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Amid Kashmir Tension PLAAF and PLA Increasing Their Presence Nearby.

Comming next 48 to 72 hrs r very important, India may attack Pakistan under a false flag of terrorists crossing from Pakistan
If Chinese / Pakistan air-forces combine their knowledge of region , Indian Airforce can be made shortwork of quite rapidly

In strict sense , I hear they have activated their presence in Tibet region since few years back

To setup a No fly zone over Kashmir
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Next 48 to 72 hours india may attack Pakistan under a false flag any where from borders to LOC
Just defence day parade training :smokin:


However please note the therad is about what is happening in China Aksai / Tibet region
he just watched orya maqbol jan tonight's show in which he said that there are chances of indian attack in next few days.
Actully not, I'm not livin in pak right now, and I don't like orya maqbol too, bt it's been moniterd by a lot of Intel organizations around the world, and ma source is a UK embsy official
Source can't be explained, if u see PAF in skies thn understand tht

Advance Intel, what u think enemy will post it in thier news papers?
Thy r about to do some false flag

And why that advance Intel is released to you???

Actully not, I'm not livin in pak right now, and I don't like orya maqbol too, bt it's been moniterd by a lot of Intel organizations around the world, and ma source is a UK embsy official

So you mean UK know that a false flag from India is coming?
I am Worried for tomorrow!
Why u r worried?
For all pakistanis, it's another mega event, I know from Lahore to karachi to peshawar this crazy nation will start dancing once thy knew a war is happening, cause thy all r armed and if u ask any of them, their biggest wish is to fight a war with India! Lolzz,

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