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American/Israeli & Indian lobby spreading fears about Pak nukes

We dont need to be friends with them but nowhere does our religion or the Quran forbids us to make any day to day contact. And just so we are clear the same is also said about others, the word used in Quran is Yahood-Nasaraand not just Yahood but does that stop us from establishing relationships with them? Why than the double standards on Israel alone?

Islam has no problem dealing with Yahood or Nasara as long as they don't harm you but Israel is not just a Yahood or Nasara but a Zionist identity . Similarly hardliner right-winger Christians like American politicians like Bush and organizations like Blackwater are Crusaders and have clear agenda against Muslims. Add Hindu hegemonists along with Zionists and Crusaders we have a deadly venomous troika of evil against Islam. Now if any Muslim who thinks there is no harm in making friends with such enemies of Islam is either a hypocrite or an utter fool !
That is because Pakistan first took part against Israel in the Israel Arab conflict. Had we mind our own business, things would had been different even if not rosy.

We accept India as a country with whom we have fought 4 wars 1 resulting in breaking of our eastern wing, terrorism in which thousands of Pakistanis have lost their lives, Yet we dont accept Israel with whom Pakistan does not have a direct quarrel. The hypocrisy and stupidity of Pakistanis amazes me.

Pakistan should not recognize Israel as she is an imposter committing oppression in and on the Holy Land. To recognize this would be akin to blashphemy. Bharat is not the Holy Land (at least not from the Muslim perspective).

Israel wishes to expand her borders to the Biblical ones however the potential of Pakistani nuclear missiles makes this very difficult. Hence 9/11 and the whole destabilization effort centred from Afghanistan. Bharat has joined in with this destabilization as there is a convergence of interests against Pakistan.
In the map of greater Israel ,parts of Egypt up till nile ,Jordan,lebanon,Syria and Saudi Arabia are included.

That's why mossad destroyed Iraqi nuclear reactor.This proves that destroying nuclear capability of muslims countries is No.1 on their agenda list.

If Libya had nukes and ballistic missiles,no one would have dared attacked it.

Egypt and Turkey and Saudi Arabia should start supplying ATGM's and manpads and sniper rifles in bulk to Palestinians through the tunnels in Gaza.This is a golden opportunity.Mossad is planning to kill all muslims.Neither America will come to your aid nor Europe.What they did with Bosnian muslims and zero contribution of UN in massacre of rohingya(Burma),Kashmir and occupied Palestine is before you.

They are your friends as long as you are willing to make their enemies your enemies.
The moment you ask them to make your enemies their enemy,all friendship will go away.

They will invite you to conferences and with spark of baighairati in their eyes they will tell you that the world shares common interests.Lets talk about damage to ozone layer,climate change this and that.The world shares common interest as long as you are willing to fight their war in Somalia.But when you call them to intervene in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris and Palestinians ,it becomes a bilateral dispute that needs to be resolved peacefully.

You are afraid of frankenstien if you see it once a year.

If you see frankenstien every day for two,three weeks then the fear of frankestein goes away and it becomes a matter of do or die.

Palestinians see Frankenstein of Zionism everyday.If they can give tough time to Zionists with stones and moltovs then imagine if they have ATGM'S and manpads and sniper rifles in bulk they can throw out the invaders.
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If someone has stockpile of nukes and capability of increasing it rapidly then of course it is worrying... Pakistan neways does not come under Non Proliferation treaty...
We dont need to be friends with them but nowhere does our religion or the Quran forbids us to make any day to day contact. And just so we are clear the same is also said about others, the word used in Quran is Yahood-Nasaraand not just Yahood but does that stop us from establishing relationships with them? Why than the double standards on Israel alone?

Islam has no problem dealing with Yahood or Nasara as long as they don't harm you but Israel is not just a Yahood or Nasara but a Zionist identity . Similarly hardliner right-winger Christians like American politicians like Bush and organizations like Blackwater are Crusaders and have clear agenda against Muslims. Add Hindu hegemonists along with Zionists and Crusaders we have a deadly venomous troika of evil against Islam. Now if any Muslim who thinks there is no harm in making friends with such enemies of Islam is either a hypocrite or an utter fool !
In the map of greater Israel ,parts of Egypt up till nile ,Jordan,lebanon,Syria and Saudi Arabia are included.

