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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

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From the TT Chairman's own post on the first page of the other thread.

The official account of the ISPR has changed from what military officials were saying earlier; ISPR is already doing what many accuse the NATO of, which has not happened till yet.

are you normally giving credence to unknown sources?
hopefully we are not 'isolating' ourselves

sir Pakistan is doing no such thing and Istanbul was an example of that where iran, russia, china sided with Pakistan. even though turkey on the behest of u.s tried it utmost to convince Pakistan to do other wise.
so bonn is a waste of time as again the key countries that have a border with Afghanistan and major regional/intl players they dont agree with the u.s point of view and infact want the u.s out, plain and simple.

Clash Between NATO and Pakistani Forces Defused

KABUL, Afghanistan — A cross-border incident involving NATO and Pakistani forces was quickly defused early on Wednesday with no loss of life, according to Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson, the spokesman for the American-led international coalition here.

Few details of the incident were immediately available but it apparently involved heavy artillery fire across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Afghanistan’s Paktika province.

The firing broke out at a time of Pakistani anger over the killing of 24 of its soldiers in a United States air strike on Saturday. Pakistan closed its border to NATO supply convoys and pulled out of an international conference on Afghanistan next week in Bonn in protest at the killings.

Separately, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed regret at Pakistan’s decision to stay away from the Bonn conference.

“Frankly, it is regrettable that Pakistan has decided not to attend the conference in Bonn, because this conference has been long in the planning,” Mrs. Clinton said in Busan, South Korea before flying to Myanmar on Wednesday.

“Pakistan, like the United States, has a profound interest in a secure, stable, increasingly democratic Afghanistan. Our gathering in Bonn this coming Monday is intended to further that goal.”

In the latest border incident, General Jacobson said it was reassuring that normal channels of cooperation and communication had been opened to resolve the issue.

“We haven’t got the details yet but the most important thing is the normal methods of cooperation worked and there were no casualties, no damage despite heavy firing,” he said.
It was an accident.

NATO was conducting operations in this area when they mistook the Pakistani outposts as Taliban bases.
Dude, seriously?

This was a calculated attack by NATO to disloge Pakistani forces from the region. There is no excuse this time.
What a strategic masterstroke from Russia!

Russia will exact a heavy monetary, political, diplomatic and strategic price from NATO, which will render NATO's so-called "Northern Distribution Network" monetarily, politically, diplomatically and strategically unviable for NATO.

In simpler words, Russia has NATO by the balls!
I think they want to start war.....
Yes! U absolutely right about that.....The globalists want full fledge war to eastablish their global Govt. so that Anti-Christ can come......Pakistan, Russia and China are their only last resistances.......:smokin:
the very violation soverign land and air spaces by NATO is going to start another war in the region.
these trigger happy morons need to be taught the value of life, then they will think before they pull/push the trigger buttons of the weapons system they maintain.

Ashok bhai - the longer they stay silent the more i realize this was a horrendous accident or trigger happy moronic moron individuals. The investigation and the response they give cant and wont calm the tempers down. Any sovereign state would have the same response as Pakistan are showing. I suggest the first thing they must do - and this may be the most difficult - is be completely truthful because their credibility is zero and any stories they start making up will perhaps will result in pouring oil on the fire.
He is an American citizen.

Yaar its ok..why are we hell bent on changing a person's opinion however ludicrous it may be...
People can choose which side they are on ,if he is on NATO / USA's side..so be it..
Glad to see mass rallies around the country in number of cities in support of Pak army and the martyrd soldeirs. I had almost given up hope that Pakistan will ever be united as a nation, it began to look more and more like a crowd than a nation. But this solderity and support was very moving and overwhelming. ppl and buisnesses were actually asking to boycotts nato countries' products.:tup:
funny thing in this incident is still we are licking US feet and blaming NATO choppers reality is they was US helicopters not NATO lolz we have no balls to talk face to face US we are hiding behind nato even we lose our men what a shame
Yaar its ok..why are we hell bent on changing a person's opinion however ludicrous it may be...
People can choose which side they are on ,if he is on NATO / USA's side..so be it..

I have no problem with him supporting NATO or Amreeka. Just saying why he is supporting them. He is supporting his country which makes sense.
america have to make one decision in their response.

was their provocation? as long as they put this argument forward they will be fine, because the western world do no believe that NATO would do wrong therefore it has to be provocation from the pakistani side, terrible logic but thats what propaganda does to people.

this will then become "his word against ours" scenario with no definitive proof.

you can easily predict the response, nato doing a mission, pak fired, things got out of hand, we express regret, blah blah blah.
NATO done it by mistake...dont you people realize? :angry:

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