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An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

Really? Logic and science is what brang me really close to Islam because I'm a man of reasoning and logic - I dont blindly follow something. Islam has logic and science.

Let us test your statement from a logical point of view:

Is Allah the Most Creative? Yes. Is Allah the Most Powerful? Yes.

Can He create a stone that He cannot lift?
Let us test your statement from a logical point of view:

Is Allah the Most Creative? Yes. Is Allah the Most Powerful? Yes.

Can He create a stone that He cannot lift?
You call this a logical point of view? This is childish and a trick of words.

Also, the same guy who made this paradox also quoted that 'Religion and Logic is INcompatible" Averroes was a devout Muslim who used knowledge from Quran for his philosophy..
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Let us test your statement from a logical point of view:

Is Allah the Most Creative? Yes. Is Allah the Most Powerful? Yes.

Can He create a stone that He cannot lift?
Reminds of me a post by @Oscar, some months back, about you or people like you. It was on a similar matter.
Many do, but I'd say a slight majority doesn't. There have been rallies for his release, but the numbers expected haven't been substantial. Like I said it is one man.

Well, it goes to show that these people are only a controversial statement away from carrying out/supporting another murder.
Al-Huda is a dangerous organization that acts as the harawal dasta of later radicalization. It must be stopped if sanity is to prevail.
How many terrorists have Al-Huda created so far?

I don't get this mindset. Closing religious educational institutes is not a solution to the problem at hand. Pakistan is supposedly an Islamic society and we need scholars (with post-graduate degrees) to adopt the role of religious instruction and replace illiterate ones across the country.

Secular education doesn't influences morality of a person. Many terrorists had secular education. I can prove my point with (foreign) academic publications. Want me to?

However, a formal religious education can promote morality among the masses. If a person have studied the Holy Quran properly, he will never adopt the path of violence.

I really dislike propaganda efforts to discourage religious education in Islamic countries. Not acceptable.
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Al Huda is an exploitative semi-extremist movement that takes advantage of the religious insecurities of the elite class to entrap them in a web of guilt. Its ideologies are both extreme and in many cases idiotic, but its effectiveness lies in exploiting the rich or upcoming rich into fear of retribution on the day of judgement if they do not follow the guidelines of the organization AND donate handsomely.
Al Huda is an exploitative semi-extremist movement that takes advantage of the religious insecurities of the elite class to entrap them in a web of guilt. Its ideologies are both extreme and in many cases idiotic, but its effectiveness lies in exploiting the rich or upcoming rich into fear of retribution on the day of judgement if they do not follow the guidelines of the organization AND donate handsomely.

There are catholic groups like that as well !
it will eventually fade away once the islamophobia is gone and america finds a new scapegoat to protect its interests internationally. remember how radical leftist movements heightened when america reacted against communism and socialism as state policy? same is happening here, and it will hopefully go away.
It's going no where now and will only increase from now on. Yes I have seen massive rise in Hijab and Niqab and even from showbiz many are leaving or are about to leave.
Reminds of me a post by @Oscar, some months back, about you or people like you. It was on a similar matter.

Please read my signature. :D

How many terrorists have Al-Huda created so far?

I don't get this mindset. Closing religious educational institutes is not a solution to the problem at hand. Pakistan is supposedly an Islamic society and we need scholars (with post-graduate degrees) to adopt the role of religious instruction and replace illiterate ones across the country.

Secular education doesn't influences morality of a person. Many terrorists had secular education. I can prove my point with (foreign) academic publications. Want me to?

However, a formal religious education can promote morality among the masses. If a person have studied the Holy Quran properly, he will never adopt the path of violence.

I really dislike propaganda efforts to discourage religious education in Islamic countries. Not acceptable.

As I said, my suggestion is only if sanity is to prevail. If Pakistan, or any other supposedly Islamic country, wants to promote insanity, it is free to do so. In fact, we can see that happening already. As long as the mayhem remains within their own borders, the world will have no problems watching these countries tear themselves apart. We can see that happening too.
hadija : The first to accept Islam,a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam,a philanthropist,I.e the first wife of the prophet(Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).

She is
Maryam : A virgin that give birth to prophet Isah (Alaihissalaam),she sweeps and clean masjid day and night, She submitted herself to ALLAH and a surah in the Qur'an is named after her Suratul Maryam.

She is
Aisha : The beloved wife of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).A devoted worshipper an educationist, scholar and a teacher of the science of hadith youth as she was, she was highly generous in memorization of qur'an and hadith.

She is
Asiya : A woman of unshakable Imaan (faith), Foster mother of prophet Musa (Alaihissalaam).A wife to a rich, powerful and dictator king fir'aun but yet full of wisdom. She forsake materialism and chosen ALLAH and the Hereafter.

She is
Ummu Ammar(summayya ) :The first woman to embrace Islam outside the family of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam),The first Muslim to be matryed.

She is
Ummu Sulaim : One of The military woman who fought at the battle field while she was pregnant during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).

She is
Fatima : daughter of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).an obedient wife and caring mother,a nurse and a doctor Who treated the injured and wounded at the battle field during the time of prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam).
YES: Women are proud, they are too precious:
why? Because in The Qur'an, ALLAH named a surah after women. Ayrshire An-nisah
(The chapter of women)
But for only those Muslim girls who have Muslim idiology not like western idiology
Pakistan is a Muslim country with a strong Muslim identity. There will always be pro Islamic/Muslim movements, thoughts and groups. There will always be sympathy/empathy for Islam and Muslims no matter what anyone says or does.

it will eventually fade away once the islamophobia is gone and america finds a new scapegoat to protect its interests internationally. remember how radical leftist movements heightened when america reacted against communism and socialism as state policy? same is happening here, and it will hopefully go away.

In that case shouldn't it increase when there is less hostility to Islam and Muslims and Muslims are more free to express themselves?
It is an interesting read in that how flawed the concepts are in Pakistan... Sufi saints have nothing to do with Hinduism and neither does qawwali... these are practices of different Sufi orders who practice certain devotional practices the only reason their is a disconnect is because the land where much of these practices came from is not a direct neighbor of Pakistan it is Iraq! Now about as people are calling it a fad, not quite! It is only natural and has a steady trajectory albeit accelerated. People who consider shrines as local culture should go to Iraq and see for themselves the real land of shrines. Now of course since Ottoman empire widely accepted Naqshbandia as their Sufi order they respected all Sufi orders and built and rebuilt shrines an example is Abdul Qadir Jilani mausoleum built in 15th century and he is not even buried there! And last but not the least in Islam you strive to know the truth not for the benefit of your desires but for your hereafter. While Sufis, Hindues and prosperity Gospel sell easy do desires and how to!
Let us test your statement from a logical point of view:

Is Allah the Most Creative? Yes. Is Allah the Most Powerful? Yes.

Can He create a stone that He cannot lift?

You "cannot" as being a creation comprehend the Creator! As the Creator needs not the creation. As it says in Quran Ayah Kursi:

"Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory)."
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