That's why mossad destroyed Iraqi nuclear reactor.This proves that destroying nuclear capability of muslims countries is No.1 on their agenda list.

If Libya had nukes and ballistic missiles,no one would have dared attacked it.

Egypt and Turkey and Saudi Arabia should start supplying ATGM's and manpads and sniper rifles in bulk to Palestinians through the tunnels in Gaza.This is a golden opportunity.Mossad is planning to kill all muslims.neither America will come to your aid not Europe.

They are your friends as long as you are willing to make their enemies your ememies.
They moment you ask them to make your enemies their enemy,all friendship will go away.

You are afraid of frankenstien if you see it once a year.

If you see frankenstien every day for two,three weeks then the fear of frankestein goes away and it becomes a matter of do or die.

Palestinians see Frankenstein of Zionism everyday.If they can give tough time to Zionists with stones and moltovs then imagine if they have ATGM'S and manpads and snipers rifles in bulk they can throw out the invaders.

Why on earth would Turkey (controlled by Zionist NATO) and the Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia want to sincerely help the Palestinians?
That's why Mossad is active in Pakistan for many years.. Nothing to be surprised.

Yes, we will continue to grow our nuclear arsenal as much as we want. CIA, Mossad and Raw have been working their asses off for decades to prevent Pakistan from growing its nuclear defence but have failed miserably despite having Super Fire Power & Technology. Our track record is way better than India in Nuclear security and we will maintain it forever.
Cry out loud.... these nukes are gonna be pain in A$$ for some...
Its getting better day by day,more and more..
US, India & Israel can't bare the sight of Pakistan with Nuclear weapons & when they hear the news on Pakistan advancing nukes they get massive traumas.
These are just pressure tactics. Whenever US want something from Pakistan, just create some fear and get the work done.

As far as this narrative, that US somehow wants to destroy pakistani nuclear sites, dont agree with it. It was frankly because of US President Reagan who allowed pakistan to continue building the weapon while lying to his own congress.

US knows that only Pakistan army can be trusted with safeguarding these weapons in Pakistan.

Why on earth would Turkey (controlled by Zionist NATO) and the Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia want to sincerely help the Palestinians?

The only ones really helping the palestinians are the iranians, whether one likes it or not. almost all muslim countries are either allied with US/NATO or rely on their weapons.
Better than launching nuclear weapons on defenceless and innocent men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

nuclear attack or not ... hundreds of thousands of Japanese were going to die in Allied invasion of Japan
Why on earth would Turkey (controlled by Zionist NATO) and the Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia want to sincerely help the Palestinians?

Dear TMA , On behalf of Turkish brothers and sisters I can say that yes , Turkey is part of NATO and have military collaboration with Israel as well but definitely NOT controlled by NATO . Current Government of Mr Erdogen and also large part of Turkish population loves Palestinians and as concerned about Muslims plight as any other Muslim of the world. I am waiting for the day when Turkey may end their relations with Israel and also membership of NATO through increasing public resentment against these.

As for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , it is so unfortunate that they had great leaders like Shah Faisal who took active measures against West for supporting Israel like oil embargo of the 1970s and also supported Palestinian cause but later rulers of Saudi dynasty preferred to safe guard their luxuries and investments in the West at the expense of Muslim cause . Also the hatred of Shia and Iran has haunted Saudis and their crony Gulf states to such an extent that they are ready to accept Zionists and Crusaders as their partner against Iran . They are against Bashar Al Assad in Syria and Hizbollah of Lebanon blame them as partners of Shia Iran but forgetting that its the Hizbollah-Syria -Iran joint punch which gave bloody nose to the Zionist regime during 2006 Lebanon conflict. Weakening them will be only in the interest of Israel and its Western Masters but Saudis and their cronies don't seem to care for this !

This is very much unfortunate for Muslim Ummah ! Our enemies are so happy to see sectarian and regional rifts among us and fueling these hatred even more . Now it is upto all Muslims countries including Saudi Arabia Iran Turkey Pakistan to finish our differences and unite against common enemy who on the other hand are also united against us with a common goal of destroying us !

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