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Anatolians only have 7% genes from Central Asia, we are "Greek" Muslims

pink panturkism has always been laughable to everyone except the most simple minded, brainwashed pink panturk in Turkey.

whats also funny is that they love to be associated with turks, but take great offense if you attribute them to actual turks.. for example real turks have a mongloid look..... but calling a turk a mongloid is like calling a black man the N word...

they are utterly confused, delusional, and live in a fantasy. they are a mix of greek, Iranian, european, arab. with probably a little mongloid turk in there.

This is more then confirmed by both DNA, and historical records of what empires controlled that land in history.

the ideology of pink panturkism is one of the most laughable ideologies that exist on earth today.
When you say Greek, yes, lots of Greeks lived in Anatolia and a lot of mixing gone on. But same true for Balkan Europeans they can maybe claim some are mixed.
But how the earth is a Turk mixed with an Iranian? Or even Arab?
This is just a twisted Iranian fetish trying to claim everyone part of your race. Turks look nothing like Iranian with just eye-test lol

And what's wrong with Pan-Turkism? Whats wrong with Turks wanting to keep good relations with people that are close to us in DNA, Culture and History? Is that a bad thing now because Turks are non-Arab non-Iranian?
When you say Greek, yes, lots of Greeks lived in Anatolia and a lot of mixing gone on. But same true for Balkan Europeans they can maybe claim some are mixed.
But how the earth is a Turk mixed with an Iranian? Or even Arab?
This is just a twisted Iranian fetish trying to claim everyone part of your race. Turks look nothing like Iranian with just eye-test lol

so you are saying that a land that was controlled for 1000s of years by Iranian empires. has left absolutely 0 DNA marks on the land... the entire Iranian DNA was completely eradicated by pink pan turks??

yet you admit greeks... this tells me your the one with the obssessed euro fetish. trying to desperately portray yourself as some sort of euro-turk. while trying to pretend that nothing east ever influenced you (except somehow the magical pink panturk gene from waaaay east)

and dont get too excited my friend. there is nobody in IRan that has any turkish fetishes. the word turk has unfortuantely even gotten negative connotations that i wont get into... alot of azeri go out of their way to say they are "azeris" and not turks....

Turks have a really poor reputation amongst virtually everyone for being uncivilized savages who just burned and stole what wasnt theirs.... Gengis and timur were the biggest savages in human history. Compare this to Cyrus the great who came thousands of years before him, and how he conducted himself.

and you see why there is such negative connotations attached to "turk" and how there is absolutely 0 negative connotations attached to "Iranian" or "persian" and infact many afghans and other asians call themselves Persians to be associated with the word.

And what's wrong with Pan-Turkism? Whats wrong with Turks wanting to keep good relations with people that are close to us in DNA, Culture and History? Is that a bad thing now because Turks are non-Arab non-Iranian?

nothing wrong. just keep it in your borders. if you start exporting that filth to Iran, and China, thats when your going to have serious kurdish problems.
so you are saying that a land that was controlled for 1000s of years by Iranian empires.

You can ask any Turk if they're Iranian.. all would say no. So it's not just me. There was never a empire called Iran that controlled over Turkey lol.
has left absolutely 0 DNA marks on the land... the entire Iranian DNA was completely eradicated by pink pan turks??

Its actually the Pink Turks that claim we have Iranian DNA, but the white, red, black, grey Turks all say we have zero Iranian DNA :lol:
yet you admit greeks..

Lots of mixing went on yes. I mean, lot of Greeks became "Turkified", the Greeks even have a word for it. So, how can I deny what happened?
this tells me your the one with the obssessed euro fetish.

Greeks are European therefore I am obsessed amazing logic there
trying to desperately portray yourself as some sort of euro-turk.

I never once said Turks are European. YOU brought up the word European. And the only European we Turks actually mixed with are Greeks and Balkan that's all.
while trying to pretend that nothing east ever influenced you (except somehow the magical pink panturk gene from waaaay east)

Nothing in the east influenced anything. I know this for a fact. I do not count East Asian Turks lol
and dont get too excited my friend. there is nobody in IRan that has any turkish fetishes.

