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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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Good move....:tup:
I am sure this positive move by Angola will bring peace....
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The old testament disagrees.In no way against islam,but historical fact is just as christianity started out as a sect of judaism.Islam derives much from these earlier 2.Its an arabic version .
Judaism is the original one.The israelites first came up with the concept of monotheism.
Still some people are blinded by their own sense of specialness.
Then ask urself...the world is such a huge place..why did each of the 3 religions each claiming to represent the one god-essentially the same concept of monetheism originate from such a narrow geographic region.
Why didn't maganimous lord send his prophets-why not say one from china.One middle east,another europe.Because its horseshit.Their was originally one idea by the semitic jewish people-islam was its evolution for the semitic arabs.The idea spread due to close geographical proximity.
perfectly said.

Malaysia saying allah is not god, and pak saying ahmadis are not muslims and causing atrocities and mental trauma to them. its good that angola has made this move. I wish all other countries follow suit.
so I am sking you , do you know of any mosques destroyed by hindus ? I don't. in fact I don't even know of mosques demolished to make way for progress leave alone riots.
I am here to bash only those who talk trash about Indians and Hinduism.

Then it shows you don't much about you're country( that is if you're not trolling) do you think there has been no riots before the partition took place?? If thats how much you know then i am saddened. I heard there was a 400 years old mosque in Delhi named Mehrauli Masjid which was demolished and not only just that but even the residential neighbourhoods along with it. That and Babri Masjid are the two examples i can come up with now. Secondly you can counter people who bash Indians thats you're right but don't bring religions into it.
Then it shows you don't much about you're country( that is if you're not trolling) do you think there has been no riots before the partition took place?? If thats how much you know then i am saddened. I heard there was a 400 years old mosque in Delhi named Mehrauli Masjid which was demolished and not only just that but even the residential neighbourhoods along with it. That and Babri Masjid are the two examples i can come up with now. Secondly you can counter people who bash Indians thats you're right but don't bring religions into it.
ok , so I was not aware of it. I will google this mehrauli masjid thing.

hahaha.. just saw it.. it recently DDA was demolishing illegal constructions and as usual muslims created noise and hindu leader meekly caved in.
“Mehrauli mosque wall razed by DDA despite CM’s intervention” - The Hindu
Seriously the instance your are mentioning is ridiculous.
Speaker slams DDA for demolition in Mehrauli - Times Of India

and it was ordered to be rebuilt
where are muslims in a jat stronghold like mehrauli,

all muslim buildings are built over hindu temples and archaeological evidence points so.
ok , so I was not aware of it. I will google this mehrauli masjid thing.

hahaha.. just saw it.. it recently DDA was demolishing illegal constructions and as usual muslims created noise and hindu leader meekly caved in.
“Mehrauli mosque wall razed by DDA despite CM’s intervention” - The Hindu
Seriously the instance your are mentioning is ridiculous.

Are you crazy do you demolish mosques along with neighbourhoods? What kind of a person are you? I have not said why they demolished it and my point wasn't about the demolishing of a mosque my point was about how it occured and how the neighbourhoods got affected.
Are you crazy do you demolish mosques along with neighbourhoods?
Yup. Its our country, our rules. They just can't have masjids on DDA land, if it were a temple, gurudwara it would have got the same treatment too.
Are you crazy do you demolish mosques along with neighbourhoods?

read the article fully. "However, DDA labelled the demolition as a routine action and claimed that it had not demolished any religious structure."
there was some miscommunication obviously. Also they were clearing slums.

now this site is full of abuses against india for the slums it has. now you are obkjecting if they are being cleared. this is not a religious controversy, more an administrative thing.
okay u are digressing. apart from babri give me an instance where a mosque was destroyed ?

I think muslims should all live only in Arabia. we need to put parsis back in Iran.
Yup. Its our country, our rules. They just can't have masjids on DDA land, if it were a temple, gurudwara it would have got the same treatment too.

I am not speaking to you so keep you're jingoistic nonsense to yourself i don't speak to people who insult others. Period.
Although I don't support this decision but it Doesn't matter even most Islamic countries don't support and let other religion grow in their country.
Fair and square May be.
read the article fully. "However, DDA labelled the demolition as a routine action and claimed that it had not demolished any religious structure."
there was some miscommunication obviously. Also they were clearing slums.

now this site is full of abuses against india for the slums it has. now you are obkjecting if they are being cleared. this is not a religious controversy, more an administrative thing.
okay u are digressing. apart from babri give me an instance where a mosque was destroyed ?

I think muslims should all live only in Arabia. we need to put parsis back in Iran.

I said i named the cases i could come up with the moment and like i said my point wasn't the demolition of the mosque alone so keep ignoring it all you like. Where Muslims should live thats their decision if you don't consider the Muslims living there to be Indian then that reveals what i was saying from the beginning.
Would only cause anarchy and chaos in this world. Organizations like AQ, al Shahab and Bako Haram might welcome such moves.

would lead to holocaust.

anyway will India or should India follow?

In that event you might see very large use of biological and chemical weapons for mass genocide against muslim populations.You have seen Russian court ruling for removal of extremist quotes in Quran and ban on quran translation. Angola bans islam.

Remove racist quotes against kafirs in quran for torture,killing and murder.You need reformation of islam like bahai or ahmaddiya islam fast. or the world will be fast at war with you.
Yup. Its our country, our rules. They just can't have masjids on DDA land, if it were a temple, gurudwara it would have got the same treatment too.
Do u know at andheria mor they demolished gurdwaras wall but a dargah right in middle of road still existing. Causing hours of traffic jam and problem to public.
Govt doesn't have same parameter it's all minority vote bank because majority is dumb fark anyways.
I said i named the cases i could come up with the moment and like i said my point wasn't the demolition of the mosque alone so keep ignoring it all you like. Where Muslims should live thats their decision if you don't consider the Muslims living there to be Indian then that reveals what i was saying from the beginning.
muslims living here don't consider themselves indian, that's why pak and BD were created. so its appropriate they be moved there. I say based on the topic go one step ahead and ban islam from non Islamic lands. so islam can only be boxed into mecca and medina.

ok this troll you can ignore, but only you. this is for all others.
Indian will not for sure......?

important is , we can't generalize all Muslim(all sect) in same frame ,for example Ahmadia ,Sufi etc
but important is ? we need to identify particular set which is spreading more hatred and radical though ,and which is dangerous for any society

those has to ban strictly at any cost

agreed.Wahabbis and other minion types like deoband need to be heavily monitored or banned.
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