See we are big enough people to state that if the pandits of Jammu want to remain with India they should also be allowed to vote and they can go that way as well.
But at least give them the option and not force your way just because you have one gun on ever 7 people there.
umm no that is a paltry excuse and does not proves legally, authentically, factually the demographic shift that has been caused over 60 years of transmigration without any national record because you cannot prove that the amount of transmigrated peoples and their kith and kin is equal to the amount of pundits and their kith and kins one lived without much support as refugee another influxed to cause seperatist movements, maybe barring the pundits from voting will equal the number of kashmiris (supposedly if to take your story) that has been killed by cross fire or riots who COULD have voted for Pakistan. Still you have the heaviest burden to prove about demographic shift which you by ANY LEGAL means cannot.
As I said Come and take Kashmir it should be a lollypop to fight against the inferior Indians, we are not martial race afterall