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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

I like your after-thought punctuations. Nice going. But then it's par for the course for you and your crowd to falsify records, whether written or architectural, to make your communal point.

Basic courtesy? If you are looking for that, get your thoughts in order.

Happens to the best of us. I wish I had a fiver for every time I wrote something over the top and realized later it wasn't my thinking at all, just a rush of blood to the head. It came at a bad time, though, when the whole pi-dog pack were in full cry hunting down their favourite prey.

Tell you what. Let's agree to forget about itt.

In the said case whom do you believe was playing the 'thekedaar of Indian culture' role?? Is it that hard to understand or comprehend? And no I don't want or expect basic courtesy from guys like you, your upbringing..your problem

What about the verdict? It was for women; what do you find objectionable about it?

Are you even aware of what the courts do when these cases come up, and how they deal with the law that the Congress brought in?

Educate yourself Shah Bano case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happened to the we are secular and the law of the land must apply argument?



How effective, to be sure. Guaranteed to reach MMS' ears, presumably through RAW daily digests?

LOL I have a life outside PDF too, it's PDF and 1000 other places too..never have backed down to call a spade, a spade, never will

And the difference between Banglore/Manglore and Mumbai incident is in front of you go tune a news channel or better as I said before..

So that's fine. Amend the constitution. Who stops you?

The constitution doesn't needs amendments..what is required is progressive thinking on part of Muslim community and Muslim leadership..what is required is giving up of stone-age mentality and customs..what is required is respect for everybody especially the country and it's countrymen
Instead of this hypocrisy called Secualrism, India should accept formally that since the 1930s they have been wanting and conspiring all the while to have a Hindu state. What is the harm in calling yourself a Hindu state when in reality you are exactly that? Why should others mind? Hinduism surely does not call for ill-treatment of others.
Instead of this hypocrisy called Secualrism, India should accept formally that since the 1930s they have been wanting and conspiring all the while to have a Hindu state. What is the harm in calling yourself a Hindu state when in reality you are exactly that? Why should others mind? Hinduism surely does not call for ill-treatment of others.

We too want a secular state..either complete detachment of religion from state's affair or at least same laws/yardsticks for everybody, no hypocrisy. But sadly politics in India is either right-wing politics of BJP or that of Muslim appeasement of Congress both caring a damn about future of the country
If you look up the IPC, you will find it difficult to pick a section under which to book, arraign and convict the two swine who attacked the monument. Find out for yourself, or ask a lawyer friend.

You are proving my point that no legal action can be taken or will be taken against them. So what other options people are left with? Are they not on their own knowing well what the legal system is capable of?

And why are you insulting them by calling swines? Better let the legal system decide what or what not they should be called..
You people are just freaking out for the damage done to the memorial.Think about British tolerance when bodies of dead soldiers arrive from Afghanistan and people/relatives of the soldiers see the protest on the dead bodies of their loved soldiers.Learn from British to show tolerance and patience.

We are talking here about the Tolerance of a particular radicalized sect. which is doing damage to our society.

Instead of this hypocrisy called Secualrism, India should accept formally that since the 1930s they have been wanting and conspiring all the while to have a Hindu state. What is the harm in calling yourself a Hindu state when in reality you are exactly that? Why should others mind? Hinduism surely does not call for ill-treatment of others.

India is a secular state if this kind of violence occurs in any other country the state's and the society's response would have been non tolerant one. We are the most tolerant people in subcontinent.
In the said case whom do you believe was playing the 'thekedaar of Indian culture' role?? Is it that hard to understand or comprehend? And no I don't want or expect basic courtesy from guys like you, your upbringing..your problem

Before the surreptitious correction or after?

Educate yourself Shah Bano case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happened to the we are secular and the law of the land must apply argument?

LOL. I was eleven years into my job and followed every detail as it happened. Where were you?

The Supreme Court ruled for Shah Bano, contrary to the impression you seem to have got. So what was wrong with the secular point of view, that the law must apply? It was applied.

You don't even know what the stand of Hindu bigots is, to articulate it.

LOL I have a life outside PDF too, it's PDF and 1000 other places too..never have backed down to call a spade, a spade, never will

Who cares where else you spout your rubbish? The point was that your stance, and your choice of forum,was just an exercise in bravado, since nobody is affected by it, and nothing is going to change thanks to it.

And the difference between Banglore/Manglore and Mumbai incident is in front of you go tune a news channel or better as I said before..

Every one of your responses is based on somebody else speaking for you. Is that all we get? References to others? Can't yu say anything for yourself?

The constitution doesn't needs amendments..what is required is progressive thinking on part of Muslim community and Muslim leadership..what is required is giving up of stone-age mentality and customs..what is required is respect for everybody especially the country and it's countrymen

And you are the chosen one who is going to convert them, with abuse and invective, and by questioning their motives, whichever end of the spectrum they belong to? Whom are you fooling, other than your fellow-travelers? Incidentally, it was one of them who wanted voting rights withdrawn from Muslims for ten years. That is why he was told to amend the constitution. You should try reading posts sometime; it's amazing how much suddenly becomes clear.

