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An Open letter to Nawaz Sharif by Zaid Hamid.

hopefully till that time nothing will be left to judge?
zahid hamid & peoples of pakistan wants to see this terrorism finished quickly, which is just there because politicians like imran, nawaz are silent on the acts of terror, his letter is all about that?
its all about the will to fight terrorism which is done against pakistan & pakistanis by the wahabi extermists supported by parties like PMln , PTI, JI, JUF!
open up your tiny eyes , surly this post will get into your tiny brains!

Zaid Hamid supports Taliban.

Zaid Hamid supports militant groups.

Zaid Hamid wants to solve terrorism by attacking other countries.

Now? Is Zaid Hamid still your hero?
Afghan taliban supports TTP

thats why mullha nazir killed by TTp? & afghan talibs just went fighting against them in tirah ?
no they dont support them doing any terrorsist activity inside pakistan against any pakistanis? update yourself!
next what?

Zaid Hamid supports Taliban.

Zaid Hamid supports militant groups.

Zaid Hamid wants to solve terrorism by attacking other countries.

Now? Is Zaid Hamid still your hero?
if others are attacking us its our right to defend ourselves even by attacking the aggeressor?
ZH doesnt support any group against pakistan & pakistanis!
period! he is a patriot & thus need my support!
this is most halliorious and idiotic letter without any source so.I demand admins to close the thread as it is without any source……:pop:

Zaid Hamid supports Taliban.

Zaid Hamid supports militant groups.

Zaid Hamid wants to solve terrorism by attacking other countries.

Now? Is Zaid Hamid still your hero?

you should enjoy pb.com rather then interupting discussion in this stupendous manner……
prove is support militants and terrorist??
this is most halliorious and idiotic letter without any source so.I demand admins to close the thread as it is without any source……:pop:

you should enjoy pb.com rather then interupting discussion in this stupendous manner……
prove is support militants and terrorist??

If you dont like my post then report it, I dont give a crap about what you think or not.
I'm not a fan of ZH.

But he has made some very valid points here. And his anti-TTP stance contrasts the establishment's willingness to 'negotiate' with those bastards.
He also said right about this useless judiciary.

Do you folks remember what kind of hope this CJ bought us some years ago?
THE ONLY THING I KNOW IS that WE MUST ELIMINATE TTP! these guys are the LATOUN KAAY BHOOT! batoun say nahi mantaay! we tried to "negotitate" and do peace talk with them! BUT clearly they want war & war they shall have!
Who do you think wrote it ? its the OP .... we have the great lal topi idiot in our midst. :omghaha:

Hey Mr. XYZ, got any problem with Lal-Topi, seems it still come in your dreams to haunt u? isnt it?
Are you an idiot or what? Who have given u the right to call Zaid Hamid an idiot?
Shall i name a few idiots of your parliament? or Bharat Verma or lets say Narindra Modi?
Hey Mr. XYZ, got any problem with Lal-Topi, seems it still come in your dreams to haunt u? isnt it?
Are you an idiot or what? Who have given u the right to call Zaid Hamid an idiot?
Shall i name a few idiots of your parliament? or Bharat Verma or lets say Narindra Modi?

according to me they are idiots . but no one in the same league as your stupid ZH.
I'm not a fan of ZH.

But he has made some very valid points here. And his anti-TTP stance contrasts the establishment's willingness to 'negotiate' with those bastards.
He also said right about this useless judiciary.

Do you folks remember what kind of hope this CJ bought us some years ago?

sory to jump in!
but let me assure you pakistan army isnt intersted or disintersted in any dialogs with terrorists at any level?
after what happened to them in lal masjid , now they only want damocrazly elected govt decide the fate of terrorists! or let them free?
so the dam history or so called damo-crats of pakistan never be able to blame them?
yes the very some elected govt which is bassed on political parties who thinks, instead of fighting its better to hold talks with terrorists!
so its on political parties which couldnt find any dam solutions to any of the problems faced by the country in past 5 years?
not only ZH shb but a common man, also ask the same questions lets see what answers would be got?
we are waiting & waiting & waiting!
if this govt fails to solve pakistans problems its on them not on pakarmy, which is giving marvalous sacrifices every day?
lets ask the politicians, what they are ready to give back this nation?
THE ONLY THING I KNOW IS that WE MUST ELIMINATE TTP! these guys are the LATOUN KAAY BHOOT! batoun say nahi mantaay! we tried to "negotitate" and do peace talk with them! BUT clearly they want war & war they shall have!

you hve done great by standing above party lines, you are a true patriot, & i am proud of you my friend!
whatever the differences we hve or can hve, are nothing above pakistan!
ZH is also a patriot, who want a terrorist clean pakistan, by writting a letter to his newly elected PM, he just tried his best to solve the grave problems, its our moral duty to support him & rise against TTp & evry other kind of terrorism in pakistan?
even though we might not be agree to all of his thinking bt we can support each other on important national issues
thankyou for rising against terrorism!
rise & rise again
until lambs become lions!
dark knight risses for pakistan frist!
Most of the time he makes no -sense, the toughest part is to find when he makes sense.
THE ONLY THING I KNOW IS that WE MUST ELIMINATE TTP! these guys are the LATOUN KAAY BHOOT! batoun say nahi mantaay! we tried to "negotitate" and do peace talk with them! BUT clearly they want war & war they shall have!

Mere bhai shukar hai tumhay samajh aagai ye baat :) I appreciate your point of view now .........
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