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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

thats what you are saying now.

what you said before is pakistan will amend and retract its story. :hitwall:

a consistent theme i noted during raymond davis saga, where you threw all your weight behind US version.

What I say is what I do. The distance of the posts from the border is the first of many changes we will see from the Pakistani side. Let us wait for the NATO report too.

I throw my weight behind truth, impartially. Always.
That would be wrong and unfair to say.

I have said to wait for the NATO report, and then analyze it logically and impartially.

Cheng - your intentions may to view things impartially - your posts dont suggest that. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Many wont as you come across as if you don't believe or wont believe the Pakistani version. Thats why you generate annoyance. Please if you wish to remain impartial then with respect make all animals equal and don't make SOME animals MORE equal than others...... (George Orwell)
What I say is what I do. The distance of the posts from the border is the first of many changes we will see from the Pakistani side. Let us wait for the NATO report too.

I throw my weight behind truth, impartially. Always.

the claims around distance from the border is not relevant unless you can claim it to be relevant.

your first thing to say, and do, is prove this claim, as you are making the accusation the burden of proof lies with you, so theres your cold logic, over to you.

I think its established beyond a shadow of doubt that they knew what they were shooting at. As to what instigated them to do so, I am not sure. I have already stated my thoughts on their motivations.

I missed it, what was it? My guess is very layman, but I think it was another Osama type raid, but their presence was compromised, but the sheer lengthy duration of the attack, confuses me as if they were discovered the smart thing was to say oops and runaway. Perhaps they were just stupid, you know how these chopper American marines are, we saw them kill Iraqis for sport.

The next suspicion is that they assisted some terrorists to infiltrate into Pakistan, but risking such a big international incident was probably not worth it unless their assistance would lead to something truly catastrophic for Pakistan.
I missed it, what was it? My guess is very layman, but I think it was another Osama type raid, but their presence was compromised, but the sheer lengthy duration of the attack, confuses me as if they were discovered the smart thing was to say oops and runaway. Perhaps they were just stupid, you know how these chopper American marines are, we saw them kill Iraqis for sport.

The next suspicion is that they assisted some terrorists to infiltrate into Pakistan, but risking such a big international incident was probably not worth it unless their assistance would lead to something truly catastrophic for Pakistan.

What good is this mere laymanly speculation at this point, might I ask?
If the post was seen or thought to be the source of unfriendly fire, then it would indicate a response.[
No - if the post was the source of fire, and NATO knew it was a Pakistani post (as the detailed account indicates) then the NATO attack should have been called off while the Pakistani liaison contacted the PA.

The fact that the attack continued with an intent to completely destroy the two posts and kill the soldiers there indicates a deliberate attempt to inflict damage on Pakistani forces.
Russia has threatened to block NATO's supply routes to Afghanistan, should the Western military alliance continue to disregard Moscow's concerns about the US-led defense shield for Europe, a report says.

Russian Ambassador to NATO Dmitri Rogozin warned that Moscow will review its cooperation with the Western military alliance on Afghanistan if the NATO fails to address Russia's objections, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

Earlier on Thursday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned that direct actions will be taken if his country's concerns are not addressed.

Medvedev envisioned possible missile attacks on Poland, Romania, Spain, and Turkey as a means to disable the counter-missile batteries, if the United States fails to acknowledge the concerns of the Russian defense officials.

He also warned that the country will deploy nuclear weapons to European borders in response to the move.

Russia's threats to suspend the NATO supply lines to Afghanistan coincides with a similar punitive measure taken by Pakistan on Saturday in retaliation to the US-led alliance's recent airstrikes on Pakistani military forces, which killed 24 soldiers.

NATO started using safer routes in Russia to deliver its supplies to its forces since Washington and Moscow reset diplomatic relations in 2009.

The Russian government has long opposed the NATO's disputed plan of deploying an anti-missile shield in Europe, arguing that the would-be system in its "backyard” is not to secure Washington's European allies, but is effectively aimed at Russia.