You are proving my point that no legal action can be taken or will be taken against them. So what other options people are left with? Are they not on their own knowing well what the legal system is capable of?

And why are you insulting them by calling swines? Better let the legal system decide what or what not they should be called..

If you have read my posts, which I doubt, you will find that I have suggested a section of the IPC under which they can be arraigned for this particular offence. In addition, the charges that apply to the mob in general, of rioting and willful damage, applies to them as well.

So there is no need to take to the street, if that is what you are suggesting.

The law does not decide what epithets we may or may not use for them, particularly if a person thinks they deserve to be insulted. I think they deserve to be insulted. My calling them swine is nothing to do with the law.
If you have read my posts, which I doubt, you will find that I have suggested a section of the IPC under which they can be arraigned for this particular offence. In addition, the charges that apply to the mob in general, of rioting and willful damage, applies to them as well.

So there is no need to take to the street, if that is what you are suggesting.

The law does not decide what epithets we may or may not use for them, particularly if a person thinks they deserve to be insulted. I think they deserve to be insulted. My calling them swine is nothing to do with the law.

I don't want to waste any more time reading when I am seeing the action on ground. Anyways, let's wait and see if those two great gentlemen are brought to justice by any mean..

I bet they will soon be protected by law as some endangered species.
Try not to contradict yourself with such ridiculous ease. If the topic is Amar Jawan Memorial Vandalism, how do you fit in your baggage of bigotry? Read post #196 if you have forgotten.

Why you have to stretch yourself or your parts to accommodate reality is no concern of anyone but yourself. None of the Hindu extremists attacked national monuments, because they were busy attacking national citizens. Only an imbecile would give the national monument over a fellow human being, so now we know where yu are coming from.

Where did Modi come into this? And where did you get the false notion that he had been cleared?

So that's fine. Amend the constitution. Who stops you?

shows ur bringing up !
shows ur bringing up !

It sure does. So?

The difference is that I completed it. From your posts, you haven't.

I don't want to waste any more time reading when I am seeing the action on ground. Anyways, let's wait and see if those two great gentlemen are brought to justice by any mean..

I bet they will soon be protected by law as some endangered species.

And have you ever done anything other than reading abut it and writing about these events? Are you telling us thT yu Re planning direct action? Whom are you trying to impress?
Black widow

I shall continue to shred stupid Arguments in three hours from now. Until then, i shall have the pleasure of the company of my peers: serving and retired officers who were my batch mates at school.

The guy is probably 5 decades your senior, show some respect.

He is not worth your time.
And have you ever done anything other than reading abut it and writing about these events? Are you telling us thT yu Re planning direct action? Whom are you trying to impress?

Wow, stop talking for others. Talk for yourself, please let us know what have you done ? You consider them swines same as you consider Ram sene folks. Since you have been at receiving end from them as you mentioned before, I am sure you would have taken some concrete actions against those radicals of the society. I am sure you must have filled F.I.R's in the past and they would have resulted in the arrests of all those idiots. Can you please enlighten us or in better words impress us what were those actions and how pleasantly well they ended up as?

Or if you have nothing to show, will I be wrong if I say you are like us, reading and writing a lot and doing nothing? Or may be not too concerned as well?

I believe no action will be taken against those involved in arson and I stick to my views (I will be happy if I am proven wrong though). If you have any problems with alternate views, you can very well ignore them and move on..
The guy is probably 5 decades your senior, show some respect.

you mean he is senior so he has the right to ABUSE ! i have not seen a seen a senior member on pdf stooping so low while i was here !
I believe no action will be taken against those pigs and I stick to my views (I will be happy if I am proven wrong though).

Mate, sorry to barge in.

Im not bothered that your idea of being patriotic , is to bring this idiots to Justice. Fair.

What bothers me, as a Indian, is that i dont see you taking to street, asking Justice for the Kargil War Widows whose allocated Apartment Flats were conned by Politicians. I do not see you calling "Pigs" to the Business Tycoons accused of 3G SCAM, who continue to live a blissful life, on us Tax payers money. I can go on and on mate.

No, instead im saddened when i read your comments. I see you, as a person who discriminates Indian citizens based on religion (and maybe color and language too). Im sad , because i saw far too many people on this forum venting out similar views and name calling. And i Wonder why? ....... Cany you recall the numerous times we have said "This country is a hell" .. or "F*%K this country .. It sucks!". I did. A lot many time. As i see it, this people in photograph are simply people frustrated by life. Just like you and me. He was in a Mob, and vented out his frustration at the Government/State.

I hope, you will get a chance to put yourself in his shoe. See, the world that he see's. Live the life as that "Pig" has lived. Then, Buddy, you would have earned the right to ask for Justice.

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