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An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

now that is untrue. while i am not religious and do not personally agree with many things about such revivalist movements, you can't say there is a dischord between science and religion because there are many scientific facts in the quran about our planet and life on earth such as the explanation of water cycle, development of foetus and birth of babies, shape of the earth, the vastness of the universe etc etc. besides this religion played a most crucial role in the developments humanity made in science in the earlier days, since muslim scholars promoted education and were very good at maths and astronomy, besides map making. i speak about islam only because i know of these facts, and im sure other religions and cultures have similarly contributed to our better understanding of natural sciences.

I believe in religion for sure. But these attempts at examining the Quran as a scientific book are simply misleading. Have you considered the possibility that most of these "scientific facts" that you mentioned here may have been said (for lack of a better word. Revealed for wahee perhaps?) to glorify the creator? And not as scientific revelations? Or that they were already known at that time?

Mixing religion with science leads to pseudo science and brilliant ideas like squeezing electricity out of jins. Or claims that some Hindu god performed a head transplant thousands of years ago.
It's going no where now and will only increase from now on. Yes I have seen massive rise in Hijab and Niqab and even from showbiz many are leaving or are about to leave.
i agree with you that it has seen a rise but i dont agree with the first and last part. whether or not it will increase, only time can tell and personally i think it will hit an absolute high maybe in the next 3 to 4 years but after stability returns to muslim world i think it will only see a downward trend.
and secondly, neither i nor you know anything about showbiz people leaving in the name of islam (except for junaid jamshed). most women leave after they get married because of other obligations, so pls dont lie to prove a point.

Pakistan is a Muslim country with a strong Muslim identity. There will always be pro Islamic/Muslim movements, thoughts and groups. There will always be sympathy/empathy for Islam and Muslims no matter what anyone says or does.

In that case shouldn't it increase when there is less hostility to Islam and Muslims and Muslims are more free to express themselves?
the reason muslims are asserting their identity more these days is because of a feeling of insecurity of being targeted by the rest of the world, just like jewish nationalism during and after the holocaust. just like the black guerilla movements during the civil rights movement. just like my previously mentioned example of communist militants.
so all this will only subside when ISIS, Taliban, al qaeda, boko haram and all other affiliated and similar groups go away and we can return to the good old days of peace in the muslim world, and we stop becoming targets of foreign intervention and the talk of the town everywhere.
Al Huda is an exploitative semi-extremist movement that takes advantage of the religious insecurities of the elite class to entrap them in a web of guilt. Its ideologies are both extreme and in many cases idiotic, but its effectiveness lies in exploiting the rich or upcoming rich into fear of retribution on the day of judgement if they do not follow the guidelines of the organization AND donate handsomely.

Your analysis is to the point.
i agree with you that it has seen a rise but i dont agree with the first and last part. whether or not it will increase, only time can tell and personally i think it will hit an absolute high maybe in the next 3 to 4 years but after stability returns to muslim world i think it will only see a downward trend.
and secondly, neither i nor you know anything about showbiz people leaving in the name of islam (except for junaid jamshed). most women leave after they get married because of other obligations, so pls dont lie to prove a point.

the reason muslims are asserting their identity more these days is because of a feeling of insecurity of being targeted by the rest of the world, just like jewish nationalism during and after the holocaust. just like the black guerilla movements during the civil rights movement. just like my previously mentioned example of communist militants.
so all this will only subside when ISIS, Taliban, al qaeda, boko haram and all other affiliated and similar groups go away and we can return to the good old days of peace in the muslim world, and we stop becoming targets of foreign intervention and the talk of the town everywhere.

It may be a long time before that happens. May not even happen in our lifetimes.
You "cannot" as being a creation comprehend the Creator! As the Creator needs not the creation. As it says in Quran Ayah Kursi:

"Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory)."

What is stated above is a personal belief, and nothing more.
hadija : The first to accept Islam,a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam,a philanthropist,I.e the first wife of the prophet(Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).

She is
Maryam : A virgin that give birth to prophet Isah (Alaihissalaam),she sweeps and clean masjid day and night, She submitted herself to ALLAH and a surah in the Qur'an is named after her Suratul Maryam.

She is
Aisha : The beloved wife of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).A devoted worshipper an educationist, scholar and a teacher of the science of hadith youth as she was, she was highly generous in memorization of qur'an and hadith.

She is
Asiya : A woman of unshakable Imaan (faith), Foster mother of prophet Musa (Alaihissalaam).A wife to a rich, powerful and dictator king fir'aun but yet full of wisdom. She forsake materialism and chosen ALLAH and the Hereafter.

She is
Ummu Ammar(summayya ) :The first woman to embrace Islam outside the family of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam),The first Muslim to be matryed.

She is
Ummu Sulaim : One of The military woman who fought at the battle field while she was pregnant during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).

She is
Fatima : daughter of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).an obedient wife and caring mother,a nurse and a doctor Who treated the injured and wounded at the battle field during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).
YES: Women are proud, they are too precious:
why? Because in The Qur'an, ALLAH named a surah after women. Ayrshire An-nisah
(The chapter of women)
But for only those Muslim girls who have Muslim idiology not like western idiology
Please correct it, You missed the "K"

Secondly, what is "Ayrshire" ?
i agree with you that it has seen a rise but i dont agree with the first and last part. whether or not it will increase, only time can tell and personally i think it will hit an absolute high maybe in the next 3 to 4 years but after stability returns to muslim world i think it will only see a downward trend.
and secondly, neither i nor you know anything about showbiz people leaving in the name of islam (except for junaid jamshed). most women leave after they get married because of other obligations, so pls dont lie to prove a point.

the reason muslims are asserting their identity more these days is because of a feeling of insecurity of being targeted by the rest of the world, just like jewish nationalism during and after the holocaust. just like the black guerilla movements during the civil rights movement. just like my previously mentioned example of communist militants.
so all this will only subside when ISIS, Taliban, al qaeda, boko haram and all other affiliated and similar groups go away and we can return to the good old days of peace in the muslim world, and we stop becoming targets of foreign intervention and the talk of the town everywhere.
I come from a school from where many people joined showbiz and I know even without marriage many are leaving and plan to leave. Yes it was triggered after USA actions but now it has been triggered and their is no reverse gear only 5th gear and therefore it's bound to increase
Al Huda is an exploitative semi-extremist movement that takes advantage of the religious insecurities of the elite class to entrap them in a web of guilt. Its ideologies are both extreme and in many cases idiotic, but its effectiveness lies in exploiting the rich or upcoming rich into fear of retribution on the day of judgement if they do not follow the guidelines of the organization AND donate handsomely.

This is the part that bothers me, the money, and the fact that that to preach Islam they have to live in Canada, (which they migrated to). Something is not right.
I dont think this is any type of development, rather its just dacadence of culture in the name of religion....
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