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Amid Kashmir Tension PLAAF and PLA Increasing Their Presence Nearby.

Can yo

The threat exists since long and assessments are there. Be it previous or next hours, men on the guard are alert and fully capable to handle the warmongers cross the border. Let's pray that ALLAH may help us in these times. Pakistan do not wish for a war and seeks peace as the same is our resolve but once attacked, god forbid, world knows Pakistan's capability & why India backed-off from Missile attack on 27th/28th Feb.

Why will india want a war? to divert attention from kashmir or domestic issues, the war would be the last thing india will want. 370 issue was a done in haste, and indians no matter what they say are in panic, yes they want to solve the kashmir issue, but the attention it gained through pakistan's aggressive foreign policy has really exposed india's ill planning, in the next few months the real test of the both the countries(specially india) would be how they mitigate this situation and come out of it peacefully.

As for false flag or war, the level of troop deployment in kashmir and current readiness level of IAF, the nuclear threshold would be so low, that india would have to go nuclear to secure its sovereignty, thats why indian def minister said no first use would be a abolished.
So you think that India is planning to attack Pakistan... But don't you think Chinese build up will deter them in doing so?
U can't defend ur home, expecting tht, ur friend will come to defend it, no one stands with cowards, thy all stand with power, if u hve power thn u can feel after 27th Feb, world opinion staterted changing?
And now, u hve far more bigger support then india?
Wht China ill do its a differnt story or plan, bt what u hve to do, just think about it and plan it well???

Why will india want a war? to divert attention from kashmir or domestic issues, the war would be the last thing india will want. 370 issue was a done in haste, and indians no matter what they say are in panic, yes they want to solve the kashmir issue, but the attention it gained through pakistan's aggressive foreign policy has really exposed india's ill planning, in the next few months the real test of the both the countries(specially india) would be how they mitigate this situation and come out of it peacefully.

As for false flag or war, the level of troop deployment in kashmir and current readiness level of IAF, the nuclear threshold would be so low, that india would have to go nuclear to secure its sovereignty, thats why indian def minister said no first use would be a abolished.
Where & when Indian state has signaled tht thy want to resolved the Occupied kashmir issue, instead thier defence minster said only negociations which can happen would be on AJK?
Which world u, r living in?
Do u think, Tht 370 step was taken in panic?
It was planned well before Indian elections and, was executed at a right time, when u have FATAF decesion pending on pak?
When IMF still has to give funds?
Thts a perfect time to kick off genocide from a part where the majority is Muslims?
To show his RSS supporters tht he can do far more bigger genocide of Muslims then of Gujrat?
Brother, u need to wake up and come out that stupids cowards diplomatic mindset, it's jst spreaded to let u keep sleeping and enemy will cross all ur boundaries and last what u think why ur Pm Jst today told NY TIMES tht time of talks is gone????

Nice to know you are in direct contact with DG ISI
No I'm not, thy have a different job level, but there r more departments which sometimes needs some help, maybe bringing something important without any legal way to pak???
Imagine how many tools would be needed when u be building some missiles, what u think everything is allowed to pak in the world?
Thn what u tnink, DG ISI will board a plane and go to buy all tht???
It all can be done with the help of some independent companies or private individuals SO wht u think, DG isi has to know all of them?
Gss wht, u r Jst a poster here, but what happens in real world, it's another story???
China will not directly intervene in war, they will surely help us with Arms and ammunition supply but that will be it.
China is big brother, thy ill watch it and when thy ill see , it's thier time to jump. In thy won't wait a second hope u hve seen thm in dhoklsn
Where & when Indian state has signaled tht thy want to resolved the Occupied kashmir issue, instead thier defence minster said only negociations which can happen would be on AJK?
Which world u, r living in?
Do u think, Tht 370 step was taken in panic?
It was planned well before Indian elections and, was executed at a right time, when u have FATAF decesion pending on pak?
When IMF still has to give funds?
Thts a perfect time to kick off genocide from a part where the majority is Muslims?
To show his RSS supporters tht he can do far more bigger genocide of Muslims then of Gujrat?
Brother, u need to wake up and come out that stupids cowards diplomatic mindset, it's jst spreaded to let u keep sleeping and enemy will cross all ur boundaries and last what u think why ur Pm Jst today told NY TIMES tht time of talks is gone????

The kashmir insurgency had gone back to 90's level, therefore to curtail it, indian state needed to do something, now if pak's establishment didn't worked on india's options is a blunder of pakistani decision makers. The AJK thing that is being circulated is a political gimmick for local indian public.
Yes, not panic but ill planned, didn't took local kashmiri politicans in confidence, therefore its more of an annexation than dilution.
Not related, you can relate it to af pak, not to india.
If it happens, that will make a stronger case for pak to intervene directly, which will make a confrontational situation for india.
political gain, at what cost? indian state might be?
Something that has changed, and i don't know if indians have realized or not that pakistan slowly is going through a prelude to war, acknowledgment of which today came from pm of pak himself.
Thts up to u, what u think if there I'll be a war, someone I'll gime a dam trophy???

Sir! I don't care whether the war happens or not …. I don't care if there is a nuclear war … Can I please only request you to write proper English in your posts.

