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American/Israeli & Indian lobby spreading fears about Pak nukes

You mean to say out of 10 people I meet on street 7 are below poverty line: :lol: In fact, I meet filthy rich on street most of the times in my city.

"The $1.25 level set by the World Bank is taken as the poverty line globally. The rupee’s value against the dollar averaged 47.85 in 2011-12. The purchasing power parity (PPP) rate for the rupee against the dollar could be arrived at by dividing the average exchange rate by 2.55. So, at the 2011-12 exchange rate of Rs 47.85 a dollar, the PPP rate would be Rs 18.76. The $1.25 poverty line at that PPP rate would mean Rs 23.45 — less than India’s poverty line for both rural and urban areas as announced for 2011-12 on Tuesday."

As per your benchmark, following can be said about Pakistan
Earning $2 a day, 60.19% population live below poverty line

and if we consider 1.25 $ then following is the statistics
Over 50 percent of population living below poverty line: World Bank | Business Recorder

Now, Lets compare improvements.
India’s poverty level falls to record 22%: Planning Commission - Livemint

Poverty levels down by 15% in eight years - The Hindu

Compared to
“Urban poverty is on a persistent rise in Pakistan” | YourCommonwealth

Rising poverty in Pakistan

For a change lets also compare super rich, rich and middle class of both the countries. Why always comparison be based on poor people, rich people are equally part of the country, let's for a change therefore compare the rich, super rich and middle class people between the two countries :) but before we start, you should know that India's richest man has net worth more than forex reserve of Pakistan :lol: Another thing is despite our huge population, our per capita Income and HDI is better than pakistan showing that an average Indian lives much better than an average Pakistani.
You are comparing 1.25$ and 2$ poverty rate of Pakistan to the 50 cent rate of India here if we compare the 2$ and 1.25$ rate than Indian poverty rate is way higher than Pakistan

Pakistan ranks better than India, Bangladesh on poverty scale - thenews.com.pk
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Who knows, some guys were good at supplying terrorists with sarin gas in 2013 ghouta attack. After Russia recently became aggressive against isis in Syria which is a good thing to cope with terrorism but for some it is not good to finish off isis and other terror groups too quickly until their main objectives are met. if I were Russians I would also be constantly searching radioactive trace along georgian border as well with planes and use spy sats more often along that sector.
Our nukes are here to stay. Deal with it.

Not necessarily. Just a matter of priorities. Iran/ISIS/Middle East are the current burning issues. As and when these are settled, expect the world to come for your nukes. Your best hope is that the Middle East keeps burning so that no one has the time.
Not necessarily. Just a matter of priorities. Iran/ISIS/Middle East are the current burning issues. As and when these are settled, expect the world to come for your nukes. Your best hope is that the Middle East keeps burning so that no one has the time.
Oh please, we got our nukes in 1984...
No Sir you are way wrong Israel founding father told its people destroy Pakistan other wise one day it would destroy you.

I will accept any reference on this as long as it is not a blog entry from a deranged jihadist. Anything . Just provide some evidence for a claim upon which you are staking eternal enmity.

Oh please, we got our nukes in 1984...

Yes, you are right. This is from Wiki:

According to ‘The Asian Age’, journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark stated in their book ‘Deception: Pakistan, the US and the Global Weapons Conspiracy’, that Israeli Air Force was to launch an air attack on Kahuta in mid-1980s from Jamnagar airfield in Gujarat, India. The book claims that “in March 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi signed off (on) the Israeli-led operation bringing India, Pakistan and Israel to within a hair’s breadth of a nuclear conflagration”.

It will happen again, don't worry. This time the planning will be more detailed. It better be.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add one of your disease. That's Generalization.

You very carefully generalized and equated 'Indian' to some revenge seeking politically motivated religious goons, which was evident from your veiled attack with infamous womb-cutting incident of Gujrat, Yet you never equated and generalized Pakistani populace with same degree of hatred based on findings of Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report. (or maybe you did, but i've yet to see).

And here too, You somehow got to the conclusion that 'I' follow the leader and that too 'blindly'. And on top of that, you passed that judgement that 'We' as Indians are turning into monsters.

Heights of Generalization.

And NO. You still owe your allegiance to Pakistan however small it may be, which is evident when you refer yourself as "we Pakistani".

P.S. : We need *slow clap* emoji here to show the displeasure. See if you can do something about it.

Oh yeah, I'll also add sanctimonious to the list of generalizations. thanks for reminding me.
Well it is really hard to eliminate entire population that has rarely happened in history and every day pretty much riots take place in India in most it's Muslims who are killed.

Riots happening everyday... Anyways where is the link... If you dont have links, don't quote me!

We know better what our business is as for recognizing Israel that is never gonna happen. Palestinian state with Jersulem as its capital has to be established first until than no relation with Israel.

As though Israel is crying for Pakistani relations.... What would have happened if Pakistan had a positive relations with Israel, May be it would have prevented they helping India in Kargil war... It would had made the Indian victory more dearer!

Thanks a lot, such a thing never happened!
According to ‘The Asian Age’, journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark stated in their book ‘Deception: Pakistan, the US and the Global Weapons Conspiracy’, that Israeli Air Force was to launch an air attack on Kahuta in mid-1980s from Jamnagar airfield in Gujarat, India. The book claims that “in March 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi signed off (on) the Israeli-led operation bringing India, Pakistan and Israel to within a hair’s breadth of a nuclear conflagration”.
That wasn't Indira Gandhi's sensibility. We bullied your nuclear scientists that if something happened we will bomb them. And he shit his pants and ran to Indira Gandhi. Oops.
So how can the snatch our nuclear capability, if they strike our nuclear plants we shall retaliate and destroy their plants but neither we or India can destroy all the stockpile or warheads.
I agree that this is not a practical venture. Pakistan's nuclear capability is no longer in its infancy that can be rolled-back in this manner and Pakistani nuclear assets are likely dispersed across the country to reduce the chances of their destruction in-case of an eventuality. Pakistan and India have achieved MAD status for each other in this matter.

Only the world's greatest power have the capability to destroy our nuclear capability, but this would be a major military operation and it is unlikely to occur unless Pakistan is (internationally) deemed as an irresponsible nuclear-weapons state. Even in this scenario, possibility of a small-scale nuclear conflict cannot be ruled out in the region. Hopefully, this scenario will never come to pass.
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That wasn't Indira Gandhi's sensibility. We bullied your nuclear scientists that if something happened we will bomb them. And he shit his pants and ran to Indira Gandhi. Oops.

A good education always helps. I am afraid it is too late for you now.
Zionist Jews have influence on RAW and CIA to carry out terrorist activities in Pakistan. All the bomb blasts and terrorist attacks that are later blamed on the entity called ‘Pakistani Taliban’ are actually carried out by the uncircumcised agents of RAW in association with CIA and Mossad just to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons.

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