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Anglo-Indian involved in PNS Mehran attack: DNA report

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but anywayz ..if Indianz are involved then this means theyve been used by CIA-cum-Mosaad joint venture....:what:

No, tis the almighty RAW that did this all by itself. See, it didn't need the help of dem CIA or Mossad!
just passed by this article from times of bombay
At least ten people were killed and two Naval P3-C Orion surveillance aircraft were destroyed in the terrorist attack on PNS Mehran Naval base.

What was expected is now being confirmed by sophisticated blood tests and scientific evidence. The DNA test result have revealed that four terrorists who attacked PNS Mehran base in Karachi were foreigners. These samples were matched with NADRA database which revealed that these terrorists were not Pakistani.. Pakistan is under attack from foreign terrorists. Rupee News sources have confirmed that the attack on PNS Mehran was conducted as a part of a well coordinated and planned strategy to show that Pakistan’ assets are vulnerable to attack. The TTP has claimed responsibility for the attack–so it is obvious that the TTP has links with these foreigners. The Police said that the two samples from the bodies were taken for DNA, one to know their nationality while other for identification of their families.

According to the police publications, the DNA test report confirmed that the attackers were not Pakistani nationals. The report disclosed that two of them belong to one country (name of country not published) while nationality of other two has not been confirmed so far. The terrorists were Anglo-Indians and were blood relations, and could be cousins. The DNA samples will now be sent to the International Data Bank for identification.

Pakistan is not publishing the name of the country who the attackers belonged to. At first glance, one would have guessed that the attackers were from Afghanistan. However the fact that they were Christians and Anglo-Indians points fingers at the very obvious–the country that has a large Anglo-Indian population. It is estimated that more than 80,000 Anglo-Indians live in India today. As of 2006, there are 246,400 British citizens of mixed white and South Asian (mostly Indian) descent in Britain. The Anglo-Indians in Britain are very vocal and very radical. There is a large population of Anglo-Indians in the Philadelphia region in America. The Pakistan Christian Post which gets funding from the CIA and Right Wing organizations in the West has increasingly become vocal and is increasingly radicalized. It is a widely accepted fact that that CIA has deep roots into the Anglo-Indian community who became subject from rulers in 1947. Analysts have seen a lot of radicalization amongst the Anglo-Indian community.

All Anglo-Indians are Christians. This may be a case of an Indian “David Headly” or a mirror image of British Christian “Faisal Shezad” attacking Pakistan.

Who are the Anglo-Indians? The Anglo-Indians, children of mixed marriage between the British and the locasl, were called, the wheels, the cranks, the levers of the Empire building machinery. Fraternization between the British and the Local Indians was very common from 1773 all the way up to the end of the Company Raj. It was not uncommon for the Englishman in the employment of the East India Company–to marry an Indian wife and adopt Indian ways. His children inherited his fortune and were sent to England for education. After the mulatto uprising in San Domingo in Haiti, country born children (legitimate and illegitimate) were barred from retuning to England for education and a few years later a ban was imposed on their appointments in civil, military and marine services. At its peak, the Anglo-Indian community in Kolkota (Calcutta) numbered 50,000 even outnumbering the English population there.

When the crown took over the colonies after the war of independence of 1857 the officers and ranks of he British were strictly restricted from any romantic or sexual contact with the locals. The fair Anglo-Indians had better chance of success, or migrate to Britain at the end of the Raj. There was no escape from Mendel’s Law. The fair sibling climbed high on the ladder while his black brother had to remain on the periphery of the enchanted circle. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were around 70,000 Anglo–Indians in Britain. According a to Margaret Deefholts On 15th Agust 1947, “about 300,000 people of mixed European and Indian descent, who traced their English, French, Dutch or Portuguese ancestry from the paternal line going back to the 17th and 18th centuries”.

Today most of the Anglo-Indians in Bharat are based in Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. Most Anglo-Indians also live in Kochi, Goa, Pune, Secunderabad, Visakhapatnam, Lucknow, Agra, and also in Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. About a million have emigrated from India and live in Europe and America.

If it turns out that the Anglo-Indians are Bharati then we have another Samjhota Express bombing where the Bharatis were involved in terror against Pakistan. These revelations will cast a dark shadow on the fruitless talks that are being carried on between the diplomats of Bharat and Pakistan.Did Indian Anglo-Indians attack Pakistan’s PNS Mehran? | Times of Bombay
What is Times of Bombay.

It could not be a real news link because the use of Bombay and not Mumbai would cause ripples.
times of bombay

Times of Bombay indeed, the same blog quotes a Dehli Times and Hindustan Globe as sources also !!!!! LMAO.
Remember the Wikileaks(????) that was sought to be peddled by sections of the press in Pakistan. :azn:
just passed by this article from times of bombay

Pakistan is under attack from foreign terrorists. Rupee News sources have confirmed that the attack on PNS Mehran was conducted as a part of a well coordinated and planned strategy to show that Pakistan’ assets are vulnerable to attack.

The news source is rupee news :lol::lol::lol:
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