As I said in another thread, what kind of strategic direction America is going to take after pulling out from Afghanistan is the biggest riddle to me because that direction has deep consequences for large parts of the world, but especially for Pakistan's vicinity.
Broadly speaking, will America go back to its isolationist self? Or will America truly go on a more confrontational role against China? Or will America see the Climate Change as the biggest calamity about to strike the world and dedicate its resources more toward that? Will America focus more on Geo-economics than Geopolitics?
And what makes these questions well worth asking is that, by all indications, Joe Biden is already a 'lame duck President' and he, knowing that, knows that his time is running out and he is free to make some Big Decisions which would not only make the world a better place but also cement his legacy. This guys has just stood his ground during the Afghanistan pull-out.
He is fading away and would like to live in History as someone like an F. D. Roosevelt if not Lincoln. He might not want to settle as even a Regan. Time is not on his side--and that's good for the world!
Having made above observations, I'd like for us to watch this video where I have selected a part where Biden is approaching China for some Grand Bargain. This blogger maybe completely off but
if he is right then much of what we will be seeing happening in global geopolitics would be just details! Basically, the video is claiming that in a 90 minute calls between Biden and Xi, there has been bargaining going on to divide various mega development projects in the Eurasian continent. So far no breakthrough but if there is breakthrough then I don't see how Pakistan won't benefit and how India won't weep!
Big Powers throughout human history have made a lot of such Grand Bargains and often its only decades later History reveals those.