NATO claims that the anti-missile shield is planned to thwart possible attacks from 'rogue' states, and it will go ahead with the plan despite Russia's concerns.

If incident lasted for so long... why didn't pakistan send the reinforcement ? There is a question mark on the Operational capabilities of PA.
What part of 'loss of communication' you did not get?

When checkpost codenamed Volcano came under attack and was destroyed, the other checkpost codenamed Boulder located nearby sprang in to action and came to its aid (i.e. reinforcements). These brave soldiers even used Anti-Aircraft guns in the process. However, US forces tricked these reinforcements (including other mods of communication) by temporarily retreating and then struck again and destroyed the reinforcements and along with the second checkpost.

US forces use 'communication jamming techniques' to blind their targets.

In addition, the whole region is mountaineous and rugged. It takes time to mobilize heavy firepower in such regions. Sending more troops to their deaths is the stupidest thing to do. PAF was the only viable option. However, US forces played a trick by temporarily retreating so that Pakistani administration shall not suspect something big.

Also, what do you think that any Asian airforce stands a chance against USAF? Think about it. Even IAF is cannon fodder in comparison.

How it leads to a war with US ? wern't your soldiers firing on the NATO or were just sitting ducks ? Tomorrow if US do the same thing would you again put the same argument ? Come on they were pounding your post with impunity for more than 2 hrs that itself qualified as a war against Pakistan. I am not inciting you but the question will remain that what PA did to secure their invaluable assets ?
No, Pakistani soldiers fought bravely. They did not cared that how overwhelming was the adversary. Many soldiers embraced shahadat in the process. Salute to them.

Even NATO sources confirmed that they faced effective resistance.
VCheng so far your argument is weak. Unless something dramatic comes out from NATO.
What I say is what I do. The distance of the posts from the border is the first of many changes we will see from the Pakistani side. Let us wait for the NATO report too.

I throw my weight behind truth, impartially. Always.
I fail to see how you can claim to be 'impartial and logical' when you continue to lie about the fact that 'Pakistan has changed its account about the location of the post from 2.5KM to 300m'. I have asked you repeatedly to point out where the official ISPR/PA account shifted from 2.5KM to 300m, and you have not done so.

---------- Post added at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

What I say is what I do. The distance of the posts from the border is the first of many changes we will see from the Pakistani side. Let us wait for the NATO report too.

I throw my weight behind truth, impartially. Always.
I fail to see how you can claim to be 'impartial and logical' when you continue to lie about the fact that 'Pakistan has changed its account about the location of the post from 2.5KM to 300m'. I have asked you repeatedly to point out where the official ISPR/PA account shifted from 2.5KM to 300m, and you have not done so.
Another clash between Pak forces and Nato.

WASHINGTON: A US newspaper has claimed that there had been fresh armed clashes between Pakistan and Nato forces on Wednesday morning, Geo News reported.
I fail to see how you can claim to be 'impartial and logical' when you continue to lie about the fact that 'Pakistan has changed its account about the location of the post from 2.5KM to 300m'. I have asked you repeatedly to point out where the official ISPR/PA account shifted from 2.5KM to 300m, and you have not done so.

Already did:


Two military officials said that up to 25 Pakistani troops had been killed and 14 wounded in the attack on the Salala check post, about 2.5 km (1.5 miles) from the Afghan border.


From the TT Chairman's own post on the first page of the other thread.

The official account of the ISPR has changed from what military officials were saying earlier; ISPR is already doing what many accuse the NATO of, which has not happened till yet.
Another clash between Pak forces and Nato.

WASHINGTON: A US newspaper has claimed that there had been fresh armed clashes between Pakistan and Nato forces on Wednesday morning, Geo News reported.

still we are begging for mercy i never read any news abut Pakistan deploy fresh forces and ready for reply same to NATO -US .they know we are shameless even they killed our solders we have no balls to reply with arms .we just can bla bla bla .
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