I am glad it's just you, stop spreading disgusting lies about Turk having any Iranian DNA.
alot of azeri go out of their way to say they are "azeris" and not turks.

I do not know what the heck an "Azeri" is. Do you mean Azerbaijani? They're Turks. You only have to speak to them and ask.
Turks have a really poor reputation amongst virtually everyone for being uncivilized savages who just burned and stole what wasnt theirs.

As long as you don't try we have your Iranian DNA, I am happy.
Gengis and timur were the biggest savages in human history. Compare this to Cyrus the great who came thousands of years before him, and how he conducted himself.

I wasn't alive when Cyrus the Great was around. means nothing to me. I know he was no Turk though lol
and you see why there is such negative connotations attached to "turk"

Boo hoo. Turks have non-Iranian DNA , now I will rant gibberish lol
if you start exporting that filth to Iran, and China, thats when your going to have serious kurdish problems.
Kurds are not a problem lol
You can ask any Turk if they're Iranian.. all would say no. So it's not just me. There was never a empire called Iran that controlled over Turkey lol.

Its actually the Pink Turks that claim we have Iranian DNA, but the white, red, black, grey Turks all say we have zero Iranian DNA :lol:

Lots of mixing went on yes. I mean, lot of Greeks became "Turkified", the Greeks even have a word for it. So, how can I deny what happened?

Greeks are European therefore I am obsessed amazing logic there

I never once said Turks are European. YOU brought up the word European. And the only European we Turks actually mixed with are Greeks and Balkan that's all.

Nothing in the east influenced anything. I know this for a fact. I do not count East Asian Turks lol

I am glad it's just you, stop spreading disgusting lies about Turk having any Iranian DNA.

I do not know what the heck an "Azeri" is. Do you mean Azerbaijani? They're Turks. You only have to speak to them and ask.

As long as you don't try we have your Iranian DNA, I am happy.

I wasn't alive when Cyrus the Great was around. means nothing to me. I know he was no Turk though lol

Boo hoo. Turks have non-Iranian DNA , now I will rant gibberish lol

Kurds are not a problem lol

perhaps words and history are a little too advanced for your pink panturk understanding. pictures might help perhaps....

study these pictures, and study them well.... then come back and edit your post about Iranian empires controlling anatolia.



so you are saying that a land that was controlled for 1000s of years by Iranian empires. has left absolutely 0 DNA marks on the land... the entire Iranian DNA was completely eradicated by pink pan turks??

yet you admit greeks... this tells me your the one with the obssessed euro fetish. trying to desperately portray yourself as some sort of euro-turk. while trying to pretend that nothing east ever influenced you (except somehow the magical pink panturk gene from waaaay east)

and dont get too excited my friend. there is nobody in IRan that has any turkish fetishes. the word turk has unfortuantely even gotten negative connotations that i wont get into... alot of azeri go out of their way to say they are "azeris" and not turks....

Turks have a really poor reputation amongst virtually everyone for being uncivilized savages who just burned and stole what wasnt theirs.... Gengis and timur were the biggest savages in human history. Compare this to Cyrus the great who came thousands of years before him, and how he conducted himself.

and you see why there is such negative connotations attached to "turk" and how there is absolutely 0 negative connotations attached to "Iranian" or "persian" and infact many afghans and other asians call themselves Persians to be associated with the word.

nothing wrong. just keep it in your borders. if you start exporting that filth to Iran, and China, thats when your going to have serious kurdish problems.
are you jealous ?ha ha this means altaic turkic culture is more advanced than greece , iran,europe . etc. right now we are talking turk language .all of world supported kurds from america to iran what happened, where is your zerdusth kurd state
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Roman Empire had Anatolia too. Does that make Turks as Italian?? The answer is no.

thanks for confirming my earlier point. no it doesnt make turks italians. it doesnt make them Iranian.. .

it makes them a mixed, mutt raced, confused people who have laughably adopted the mongloid turk identity.

