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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Thank you for that logical post.

For all my impartiality and cold logic, and being blamed for being disrespectful rather unfairly, I know first hand what families of martyrs go through, including a lifetime of children growing up without their father's help, support, wisdom and guidance. Their torment has only just begun and will last long after the world and the country has moved on.

I know.

I understand what you mean, VCheng.
Time moves on, memories seem to fade, wounds seem to heal, do the scars go away?
That's going to be the downfall of the PA leadership. If the external forces don't end up routing them out, the internal ones will. You must defend from all threats. Even if Obama was piloting those gunships and they had a big banner of "Yes We Can" painted on it, it still should have been shot down.

honourable, but not practical am afraid.

theres other areas to readdress any imbalance, if need be.
The posts were not new ones. Their coordinates were already pointed out to the US/NATO forces at least a year ago, any active pilot operating in the area would witness the boundaries mentioned in map or computer of the aircraft.

The NATO's base is also few hundred meters away from the Pakistani base, according to brother of Maj Mujahid Shaheed it was even visible from Pakistani post. (He gave a detailed interview on phone to Tv one). Pilots not only get information from cockpit, but also follow their maps....its not a computer game where you pick any targets of your choice, getting into an engagement is related to mission load, objectives and exit strategy. If everything is available then a target is engaged.

NATO helicopters attacked, then turned back...visited the same place again and attacked...then visited the second post after one hour. In the meantime PA had contacted the NAO counterparts, if first attack was a mistake was the second one too? Considering these as 'errors' would be the worst interpretation of these events.

All I said was it CAN be an error for a distance of only 200-300 meters and not 2.5 km; it may turn out that the posts were rightly or wrongly thought to be the source of unfriendly fire.

There is much to be established yet.
That is one of the many reasons why I keep suggesting to wait for the NATO report as well, for corroborations and/or contradictions.


From the TT Chairman's own post on the first page of the other thread.

Cheng - If the only thing you can pull up is the location of the attack and croak on about it - would it be good to assume the rest of the issues you accept? Is it fair to say you will take the Nato version as gospel?
I sense there will be several different versions and sadly the truth may be diluted.
What cant be diluted and will be put down in history is Pakistani soldiers killed whilst sleeping and attacked - unprovoked and unwarranted - that cant and wont be diluted. As i have already posted the American game will be time is a great healer and let some time pass and the wounds of Pakistan emotions may start to heal.
BTW - does it matter if fatman17 is the TT Chairman? Does that change the value of the quality of his post as you seem to be the only one highlighting what title he has?
I would have been happy if the Pakistani Airforce is scrambled to intercept the gunships and bring it down.
A friendly fire first time and then a deliberate attack the next time is some thing that is unacceptable.
If loss of life and a gunship were inflicted on the US side, then they would dare to attack the sovernity of a nation, just like that.
what is the US thinking that they can go just like that commiting crimes all over the world.

The PA's decession to communicate with the mother fuc$ers is questionable here.
with the infra red heat signature and pin-point kill of men, these US idiots should have had a clear intel on thier kill count and on whom they are firing at.
Approximate translation..

"It has been reported that a team of PAF and Army personnel has made a surprise visit to shamsi airbase and has inspected the drones and equipment there.
The only evidence of the news we could get hold of was this picture in which PAF and Army personnel are shown standing near a USA drone and we can see an American soldier in the background.
ISPR has not yet commented on this news and there is no confirmation or denial of this news from ISPR."

That is a very old picture. It has nothing to do with the recent order to evacuate.
.......... Is it fair to say you will take the Nato version as gospel?.....................

That would be wrong and unfair to say.

I have said to wait for the NATO report, and then analyze it logically and impartially.
Fake News , The Picture is at least 2-3 Years old.
EXPRESSNEWS is quoting some american news paper reports that today also there were clashes between PAK Army & Nato forces and that both parties used heavy artillery, but no deaths are reported....
This is the pic the news is about....


That photo is from 2007 apparently.


Ripple Effect
Just read news on Geo. According to American newspaper there were clashes between soldiers of PA and ******* of NATO. No casualties on both sides. The incident occurred around Paktika province border.
That would be wrong and unfair to say.

I have said to wait for the NATO report, and then analyze it logically and impartially.

thats what you are saying now.

what you said before is pakistan will amend and retract its story. :hitwall:

a consistent theme i noted during raymond davis saga, where you threw all your weight behind US version.
Exaggeration. This is what they should do, but will never.

This should be an eviction, but its been an eviction notice. Lots of time till Dec. 11, time to do the infamous Pakistani leadership U-Turn.
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