was under army control.

Govt establishes writ in Tirah Valley, finally – The Express Tribune

You know this is the nature of the game. Our security agencies and the political apparatus are working round the clock to pacify any emerging threats.

You know its one of those games - Musical chair - This game will never end until unless the money dries out.

I don't think you will get a reply about this. It just shows the incompetence of our security agencies and their civilian counterparts.

No I think I made a mistake. They "lost" the control because the people are not clear about what they want.

Or maybe that news article is fake? Cooked up? The author aint know no schmuck. Maybe the army cleared out the area and the land wasn't good enough (have a base) so they went back to their barracks but the civilians lost the control?

Maybe they are focusing their energies on setting up more bases in Swat area?
Well as far as I remember Tirah Valley was under army control.

Govt establishes writ in Tirah Valley, finally – The Express Tribune
If you remember in april 2013 army suffered heavy casaulties at the very begining of tirah operation, there was media black out by ISPR. After 3 months army announced that they have cleared tirah. But even after that we were still recieving news of clashes and gunship helicopter engagements mith militants. And now whenever north waziristan is bombed through jets, at the same time tirah is also bombed through jets......it means those rumours of tirah operation being disaster were true.
Stop confusing people .
Establishing the writ & making something completely secure are very different things , Tirah is adjacent to troubled areas , so making sure that TTP presence there is zero is not possible , the only thing army can do is to monitor that presence ( which they are doing quite well ) , and then strike when necessary ( which they are also doing quite well ) .

Tirah will be secured when NW is cleared of TTP scums & their supporters(not necessarily in Tribal belt ) .

the terrain of Tirah is very difficult , PA had to sacrifice a lot to gain those peaks, but that is paying off now .

and those who think Tirah was a disastrous , well i can only say that you have no idea what Operational & Strategic Victory is .
Looks like we've got mother lode of intelligence on the enemy, the recent PAF's bombing runs have been very effective
Effective intelligence gathering only happens when there is effective presence in the area , so if targets are being hit in Tirah it means we are in the area , gathering information on hiding places of rats and in this instance when we located them we went for the kill
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