and i have no problem with pink panturkism. hell call yourselves the unicorn people of narnia for all i care...., just keep it within your border. agitating Iranian azeris will cost you more then your ever willing to lose. and im sure as dumb as the turkish political leadership is, on this basic fact they more then agree with me.
thanks for confirming my earlier point. no it doesnt make turks italians. it doesnt make them Iranian.. .

it makes them a mixed, mutt raced, confused people who have laughably adopted the mongloid turk identity.

and i have no problem with pink panturkism. hell call yourselves the unicorn people of narnia for all i care...., just keep it within your border. agitating Iranian azeris will cost you more then your ever willing to lose. and im sure as dumb as the turkish political leadership is, on this basic fact they more then agree with me.
Turks mixed and therefore we're Turks. But this is a problem for you? Who is the confused one LOL. Everyone knows Turks mixed. I'm pretty sure I said Turks mixed with Greeks.
What I DO NOT agree with is the Iranian nonsense. LOL
And we will make the Azerbaijanis to join Turkiye very soon, nothing you can do about that except cry on PDF lol
all of races mixed there is no pure race in the world . i can not understand this why turks genes are problem for others ?
all of races mixed there is no pure race in the world . i can not understand this why turks genes are problem for others ?
Iranians being allowed to marry cousins is the biggest problem we have now before Pan-Turkism lol
so you are saying that a land that was controlled for 1000s of years by Iranian empires. has left absolutely 0 DNA marks on the land... the entire Iranian DNA was completely eradicated by pink pan turks??

yet you admit greeks... this tells me your the one with the obssessed euro fetish. trying to desperately portray yourself as some sort of euro-turk. while trying to pretend that nothing east ever influenced you (except somehow the magical pink panturk gene from waaaay east)

and dont get too excited my friend. there is nobody in IRan that has any turkish fetishes. the word turk has unfortuantely even gotten negative connotations that i wont get into... alot of azeri go out of their way to say they are "azeris" and not turks....

Turks have a really poor reputation amongst virtually everyone for being uncivilized savages who just burned and stole what wasnt theirs.... Gengis and timur were the biggest savages in human history. Compare this to Cyrus the great who came thousands of years before him, and how he conducted himself.

and you see why there is such negative connotations attached to "turk" and how there is absolutely 0 negative connotations attached to "Iranian" or "persian" and infact many afghans and other asians call themselves Persians to be associated with the word.

nothing wrong. just keep it in your borders. if you start exporting that filth to Iran, and China, thats when your going to have serious kurdish problems.
Anatolia was under Persian control from Cyrus the Great to Alexander the Great. That is not thousands of years, it is about 200 years.
Had our fathers came from China, we would been ruled by Japan, British, Russia, Indians and now owned by Americans lol.
Please do not listen to liars of China on this forum that the PDF members desperately kiss their *** too hahahaha

Had your great-grandma not being raped by a turk, you wouldn't exist today. Wonder how the Huns ended up in Europe lol. I think they were running away from something... Like the cowards Turks are :)
Turks are southern Europeans, they are descendants of the Romans, they are the continuation of the Byzantine Empire.
Turkey has the right to inherit Roman civilization.

The Tujue of Seljuk Empire were conquerors and colonists. They rape slaughtered and plundered the Turks. It is absurd and humiliating for Turks to regard Tujue as their ancestors.
Just as Indians regard the British as their ancestors.

The history of Tujue in East Asia is not great. They used to be slaves of Mongolian, Rouran, Xianbei and Xiongnu.
In East Asia, the history of the Han people is the greatest. The Tujue in Seljuk were defeated by the Han people of the Tang Dynasty, and then fled to West Asia.
The Tujue who remained in East Asia surrendered to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The Tujue leader said that the Han Emperor was his father, and in order to show obedience, he also ate the excrement of the emperor's horse.
These histories are clearly documented. There are a large number of history books of the Han people, which have never been dated, and it is impossible to deny them.
Why did the Turks give up Roman history and become the descendants of a group of slaves?
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