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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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islam is parroting the same thing said in hindu scriptures .. read kal yug. so islam itself is copying.

In kashi (banaras) the gyan vappi mosque was built by Aurangzeb after demolising the kasha Vishwanath temple. Now that temple has come on some other site. And kasha is one of the most important sites. and this is just one instance.

Well i can't talk about Aurangzeb's time since it was a Kingdom then ruled by a King if you start from then onwards you would find numerous riots too and various mosque demolitions too. What about Babbari Masjid? And i would ask you not to talk about Islam and how you think its parroting what you think it is.
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Well i can't talk about Auragzeb's time since it was a Kingdom then ruled by a King if you start from that onwards you would find numerous riots too resulting in various mosque demolitions too. What about Babbari Masjid?
there is no temple built on top of a demolished unused mosque which itself was built on top of a temple demolished by muslim invaders.
Anyways, what about it. you are pointing to one instance in 1000 years, whereas coutless temples have been destroyed by muslims in Pakistan.
muslims will feel offended so i deleted. :lol:
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there is no temple built on top of a demolished unused mosque which itself was built on top of a temple demolished by muslim invaders.
Anyways, what about it. you are pointing to one instance in 1000 years, whereas coutless temples have been destroyed by muslims in Pakistan.

No i am telling you that if you start from Aurangzeb's time or from the time of any other Mughal emperor than you would also find the demolitions of Mosques its nothing new we all know riots were more than common in India and if one starts digging deeper you would find many examples this one i know because i cared to not because it was all over around me so i gave you the instance i have heard about but it would be foolish to claim that its the only incident in 1000 years especially knowing the historical background of Hindus and Muslims in India. Either foolish or willfully ignoring it to prove you're point.
it is about choice,without preaching no one will be interested.

it is like asking the ancestors of the present muslims of india who converted by choice,2 thousand years back,are u intersted in islam?

Those who have choice don't want to avail it. Shows most Saudi's have no interest in any other religion except Islam.

Obviously I am not. Its common sense. You and me will not be alive for the days of ignorance because it will practically be all muslims. Rest of the world will be on its merry way doing what it does best. Trying to survive and making the most out of what little life they have instead of waiting to die and get imaginary treats and prizes.

There would be no Muslim or Non Muslim then. It would be a bunch of fools who think that they end of with this world. That's why they are called days of ignorance.
Well i am sorry to say but there can be numerous examples to refute that. How peace loving Muslims are told to go settle in Pakistan in fact the claim that they aren't even Indians because their loyalties would always stay questionable. Take the example of Kashmiris or even some of you're other states which are deeply infested with Maoist rebels. Though the latter is a political issue not concerning the topic here so think about how Kashmiris are living and how hypocritically instead of addressing the issue you're governments always end up finding scapegoats. Some of the laws in that place give me the creeps and its not for 2 years or 5 or 6 years its been for a very long time. Secondly you're politics basically runs on Hindu Muslim divide some fascist parties, the likes of Shiv Sena, tend to cater to Hindus primarily. Some of the statements from that party alone are enough to make everyone see how they see minorities and especially Muslims and not to mention some other incidents.
so do you know of any instance of hindus demolishing mosques which are in use? this question I am not trolling as in previous posts, but genuinely curious.
Those who have choice don't want to avail it. Shows most Saudi's have no interest in any other religion except Islam.

There would be no Muslim or Non Muslim then. It would be a bunch of fools who think that they end of with this world. That's why they are called days of ignorance.
first quote - then they should have no fear in opeining proselytization
second quote - I thought only islam said they are the end of all religions?

Sorry Islam doesn't copy anyone. :)
okay Quran's message is all copied from Christianity and juwism, which itself are copied from pagan religions.
so do you know of any instance of hindus demolishing mosques which are in use? this question I am not trolling as in previous posts, but genuinely curious.

Well you are most definitely trolling and secondly i answered that question in the other post i named the one i knew and its foolish to expect that only one mosque has been demolished in India for 1000 years too foolish to be commented on. Secondly the comment that you quoted gave plenty of other reasons thats proves how India isn't what it portrays to be or what it likes to called in fact very much the opposite. I am not here to bash anybody just to give my opinion anyways.

first quote - then they should have no fear in opeining proselytization
second quote - I thought only islam said they are the end of all religions?

okay Quran's message is all copied from Christianity and juwism, which itself are copied from pagan religions.

Please you are new here i'll tell you religious discussions the sort where you discuss scriptures of any religion aren't allowed here so please don't offend anybody. Thank you
Sorry Islam doesn't copy anyone. :)

The old testament disagrees.In no way against islam,but historical fact is just as christianity started out as a sect of judaism.Islam derives much from these earlier 2.Its an arabic version .
Judaism is the original one.The israelites first came up with the concept of monotheism.
Still some people are blinded by their own sense of specialness.
Then ask urself...the world is such a huge place..why did each of the 3 religions each claiming to represent the one god-essentially the same concept of monetheism originate from such a narrow geographic region.
Why didn't maganimous lord send his prophets among all men-why not say one from china.One middle east,another europe.Because its horseshit.Their was originally one idea by the semitic jewish people-islam was its evolution for the semitic arabs.The idea spread due to close geographical proximity.
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Well you are most definitely trolling and secondly i answered that question in the other post i named the one i knew and its foolish to expect that only one mosque has been demolished in India for 1000 years too foolish to be commented on. Secondly the comment that you quoted gave plenty of other reasons thats proves how India isn't what it portrays to be or what it likes to called in fact very much the opposite. I am not here to bash anybody just give my opinion anyways.

Please you are new here i'll tell you religious discussions the sort where you discuss scriptures of any religion aren't allowed here so please don't offend anybody. Thank you
so I am sking you , do you know of any mosques destroyed by hindus ? I don't. in fact I don't even know of mosques demolished to make way for progress leave alone riots.
I am here to bash only those who talk trash about Indians and Hinduism.
Those who have choice don't want to avail it. Shows most Saudi's have no interest in any other religion except Islam.

There would be no Muslim or Non Muslim then. It would be a bunch of fools who think that they end of with this world. That's why they are called days of ignorance.
most ........... :)
anyways,u keep on repeating the same thing again and again,so let us end this
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