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An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

I dont think this is any type of development, rather its just dacadence of culture in the name of religion....
if you ask thousands of people in KPK hardly 8 would be knowing what is al-Huda. So spare us of such organizations
I dont think this is any type of development, rather its just dacadence of culture in the name of religion....

Its a thread about Muslim and pakistan ...

Its part or our faith to cover body(For both men & women) just like you have red dot or tikka on your forehead.......If we dont bother when you wear Sari or mini Skirts so why hate for hijab??? all over the pics you have shown is not our culture & why you peoples are forcing us to adopt your culture and follow you...why did you want muslim women to wear Mini skirts and bikini's??? We are happy with our traditional dress..
We have our own Identity which can't be hidden...
& Let me tell you there are many other religion who commands to cover head....
(Quoting me to justify your culture isn't necessity)...
have a good day

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if you ask thousands of people in KPK hardly 8 would be knowing what is al-Huda. So spare us of such organizations

Systematic distortion of religious facts don't always happen at the level of the ignorance or ignorant but mostly it happens at the top who have the power to corrupt it. The distortion then cascades like a Chinese whisper with further misinterpretation to the bottom level.

We all have read the history about all religions including mine where this happens at that level, where Al-Huda is right now.
the reason muslims are asserting their identity more these days is because of a feeling of insecurity of being targeted by the rest of the world, j

I think you may be right on this, this is the Muslim way of cocking a snook at the rest of the world, it will probably die down in time but also will probably increase in the short term.
Its a thread about Muslim and pakistan and an Indian hindu should have nothing to do with it...
And what is culture i guess dressing like whore..But its not our culture......Its part or our faith to cover body(For both men & women) just like you have red dot or tikka on your forehead.......If we dont bother when you wear Sari or mini Skirts so why hate for hijab??? There should be a difference between a respected(Religious) lady and a Prostitute and all over the pics you have shown is not our culture that was just a pagan pathetic culture.why you peoples are forcing us to adopt your culture and follow you...We have our own Identity which can't be hidden...
& Let me tell you there are many other religion who commands to cover head....
(Quoting me to justify your culture isn't necessity)...
have a good day

Its a thread about Muslim and pakistan and an Indian hindu should have nothing to do with it...
And what is culture i guess dressing like whore..But its not our culture......Its part or our faith to cover body(For both men & women) just like you have red dot or tikka on your forehead.......If we dont bother when you wear Sari or mini Skirts so why hate for hijab??? There should be a difference between a respected(Religious) lady and a Prostitute and all over the pics you have shown is not our culture that was just a pagan pathetic culture.why you peoples are forcing us to adopt your culture and follow you...We have our own Identity which can't be hidden...
& Let me tell you there are many other religion who commands to cover head....
(Quoting me to justify your culture isn't necessity)...
have a good day


1. Nothing wrong with head cover, scarf, niqab etc etc as long as organizations like al-Huda does not impose it on others.

2. What's with use of word prostitute or whore by you? Stop this nonsense. Nothing wrong with a prostitute either. If anything is wrong that is the failure of the societies to provide basic amenities, protection, health, education to their subjects which results in profession like prostitution.
I come from a school from where many people joined showbiz and I know even without marriage many are leaving and plan to leave. Yes it was triggered after USA actions but now it has been triggered and their is no reverse gear only 5th gear and therefore it's bound to increase
well you can have your opinion, but i still call BS on that showbiz part.

all over the pics you have shown is not our culture that was just a pagan pathetic culture.
educate yourself man. what the women are wearing in that pic is definitely the traditional dress of each of those respective countries, except maybe for Pakistan because our traditional dresses vary with region. also there is nothing 'pagan' or 'pathetic' about it, it is ddefinitely much more beautiful and attractive than a black polythene bag.
1. Nothing wrong with head cover, scarf, niqab etc etc as long as organizations like al-Huda does not impose it on others.

2. What's with use of word prostitute or whore by you? Stop this nonsense. Nothing wrong with a prostitute either. If anything is wrong that is the failure of the societies to provide basic amenities, protection, health, education to their subjects which results in profession like prostitution.

Yeah but they WILL impose it, that's the point. The ease with which these can become a tool of patriarchy is what makes the practice dangerous. Tell me about these 'my choice' people- how many from liberal societies of teh west select a hijab out of 'choice'? Very few. And who are the most vocal proponents of 'my choice' idea- largely women who belong to the patriarchal system most of their lives. I support France on this because their idea of 'irreligious secularism is defined'. Though I will not support it in India because here it is 'equal respect to all religious practices. But in general I consider it a backward idea.
there is nothing Islamic in Al Huda.....................
well you can have your opinion, but i still call BS on that showbiz part.

educate yourself man. what the women are wearing in that pic is definitely the traditional dress of each of those respective countries, except maybe for Pakistan because our traditional dresses vary with region. also there is nothing 'pagan' or 'pathetic' about it, it is ddefinitely much more beautiful and attractive than a black polythene bag.
Covering face is order of Islam but those who are to busy degrading women by promoting them as free products with things like deodorant are way to ... to understand and comprehend this

there is nothing Islamic in Al Huda.....................
Really point out one thing or one course not according to Quran and Sunnah.
Covering face is order of Islam but those who are to busy degrading women by promoting them as free products with things like deodorant are way to ... to understand and comprehend this
i cant even.....how can you even compare women to deodorant and consider them a product? that is the most digusting and vile thing ive heard all day. cant believe the level to which fundamentalists can stoop. it is you who are downgrading them by not considering them as human, with no regards for their opinion. and im pretty sure that covering face is not order of islam, but it is an order of islam that men should lower their gaze.

Rest in peace

read my comment again. i have absolutely nothing against the hijab, only against the burqa + niqab, which is merely an imported virus that has spread in our secular and modern society thanks to the patronization of terrorists and extremists like zia ul haq in our govt.
i cant even.....how can you even compare women to deodorant and consider them a product? that is the most digusting and vile thing ive heard all day. cant believe the level to which fundamentalists can stoop. it is you who are downgrading them by not considering them as human, with no regards for their opinion. and im pretty sure that covering face is not order of islam, but it is an order of islam that men should lower their gaze.

read my comment again. i have absolutely nothing against the hijab, only against the burqa + niqab, which is merely an imported virus that has spread in our secular and modern society thanks to the patronization of terrorists and extremists like zia ul haq in our govt.
I am not this is what your liberals portray buy one deodorant two women will go crazy and come to you buy this car 4 women will come. This is all done in the name of liberation.

Stop posting Wikipedia crap anyone can edit it. Go to Al Huda check the books they teach and point out one single thing not according to Quran and Sunnah
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