It is excruciatingly painful to read your post......I think I will be happier standing in an Indian Army torture chamber than reading your post.

May ALLAH bless you.
The kashmir insurgency had gone back to 90's level, therefore to curtail it, indian state needed to do something, now if pak's establishment didn't worked on india's options is a blunder of pakistani decision makers. The AJK thing that is being circulated is a political gimmick for local indian public.
Yes, not panic but ill planned, didn't took local kashmiri politicans in confidence, therefore its more of an annexation than dilution.
Not related, you can relate it to af pak, not to india.
If it happens, that will make a stronger case for pak to intervene directly, which will make a confrontational situation for india.
political gain, at what cost? indian state might be?
Something that has changed, and i don't know if indians have realized or not that pakistan slowly is going through a prelude to war, acknowledgment of which today came from pm of pak himself.
I Jst don't know, what to call u, a innocent, news seeker?
All wht u watching happening, is not Jst happens, it's been planned and war gammed by both nations?
Did u ever tried to understand why India exploded its nucks in 98?
Too give the Chance to pak?
Sometimes things Jst happens not as we would hve planned them, bt maybe something very differnt, which in the end no one can control ever?

Looking for his burqa. Batman hid it.
Yeh, sometime it works and sometimes nothing works?
Doesn't matter how bigger expert u think, u r?

Sir! I don't care whether the war happens or not …. I don't care if there is a nuclear war … Can I please only request you to write proper English in your posts.

It is excruciatingly painful to read your post......I think I will be happier standing in an Indian Army torture chamber than reading your post.

May ALLAH bless you.
There we go, our mental blockege and complexes still never ending and Thts why if u look our nation, it's jst all fools pointing thier fingers to each others Jst for the sake of thier stupid satisfaction, if u can't understand wht I'm writing then skip it, Thts ma stlye bt leme tell u something, I hve seen a lot of so called Asian English PHDs, looked shocked, ashamed talkin to street begger in English in LA, LONDON, and some in CA, English as language is not wht u r learning fro ur child hood, go on streets in some rough areas of any major English speakin country?
I can bet tht uil not pass a few yards, with ur head twisted and u ill see urself as alien, tryin to understand humans lingo in there so come out ur mental blockege,?
and stop tryin to be super educated fool?
wars not fought how and what u been writing on PDF, thy been fought by a soilder who may not be able to spell corected A, B, C bt he can shot right between ur eyes?
Cause Thts whts needed in a war
May allha always bless u
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help is just help. help from other countries cannot replace ur own role in a war. when it comes to a war thing, we all should be cautious and be responsible for what ourself have done.
is it right to give enemy a lesson? yes of cause. but if we are too weak to give them a lesson? we have to bear with it or seek a peaceful way.
I Jst don't know, what to call u, a innocent, news seeker?
All wht u watching happening, is not Jst happens, it's been planned and war gammed by both nations?
Did u ever tried to understand why India exploded its nucks in 98?
Too give the Chance to pak?
Sometimes things Jst happens not as we would hve planned them, bt maybe something very differnt, which in the end no one can control ever?

Yeh, sometime it works and sometimes nothing works?
Doesn't matter how bigger expert u think, u r?

There we go, our mental blockege and complexes still never ending and Thts why if u look our nation, it's jst all fools pointing thier fingers to each others Jst for the sake of thier stupid satisfaction, if u can't understand wht I'm writing then skip it, Thts ma stlye bt leme tell u something, I hve seen a lot of so called Asian English PHDs, looked shocked, ashamed talkin to street begger in English in LA, LONDON, and some in CA, English as language is not wht u r learning fro ur child hood, go on streets in some rough areas of any major English speakin country?
I can bet tht uil not pass a few yards, with ur head twisted and u ill see urself as alien, tryin to understand humans lingo in there so come out ur mental blockege,?
and stop tryin to be super educated fool?
wars not fought how and what u been writing on PDF, thy been fought by a soilder who may not be able to spell corected A, B, C bt he can shot right between ur eyes?
Cause Thts whts needed in a war
May allha always bless u
Sir still quiet at LOC, nothing happened as per your posts.
Nothing has happened yet?

Or am i missing something here...
If nothing is going on thn why ur PM and ISPR bzy making statements, thy knows something is happening and Thts why curfew isn't takenoff in kashmir?
India is working on offensive defence strategy and thy r eyeing spots from where thy can launch a strike to let Pakistan defend itself while forgets kashmir and its ppls, Thts Nota news now bt the time I posted it, Tht time its a rough info, circulating among all the important circles in the world
If nothing is going on thn why ur PM and ISPR bzy making statements, thy knows something is happening and Thts why curfew isn't takenoff in kashmir?
India is working on offensive defence strategy and thy r eyeing spots from where thy can launch a strike to let Pakistan defend itself while forgets kashmir and its ppls, Thts Nota news now bt the time I posted it, Tht time its a rough info, circulating among all the important circles in the world

What you are writing we are all aware of that

What you posted was that there will be an attack from India on Pakistan within 72 hours - and that did not happen.

Anyway your credibility about such news are presently non existent
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