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American called Miss Indian terrorists, hateful tweets

There are stupid and ignorant people in every country, USA is no different. But thankfully these people are in the minority. Most of them got thrashed on twitter itself and if you look at the comments underneath the article, most of those folks are Americans too.

That's true, reality is otherwise. But, the media only choses to portray the village idiots of each country.
There are stupid and ignorant people in every country, USA is no different. But thankfully these people are in the minority. Most of them got thrashed on twitter itself and if you look at the comments underneath the article, most of those folks are Americans too.

The comments of the Americans to the Buzzfeed article and the number of likes proves there are nice , educated and aware people in America .
@Hyperion Makes Things easy for the general American populace ? :rofl:
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Wow..Congrats on Indians being Arabs! Hope someday India becomes 'Arab Republic of India' or 'Indian Arab Republic' with some Sheikh ibn Modi Al-Gujrati as their Emir.
Well, she is definitely beautiful to my eyes, so did all the participants, all women of USA, India and in fact all women of the world...
A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The Miss America Pageant


When her win was announced, Twitter immediately exploded with hateful tweets, with people calling her Arab.

Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you.

Miss New York is an Indian.. With all do respect, this is America

Miss America is a terrorist. Whatever. It's fine.

So miss america is a terrorist

@ABC2020 nice slap in the face to the people of 9-11 how pathetic #missamerica

#MissAmerica ummm wtf?! Have we forgotten 9/11?

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The Miss America Pageant


Congratulations Indians.
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