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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

You have provided 'anonymous sources and media accounts', you have not provided two official versions of statements from ISPR/PA that contradict themselves on the 2.5KM/300M issue.

Is your need to be an apologist for the West so great that you can resort to such blatant lying/disingenuity?

take a break vcheng, i got this response

i am, therefore i think, so i see, as a bee.

the NATO account will give us full details, therefore i can apply ice cold logic to determine how somehow the pakistan army was atleast partially to blame, lets wait for the details and speculate no further.
It's intriguing that in spite of 12.7 mm anti-aircraft weapons and mortars fired by the AK Battalion as well as artillery air bursts in the area where the choppers were flying, there was not a single NATO casualty? I understand that the op took place at night. But mortars and artillery can fire flares too, which could have been used to locate and light up the choppers after which the anti aircraft guns could have taken them on.

Just my two bits as I have no clue what the SOPs are and whether this was done or not. (Requires a lot of coordination though).

You dont shoot down helis with artillery and mortars. Flares could be used, but for what? There were no ground toops AFAIK. Helis can be located pretty easily, it is the identification that is a problem. So, until the helis fired at them, they had no way of identifying the aircraft , or until they would have contacted their area HQ and check for any flights in that sector.
We should tactially arm some rougue agents with shoulder mounted SAMs to down some American choppers or even civilian airlines. The operation should be code name Kenny!
Artillery was used by own side for air bursts against the helis which withdrew. 30 rounds were fired by the field guns.

As to the positions, these are "border" posts and as such would be fairly close to the actual border and not 2.5km inside. Maybe initially the reporting was incorrect, but the facts are that these are recognized and registered via grid positions known to all sides engaged. While I can understand that some map-reading challenged ANA trooper may not have understood, but the strikes were called in by a US SF operator whose approving chain of command was definitely aware where Pakistanis were posted.

But I am sure that you would agree with me, that you don't use artillery guns against helicopters!

The ISAF has been blaming the ANA now, saying they were the ones who called in the air strikes.

---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------

The disingenuity lies with those officers of the Pakistan Army/ISI who reported all that unverified information to the press to fan flames, not me, and all those on PDF and the media that propagated it.

All the backtracking that will now happen will not discomfort me at all, but you. I need not say anything after the Pakistani Defence minister announced that supply routes will open after a suitable statement from NATO.

I rest my case.

Did the army say that supply routes will be blocked permanently?

I take it that the defence minister is not a member or officer of the army.
dear vcheng, US govt has already said, it was a mistake, so you guys will be backtracking from the claims you made if what you think will be the nato report??
When the USA is good nothing is better,
When USA is bad, nothing is even better !

At least for Zardari the above illogical statement seems to be worth in gold.

1 Act from USA has white washed NRO, Imran's onslaught and tails of interior corruption.

I am forced to argue

For 4 years these politicians were American slaves because their children and their wealth was in USA and europe,

So how can the blood of 24 men, change things ? their wealth and children are still in USA, and no one has given up their American green card neither.

Haven't you noticed all the NATO trucks which are sitting ducks, NONE of them have been attacked for the last 3 days ?

One can deduce that this apparently unprovoked attack on a military check post is not so useless after all. The Americans are lending a helping hand to their stooges in Islamabad.

I think the americans will keep the lid on this one, let the PPP give anti american statements and mold public sentiment to their favor and take the momentum away from Imran Khan.

Readers can give their comments hence forth, but please do consider the fact that
the people who sold Pakistan are still the same people, their interests their wealth and family
are all aborad and they themselves are American or british nationals.
We should tactially arm some rougue agents with shoulder mounted SAMs to down some American choppers or even civilian airlines. The operation should be code name Kenny!
Don't repeate the mistakes of the past.
If the Pakistanis have to command respect in the international table and turn the wave in its favour, its always the way you take accontability for what you do.
I or the whole world would be happy to have gunned downed the gunship with the F16s that you have, so that NATO will not dare to attack a outpost of a friendly army again.
.... and as i said elsewhere, that is one of the many reasons why I keep suggesting to wait for the NATO report as well, for corroborations and/or contradictions.

You say wait for report by NATO, but we have got the FIR you might say, by our DG ISPR, and that is good enough for us.

Nobody here cares if the media retracts it's statements, but the DG ISPR has been constant in his claims.
Fresh clashes between Nato, Pakistan forces: US paper

NEW YORK: According to a report published in a US newspaper, there was a fresh clash on Wednesday between Pakistan and Nato forces.

The clash apparently involved heavy artillery fire across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Afghanistan’s Paktika province.

The spokesman for ISAF adds that there was no loss of life reported during the incident.

Fresh clashes between Nato, Pakistan forces: US paper

Pak Army denies report of fresh clash with Nato
Pakistan Army has denied report of a fresh clash with Nato troops on Afghan border.

A US paper reported that Pak Army and Nato troops had a clash on Afghan border early Wednesday.

However, Pakistan s Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) DG Maj-Gen Athar Abbas said that no new clash or exchange of fire broke out between the Pakistan Army and Nato forces.

Similarly, Pentagon also stepped in to challenge the health of the New York Times report. Pentagon said it did not know of any new clash with the Pak troops.

The New York Times has quoted Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson, the spokesman for the American-led international coalition, as saying that the fresh cross-border incident involving NATO and Pakistani forces was quickly defused early on Wednesday with no loss of life.

Few details of the incident were immediately available but it apparently involved heavy artillery fire across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Afghanistan’s Paktika province, said the New York Times.

In the latest border incident, General Jacobson was quoted as saying that it was reassuring that normal channels of cooperation and communication had been opened to resolve the issue.

“We haven’t got the details yet but the most important thing is the normal methods of cooperation worked and there were no casualties, no damage despite heavy firing,” the NYT quoted him as saying.

Dunya News: Pakistan:p:ak Army denies report of fresh clash with Nato...

Two different channels , two different Reports , Some sources say it happened some says it didnt . Details are still not confirmed , but as per ISPR it did not happen , so i will like to go with that.
just saw people tweeting about another skirmish between NATO forces and PAK army.

what do these NATO monkeys want? WWIII ? :sick:

I think there is some sort of drift going on between Army and Government to which NATO is siding the later. memogate scandal already put behind !!

and just saw on one program that Kamran shahid was telling that Kiya-nai said "we cannot do anything about NATO attacks, because we lack technology".

haye shabash aye !! :enjoy:
Come in yaar - unless the source is made in Amreeka then dont bother according to the rule of chengography

Unless the source is said by the mouth of a high level NATO official, it does not matter.

But for us poor Pakistanis, the word of the DGMO and DG ISPR should be clear and enough.
very immature, if there is some problem it should come to the media, nato should explain the prob, but no, their actions are gighly doubtious mischief
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